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News Briefs: Friday, April 26, 2013
Lane closing
The alleyway between 45 and 46 Streets closed yesterday and won't reopen for approximately a week, to allow for the repair of water service to a building.
Director of public works for the city, Chris Greencorn, said the presence of two large phone lines means the ground must be thawed before work can be done.
The lane will be open only to local and emergency traffic.
- Sarah Ladik
RCMP looking for suspects in Behchoko attack
RCMP are looking for information about an assault in which three unidentified males attacked a delivery person in Behchoko.
The incident occurred between 5 and 5:30 a.m. on April 20 while the victim was delivering parcels to the Northern store.
The man was severely beaten and had to be taken to Stanton Territorial Hospital for treatment. He has since been released from hospital.
- Miranda Scotland
Committee watching ECE
The legislative assembly's Standing Committee on Government Operations will be watching the Department of Education, Culture and Employment closely for the next two years to ensure the department delivers on its promises to fix problems with income assistance programs, which were highlighted in a recent auditor general of Canada report.
"We need to know the $30 million we spend on these programs is reaching the people who really need it," stated Michael Nadli, Deh Cho MLA, in a news release.
- Laura Busch
Power outage due to loss of supply
A power outage on Tuesday night was due to a loss of supply from the NWT Power Corporation, according to Northland Utilities representatives.
Power went out on three of the company's 12 power feeders at about 6:23 p.m. and returned at 6:41 p.m.
- Simon Whitehouse
News Briefs: Thursday, April 25, 2013
Closure imminent for ice crossings
As of April 24, both the Liard River and the N'Dulee ice crossings could close with as little as 24- hours notice.
Both crossings had already closed to low clearance and two-wheel drive vehicles on April 22 because of deteriorating surface conditions, according to the Department of Transportation. As of April 25, either crossing could close at any point without further notice.
Both crossings made it past their five-year average closure date, which was April 22 for the Liard River ice crossing and April 21 for the N'Dulee crossing.
Record prices for NWT furs at auction
Record auction prices for furs from the Northwest Territories were paid last month at an auction in Seattle, Wash.
The fur auction was the most successful sale in the history of the Fur Harvesting Association, according to a news release from the Department of Industry, Tourism and Investment. Furs marketed under the Government of the Northwest Territories' Genuine Mackenzie Valley Fur label achieved record prices, including marten at an average of $164.50 a pelt, an increase of 60 per cent from 2012.
Top overall prices were realized for NWT mink, lynx, wolf, Arctic and red fox. The value of the NWT fur purchased in March exceeded the entire value of sales made at last year's four fur auctions combined.
There will be a total projected return to NWT trappers of almost $1.5 million from the auction. The next auction is set for May 20.
Soccer players prepare
Soccer players from Fort Simpson are preparing for a soccer tournament in Alberta.
The athletes will be competing in Ernie's Rock Around the Clock Indoor Soccer Tournament in Grande Prairie, Alta., from May 3 to 5. Bompas Elementary School will be sending a boys and girls team for the U12 division who will be joined by some Fort Liard athletes.
U14 and U19 girls teams as well as a U19 boys team from Thomas Simpson School will also be competing.
Lawyer promoted
Martin Goldney has been named the deputy minister for the Department of Aboriginal Affairs and Intergovernmental Relations.
A lawyer with experience in aboriginal and constitutional law, Goldney was the devolution team's chief negotiator and helped finalize the draft agreement. Goldney's work will include advancing negotiations with aboriginal governments over outstanding land, resources and self-government agreements.
Council votes on fares
Inuvik council was to vote on whether to raise taxi rates April 24.
The change in fares has been in the works for months now. Earlier this year, representatives of the town's two taxi companies, United and Delta, approached council with a request for an increase.
Under their proposal, general fares for around town would increase to $8 from the current $5. Rates for longer distance trips, such as to the airport, would also rise.
Town council didn't make the new list public April 22, but did announce the new general rate around town would be $6 if the bylaw is approved.
New homeless shelter board
The Inuvik Homeless Shelter Advisory Board has elected seven people to its eight-member board.
The following officers have been elected to the three-member executive: chair Susan Peffer, vice-chair Grant Hood and secretary-treasurer Laura Worsley-Brown. The others elected to the board are Robert Ferland, Lucy Kuptana, Mark Phillips and Heather Wheating.
"The board is still open to new members," Worsley-Brown stated in a news release. "Anyone interested in joining this dynamic board is encouraged to put their name forward.
"This is an exciting opportunity to be involved with a well-established non-profit charitable society providing temporary housing services for those in need."
Hot feet
The annual Fireman's Ball organized by the Inuvik Volunteer Firefighters Association will be held May 4.
The ball is a way for the members of the department to give something back to the community, recognize the members of the department, and just generally unwind.
This year the association is also presenting a kid's day in association with the Children First Society on May 5.
Camping season on horizon
People eager to book camping spots online in select parks throughout the Northwest Territories are in luck.
Most parks in the South Slave, North Slave, Deh Cho and Inuvik regions are available for online booking.
To book a campsite, campers must first register on the Camping NWT website. Registration will open at noon on April 26.
Most NWT parks open on Wednesday, May 15.