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News Briefs: Friday, Nov 2, 2012
Yellowknifers may see NHL action
Former National Hockey League player John Chabot is putting the final touches on a tour that will see some members of the Ottawa Senators and other NHL teams come to Yellowknife and play.
According to the Senators Extra website, Chabot is looking to organize a charity tour involving locked-out players and it could involve as many as three games in the NWT, and at least one in Yellowknife.
The potential start date is Nov. 18 and there could be as many as 28 players making the trip from Ottawa, Montreal and Toronto.
There is a press conference scheduled today in Ottawa to announce further details of the lockout tour.
See the next edition of Yellowknifer for a full story on the trip.
- James McCarthy
Human rights on the big screen
The Amnesty International Yellowknife group is hosting a Human Rights film night at Northern United Place on Tuesday. The organization is showing two films with inspiring human rights stories from the Philippines and Kenya.
The shows start at 7 p.m. and admission is by donation. Refreshments will be provided.
- Katherine Hudson
United Way funding recipients announced
United Way NWT announced the lucky recipients who will share in the $70,000 the organization is donating with the goal of helping those in poverty to a more stable life, build strong communities and strengthen child development.
This year, 22 projects from Yellowknife and Inuvik are on the recipients list, including the Canadian Hard of Hearing Association, Food Rescue, the YMCA's Girl Space, Bailey House, the Yk Food Bank, NWT Special Olympics, the SideDoor Youth Centre and the NWT SPCA, among others.
This is the first year the membership of United Way NWT includes non-profit organizations from every community in the territory.
- Katherine Hudson
Fall back
This weekend will be an hour longer than normal. Daylight time ends at 2 a.m. on Sunday morning. Clocks will be an hour earlier at that time, allowing everyone to sleep in for an extra hour on Sunday.
- NNSL staff
News Briefs: Thursday, Nov. 1, 2012
Clinics still running
The GNWT announced that public immunization clinics will still run on schedule, after a recommendation from Health Canada that Novartis flu vaccines not be used.
Health Canada made the suggestion after clumping particles were discovered in the company's vaccines in Europe. However, Andre Corriveau, NWT's chief public health officer, said residents in the territory needn't worry.
"This isn’t a major concern for us in the NWT, as the bulk of our supply comes from a different supplier. I have therefore instructed our clinics to proceed as planned," Corriveau stated in a news release. "Influenza vaccine remains our best prevention against the flu, and I therefore encourage all residents to get their shot."
Clinics are set to be held in Wrigley, Trout Lake, Nahanni Butte, Fort Simpson, Jean Marie River and Fort Providence.
Happy Halloween
A number of events were held in the Deh Cho this week to celebrate Halloween.
There were a number of community dances, a haunted house and of course trick or treating on Wednesday evening.
The Halloween tradition originates from an old Celtic festival titled Samhain, according to the website history.com. During the festival, the Celts would sacrifice animals, vegetables and fruits to the dead. In the eighth century, Pope Gregory III incorporated some of those traditions into All Saints Day, which occurred on Nov. 1. Also, the evening prior became known as All Hallows' Eve and eventually Halloween.
Supportingaboriginal women
Applications are now being accepted for the Aboriginal Women's Program Elements.
Aboriginal community groups or not-for-profit organizations are encouraged to apply for the funding. The money is meant to be used for women's activities that are community based and culturally relevant, family violence initiatives and self-government initiatives.
Applicants must submit a proposal template, a project budget and a work plan template. More information can be found on the Canadian Heritage website. The deadline for the application is Dec. 12.
Watch the road
The minister of transportation is reminding drivers to take extra caution this time of year and watch out for pedestrians.
"Drivers contribute to the safety of our roads and highways by driving without distractions, by paying attention, and by respecting pedestrians using crosswalks," David Ramsay stated in a news release.
Standoff ends peacefully
An armed standoff between an individual and RCMP officers ended peacefully Saturday.
At 4:55 a.m., RCMP responded to a call on Kugmallit Road and found a 36-year-old man had barricaded himself inside his home and was threatening suicide.
After six hours, the man surrendered and was taken into custody. RCMP officers seized 11 firearms from the residence.
The man has been released and is scheduled to appear in territorial court in Inuvik on Jan. 18 where he will face two charges of firearms-related offences and one charge of assault.
Fundraiser Sunday
A pancake breakfast is being held at the Royal Canadian Legion on Sunday.Running from 10 a.m. until 3 p.m., everyone is welcome to come out and raise funds for the family of Paulousie Ittungna.
Crafty occasion
Aurora College is hosting a craft and bake sale Saturday from 11 a.m. until 3 p.m.
The sale will take place in the lobby of Aurora College and will feature works from local artists.
Zumba returns
Zumba classes start again at the Midnight Sun Complex Nov. 6.
Led by Rose Constantineau, the classes are scheduled for twice a week, Tuesdays and Thursdays, and are one hour each.
Hootenanny on the Delta
A fundraising wet dance is to be held Nov. 17 at the Midnight Sun Complex, hosted by Tot Spot, a member of the Children First Society.
"It's a country dance party at the rec centre," said Stella Patera, a member of the board of directors.
"We tried to hold it on a weekend where it wouldn't compete with other events."
Starting at 9 p.m., the dance will feature music from DJ Steve Baryluk, who Patera said will have a selection of country music as well as a sampling of other music.
Time to fall back
Daylight time comes to an end Sunday morning. Don't forget to set your clocks back one hour.