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Election time for hamlets Seven communities have Dec. 10 dates at the polls; three extend nominations
Lyndsay Herman
Northern News Services
Published Monday, November 19, 2012
The second Monday of December will be a busy one for many hamlets in the territory.
Ten hamlets are scheduled to hold elections on Dec. 10 for mayor and council.
Two mayors will take office by acclamation. Ray Ruben Sr. will continue as Paulatuk's mayor and Betty Haogak, the mother of Sachs Harbour's current mayor Priscilla Haogak, will take on her first term in the position.
Ulukhaktok and Fort Providence have among the highest number of candidates in the territory. In Fort Providence, two candidates are vying for mayor, but their names also stand among the 13 contenders running for six seats on hamlet council. The unsuccessful candidate for mayor could therefore still win a council seat with enough votes.
The enthusiasm in Fort Providence is something Susan Christie, senior administrative officer for the hamlet, has seen growing in recent years.
"The last few years we've had really good interest," she said. "We have had to extend nominations before but last year we had a lot of interest as well."
Fort Liard, Enterprise and Sachs Harbour have extended the deadline for council nominations until Nov. 19.
Hamlet council candidates
Council candidates (four seats)
- Billy Archie
- Michael Greenland
- Neil Heron
- Eugene Pascal
- Don Storr
- Richard Storr Sr.
Fort McPherson
Council candidates(four seats)
- Peter J. Vittrekwa
- Taig Connell
- Krista Jerome
- Larry Firth
- John Peterson
- James Andre
- Wayne Greenland
- Shaylene Allen
Fort Providence
Mayoral candidates:
Council candidates (six seats)
- Rosemary Bonnetrouge
- Victor Constant
- Rocky Elleze
- Eric Gargan
- Tina Gargan
- Evelyn Krutko
- Berna Landry
- Edward Landry
- Pearl Leishman
- Betty-Ann Minoza
- Rosemary Minoza
- Hilda Sabourin
- Steven Vandell
Fort Resolution
Council candidates (three seats)
- Louis Balsillie
- Gordon Beaulieu
- Arthur Beck
- Freddy Collins
- Stephen Cuthbert
- Tammy Hunter
- Brandie Miersch
- Wilfred Simon
Mayoral candidate:
- Ray Ruben Sr. - acclaimed
Council candidates (four seats)
- Keith Dodge
- Andy Green
- Michael Green
- Jonah Nakimayak
- Donna Ruben
- Nelson Ruben
- Millie Thrasher
- Terry Thrasher
Council candidates (five seats)
- Lena Kotokak
- Darrell Nasogaluak
- Dennis Raddi Sr.
- Heavenly Gloria Elias-Gruben
- Eddie Dillon
- Georgina Jacobson-Masuzumi
- Jean Gruben
- Julia Cockney
- Annie Verna Felix
- James Pokiak
- Ernest Pokiak
- John Russell
Mayoral candidates:
- Joe Nilgak
- Colin Okheena
- Susan Kaodloak
- Jack Akhiatak
Council candidates (eight seats)
- Kimberly Joss
- Mollie Oliktoak
- Margaret Kanayok
- Jean Ekpakohak
- Tyler Inuktalik
- Jack Akhiatak
- Trudy Anne Akoaksion
- Mardon Martin
- Tracey Kanayok
- Agnes Kutana
- Connie Alanak
- Mary Kudlak
Source: GNWT and hamlets