Signed for prosperity Darrell Greer Northern News Services Published Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Shop teacher Paul Yanchus said although the premier was running late and had most of the community waiting for her at the grand opening of the arena, Aariak wanted to visit as much of the school as she could during the little time she had. He said there was enough time to present the premier and the visiting MLAs with a special gift during their stop in the industrial arts class. "They were brought into the shop by principal Michael Gilbert, who presented them with a pen we had made in class," said Yanchus. "Unfortunately, because the weather had delayed their arrival, the kids were all at the arena when the pens were presented. "I was very pleased when she said the pens were 'awesome,' and there's a good chance one of her associates will be placing an order for some of them. "They indicated a staff member would get back in touch with me about ordering a number of the pens for the legislative assembly, so I was pretty excited about that." Yanchus was also struck by a bit of inspiration during the premier's visit. He was working on a small coffee table when he decided to take the top, which had Sakku School carved on it, add some red material for trim and a number of pens, and have the premier autograph it. "It was really a spur of the moment thing, so now I'm wondering if I can do something special with it. "As soon as the students finishing making a pen, they take it home. "So, in order to authenticate the students being involved in the making of the pens for this possible order, I'd like to have an extra class to allow them to come in and help me with it." Yanchus hopes to sell enough pens to purchase a new lathe or two for industrial arts. The shop class only has one well-used lathe, and it's in almost constant demand. "The kids are already complaining about not having enough time on the lathe, but we only have one. "That really motivates me to get this order filled for the assembly, so we can put that money towards the purchase of two new lathes and some more pen material. "If this works out, it would be great for the kids to have a hand in accessing some new material for the shop."