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News Briefs: Wednesday, February 6, 2013
HIV-positive man pleads guilty
A 27-year-old HIV-positive man pleaded guilty to three counts of aggravated sexual assault on Monday in Supreme Court.
Bobby Kaotalok was arrested on Feb. 24, 2011, and is charged with having sex with three women without telling them he is HIV positive.
The case was set for trial Monday and scheduled to last five days when Kaotalok entered his guilty plea. Justice Virginia Schuler set the sentencing for March 20, allowing for a pre-sentence report to be completed.
- Katherine Hudson
New juror box in courtroom
One of the courtrooms used for Supreme Court proceedings is being prepared for renovations this week.
Due to a recent change in the Criminal Code of Canada, the 12-seat juror box in Courtroom 1 must be renovated to accommodate 14 jurors, said Department of Justice spokesperson Sue Glowach,.
There will also be general renovations to the room as well. Construction is scheduled to last until the end of April and is costing approximately $655,000.
A neighbouring courtroom will also be closed for the duration of the work.
All court matters will be taking place between courtrooms 3, 4 and 5.
- Katherine Hudson
Legislative assembly resumes today
The 17th legislative assembly of the NWT begins its fourth session at 1:30 p.m. today.
Finance Minister Michael Miltenberger announced Tuesday he will release the GNWT's budget for operational spending in 2013-14 tomorrow afternoon.
Yellowknifer will be live blogging throughout the session at www.nnsl.com.
- Laura Busch
Elders on the move
Elders have until Friday to register for the Elders in Motion training gathering, which is being hosted by the NWT Recreation and Parks Association.
The gathering allows elders, health professionals, youth and other people interested in seniors' physical fitness and well-being to learn some of the safest and best practices. It is scheduled for Feb. 12 and 13 at the Baker Centre.
- Katherine Hudson
KaretakLindell appointed
Northwestel has announced former Nunavut MP Nancy KaretakLindell of Arviat has been appointed to its board of directors.
The company made the announcement this past month.
Since stepping down from Parliament, KaretakLindell served as director of the Jane Glassco Arctic Fellowship program between 2009 and 2012, where she mentored fellows in a two-year publicpolicyresearch program about issues affecting the North.
KaretakLindell said in a news release she was excited to join a company as involved in the North as Northwestel.
"I look forward to serving Northerners and to working with the board to help develop plans to ensure continued success as Northwestel enters its next phase of growth," KaretakLindell stated in the release.
Gear donation
Rankin Inlet/Alberta
Hockey official Lindsey Juniper will be bringing more than his whistle when he arrives in Rankin Inlet to help officiate the Polar Bear Plate juvenilejunior tournament this week.
Juniper will be bringing six large containers of used hockey equipment to be given free to players in the Rankin Inlet Minor Hockey Association or any visiting minor hockey players from other Kivalliq communities.
The gear was donated by the Grande Prairie Minor Hockey Association in Grande Prairie, Alta.
Sakku First Aviation volunteered to transport the gear to Rankin. All of the equipment donated to Rankin will be suitable for children aged five to 12 years.
Juniper will also be travelling to Arviat the following weekend with Rankin officials Max MacDonald and Darrell Greer to officiate at the Nunavut Midget Territorial Hockey Championship.
Guilty plea
Bernie Okotak, 27, of Arviat pleaded guilty this past week to stealing a handgun from a police detachment and using it to kill a dog.
Okotak admitted to breaking into the Arviat detachment of the RCMP on April 27, 2012, and stealing the 9mm service pistol he used to shoot the dog. Okotak, himself, was shot and wounded by RCMP during his arrest.
Okotak also pleaded guilty at the Nunavut Court of Justice in Iqaluit to possession of a weapon for a dangerous purpose and possession of a restricted firearm and ammunition.
His next court appearance is scheduled for March 5.
Faster Internet
Rankin Inlet
Residents of Rankin Inlet will soon be able to surf the Internet at higher speeds.
NorthwesTel has announced it's bringing its DSL Internet service to Rankin this month. The majority of users will have access to the new service by Feb. 11, with all residents having access to the faster speeds by the summer of 2013.