Hoops for heart Contest adds excitement to annual fundraiser in RepulseDarrell Greer Northern News Services Published Wednesday, March 20, 2013
Kennedy said he wanted to add a fresh component to the Repulse event this year.
He said he was involved with a Hoops-For-Heart fundraiser while in the south and thought it would go over well in Repulse.
"Basically, I just thought borrowing from that concept would spice up the event this year for the older kids," said Kennedy.
"The kids in high school don't get as excited about jumping rope as the younger kids do.
"I was lucky enough to get in contact with Karen Yip of Calm Air, and I asked if she could make a donation to our fundraiser.
"She donated a pair of passes to anywhere in the Kivalliq, which allowed us to host the shooting contest."
People paid $2 a shot, or three for $5, to sink one basket and have their name entered in a draw for the tickets.
The high school students had to shoot from mid-court, while the middle school kids shot from the three-point line, and the younger kids shot from about eight feet away.
"A little girl, Angel Milortok, ended up being our winner," said Kennedy.
"We lowered the basket for the Grade 1 students, who shot from a crease around the circle, so it wasn't too hard for her.
"I held a practice the previous day during gym class, and they were doing it fairly well, but only a few managed it during the actual contest.
"I had one student do it two out of three times during practice, which was pretty amazing, but the next day he was completely shut out."
Kennedy said he was pleased with how the Hoops For Heart Challenge went.
He said a lot of parents came out to cheer on their kids during the contest.
"There was a lot of interest, but any time you offer a nice prize it seems to attract people.
"Sometimes it's hard to get donations for a fundraiser, but, if you have the opportunity to win a major prize, people get pretty excited.
"Kids, especially, are more likely to contribute to a cause if they have a chance at winning something, especially a prize like two Calm Air tickets."