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News Briefs: Wednesday, May 15, 2013
Brew pub passes
Wayne Guy's 81-seat brew pub in Old Town was approved by city council on Monday night.
The approval was conditional upon 12 parking stalls being available on-site for patrons of the pub and a minimum six-space bicycle rack, among other conditions.
Bob Brooks was the only councillor to oppose the approval. He said he would prefer to see the plan sent back to the proponent and administration so it could be reviewed alongside the Government Dock plan where the brew pub will be located.
- Lyndsay Herman
Different approach for committee
Following an unsuccessful attempt to find employer and employee representatives to sit on its committee, the recently established Minimum Wage Adjustment Committee is now turning toward the NWT Federation of Labour for its expertise.
The federation addressed a letter to Education, Culture and Employment Minister Jackson Lafferty on April 25, citing disappointment it wasn't consulted in the selection process.
Associate deputy minister Dana Heide said the suggestion was a good one and will be followed up.
- Myles Dolphin
Zoning bylaw change
A recent change to Yellowknife's zoning bylaw is expected to make life easier for residents planning to add a shed, deck, minor addition or detached garage to their property.
According to a city news release, Yellowknifers may no longer require a development permit to carry out such projects.
To determine if this is the case, residents can fill out the city's online development approval checklist, which requires basic project information, including building dimensions.
- Miranda Scotland
Theatre on the Lake auditions underway
Open auditions for Theatre on the Lake are set to wrap up the evening of May 21.
Community members interested in being a part of the one-act play festival, which runs from July 24 to 28, are invited to contact the group to book an audition slot.
- Miranda Scotland
Racing results
Listed below are the final standings, including the musher's total time, from the three-day dogmushing race in Arviat earlier this month, organized by the Haqihaqtiit Society.
The race saw the 12 mushers leave Arviat each day at twominute intervals to travel the 40 miles (64 km) to Qajugvik and back to Arviat.
The mushers travelled a total of 120 miles (193 km) over the threeday event.
For more on the Haqihaqtiit Society race, please see the May 22 edition of Kivalliq News.
Final standings:
1: Darryl Baker (12:23:54)
2: Andrew Panigoniak (12:36:10)
3: Shawn Maley (12:43:27)
4: Harry Towtongie (12:45:49)
5: Arden Nibgoarsi (12:46:09)
6: Jeremiah Anoee (12:50:58)
7: David Oolooyuk (13:06:37)
8: Michael Akaralak (13:06:58)
9: Moses Kigusiutnak (13:18:37)
10: Alex Ishalook (14:22:41)
11: Brian Ookowt (14:36:27)
12: Phillip Kigusiutnak (did not finish)
Allstar showing
Coral Harbour
Daniel McKitrick of Coral Harbour earned a silver medal while playing with Team Ontario at the National Aboriginal Hockey Championship in Kanahwake, Que., earlier this month.
McKitrick was also named to the tournament allstar team and received an invitation to Hit The Ice, an elite hockeydevelopment program.
Male and female Team North teams also competed at the event, made up of players from Nunavut, the NWT and the Yukon.
A number of Kivalliq players suited up for the Team North female squad.
Areva responds
Baker Lake/Kivalliq
Areva Resources Canada Inc. submitted its responses to technical comments to the Nunavut Impact Review Board on May 8 in support of its Kiggavik Project's draft environmental impact statement.
Kiggavik is a proposed uranium mining and milling operation located about 80 km west of Baker Lake, which would employ up to 750 people during construction and 400 to 600 people during operation.
Areva's responses to more than 400 technical comments from various organizations represents the next step in a full environmental review of the Kiggavik Project.
Hamlet Days
Baker Lake
Reports out of Baker Lake indicate the community's annual Hamlet Days celebrations were a big hit with residents.
A large number of activities were held during the celebration, with something offered for every age group.
Rankin Inlet
The Kivalliq campus of Nunavut Arctic College held its annual convocation ceremony yesterday, May 14, at the Rankin Inlet community hall. For more on the graduates recognized during the event, please see the May 22 edition of Kivalliq News.
Asking questions
Students from John Arnalukjuak High School, as well as Arviat Film Society members Shelton Nipisar and Innosar Issakiark, had the chance to ask a question to Peter Mansbridge and Bob McDonald of CBC-TV earlier this month.
The students asked if climate change will have an effect on the Northern lights. The spot was filmed for the popular Ask Bob series, during which science correspondent McDonald joins Mansbridge to answer curious and cool science questions from Canadians across the country.
The segment, which ran from May 3 to 5, marked the first time an Ask Bob question was submitted in both English and Inuktitut.