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Strong women share ideas
Three-day meeting in Kugluktuk brainstorms how to make community healthier and happier

Jeanne Gagnon
Northern News Services
Published Monday, February 11, 2013

Women in Kugluktuk want to make their community a happier and healthier place for their families, and for three days this week they will be talking about how they can do just that.

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Key organizer and project lead Millie Kuliktana said a three-day gathering scheduled for Feb. 12 to 14 in Kugluktuk will feature a coffee house, a comedy night and a banquet. - NNSL file photo

Live, Laugh and Love is a three-day gathering scheduled for Feb. 12 to 14 in Kugluktuk, where the community's approximately 465 women aged 13 and over are invited to attend. The women will talk about how, as contributing members of society, they can make the community a happier and healthier place for their families, said Millie Kuliktana, key organizer and project lead. The meeting will also be used to get ideas from all the women on how the Kugluktuk Women's Group should develop its programming over the next five to 10 years.

"We want to talk about how we live, how we laugh and how we love and how can we do that more to be healthier," she said.

Each of the three days will start with a lunch, she added, followed by guest speakers and roundtable discussions. The first evening will feature a coffee house to allow women to interact. A comedy night will be on the following day and a banquet will take place on the final evening, during which each woman will receive flowers, said Kuliktana. The gathering was proposed during one of the Kugluktuk Women's Group's monthly meetings, she said.

"We've got strong women in our community that have experiences to share. We've got good leadership in our community we want to just embrace," she said. "So it's for Kugluktuk women by Kugluktuk women."

If the event proved successful, she said the group hopes to repeat it in the future.

Kugluktuk resident Lashawna Taipana said she has heard a few women talk about the gathering and is looking forward to attending.

"Just to get more information and other ladies' perspective (on) how to live better or how to make the community a better place or how we can help if we're able to help or give comments," she said.

Kuliktana said the gathering is intended to be a healing experience and a fun event.

"It will allow all of the women to come together to be equals. No woman is better than any other woman," she said. "We're all equal women and we want to share and talk about how we can work together as women in our community where every woman is valued."

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