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Create a stable environment NWT News/North - Monday, Oct 29, 2012
Today, very few remain unaware of the psychological, physical and intellectual harm liquor can cause a fetus and the development of the child into adulthood. Unfortunately, it is difficult to say how many people in the NWT have some form of FASD because it is difficult to diagnose and it is not necessary for health professionals to report confirmed diagnoses. However, anecdotal evidence from health and justice professionals suggests that FASD stats in the NWT exceed the Canadian average of nine of every 1,000 births. The high rate of addiction in the NWT would also support that hypothesis. Battling addictions is the obvious first step, and something the GNWT has been working at for decades. This is why suggestions made in the legislative assembly last week to have addiction treatment centres, possibly located in Yellowknife and the Beaufort Delta, are worth looking into. Beyond our continuing fight against alcoholism, the GNWT must begin to fully understand the extent of the FASD problem and that means tracking the number of people who are diagnosed. Knowing the numbers will allow us to tailor programs to not only support children born with the disorder but identify where awareness and support programs would be most effective. Programs to support children with FASD are vital, not only to their future, but for the good of the community as a whole. A GNWT report titled FASD in NWT Corrections points to a study conducted in Seattle in 1996. It found that nearly all children with FASD experienced issues that negatively affect broader society. For example, 60 per cent of those with FASD found themselves in trouble with the law; 50 per cent were jailed or institutionalized; 30 per cent had substance abuse issues; 80 per cent were unable to live independently and had difficulty with employment. A recent series published in News/North featured adults living with FASD who are participating in an assisted living and employment program that helps overcome barriers associated with FASD impediments. Such programs help keep people out of the justice system, which not only saves tax dollars but prevents the unfortunate circumstance of criminalizing behaviour caused by a disability. The key is introducing a routine and stable environment that people with FASD can live in productively. Unfortunately, Yellowknife has the only comprehensive FASD support program in the territory. What is needed are more programs of a similar nature that will allow people to stay close to personal support networks. For that to be a possibility, however, we need to get a handle on the extent of the problem, and that means reliable and current statistics. We urge the GNWT to make reporting of FASD diagnoses mandatory - because diagnoses are hard to make accurately, that would include cases where FASD is suspected. Only with a better understanding of the extent of the problem can we justify spending an appropriate amount of tax money to combat the issue.
Nunavut's most dangerous household item Nunavut News/North - Monday, Oct 29, 2012 Almost every edition of Nunavut News/North contains at least one story involving firearms, and they usually follow one of two themes: a successful hunt or the arrest of a troubled individual. Firearms are necessary in the territory for hunting, and there are many capable handlers of these weapons who pass along their knowledge to their children or grandchildren. Unfortunately, not everyone gets the proper guidance, not everyone is fully aware of the danger of the tool, and not every firearm is kept locked up and away from ammunition. There were 73 calls for service to the RCMP "with firearms implications" between the beginning of January and Sept. 5 of this year. Among those incidents was the use of a firearm in committing a sexual assault, seven instances of pointing a firearm, five calls were for discharging a firearm with intent and 17 were careless use of a firearm. In some of those cases, police were targeted. There are several issues at play, the primary one being mental health and the lack of resources to effectively tackle that problem. Not everyone who comes in contact with a firearm fully understands the dangers posed by the device. The Canadian Firearms Safety Course, taught to those seeking a firearms possession and acquisition licence, is mostly common sense - ask anyone who's taken the course. However, it is full of essential knowledge regarding the safe handling of these tools. It reinforces muzzle control through both written and practical aspects, and repeats the mantra that the end of that barrel can mean death, and must never, even when unloaded, be pointed in the direction of a human. Why not teach this in schools? It's not a new concept, and if any place in Canada should have this as part of its school curriculum, Nunavut, with its hunting culture, is it. The safety course won't do anything to alleviate the housing crunch, and it won't do anything to help heal the mental health issues. Perhaps, though, it might make a troubled person aware of the gravity of the instrument. Perhaps it will increase the practice of using gun locks and keeping guns and ammunition stored separately and out of sight. These precautions can sometimes provide enough time for an angered person searching for a gun to calm down, or for someone else to see what's going on and intervene. Guns will be a part of life in Nunavut for many years to come, so let's make sure safety practices are just as prevalent as the firearms.
Final push for BETTY House Weekend Yellowknifer - Friday, Oct 26, 2012
BETTY House, a transitional home for women and children, is a project that's been undertaken by the Yellowknife Homelessness Coalition. The facility, which will be owned and operated by the YWCA, has been a goal for more than two years and it has made great strides since its start: more than half the funds to construct and furnish the shelter have been raised and the lots on 54 Street are purchased and ready for development. However, besides large grants from the federal government and generous donations from corporations, there haven't been many new developments over the past six months. This is one of the reasons why the YWCA stepped away from the homelessness coalition this past summer - a loss of momentum in fundraising. Earlier this week, the YWCA reiterated its dismay that more hasn't been accomplished over the past few months. It is understandable that the YWCA is urging the people behind this project to move forward, and fast. The YWCA is on the frontlines and sees numerous women and children in need of a safe and affordable place. There is inadequate transitional housing to meet the serious need in the city, which is most likely why there is a palpable eagerness for the completion of this structure. Although shovels aren't yet in the ground, work is being done. A little more than $3 million is still needed before construction can commence. The final goal is expected to be more than $6 million - the final figure depends on future in-kind donations the project might receive. The coalition is preparing for its final fundraising push, according to Gord Van Tighem, outgoing mayor and chair of the group's fundraising committee. The hope is to start construction in the spring and then complete BETTY House in 2014. Whatever disputes there have been over the project ought to remain in the past. This much-needed building requires the support of the community. Let's get this done and get families into a safe environment, something the whole community can be proud of accomplishing.
Yellowknife is addictions ground zero Weekend Yellowknifer - Friday, Oct 26, 2012 The territorial government appears to be finally inching toward opening an addictions treatment centre in Yellowknife after years without any options other than sending patients outside the NWT or to the Nats'ejee K'eh Treatment Centre in Hay River. This came to light last week after Yellowknife Centre MLA Robert Hawkins queried Health and Social Services Minister Tom Beaulieu on how the government plans to combat the scourge of alcohol and drug addiction that is rampant in our community. The NWT Bureau of Statistics indicates that 36 per cent of NWT residents consume five or more drinks per sitting and 29 per cent of them do it more than once a week. It's a shocking statistic and the fact that Yellowknife doesn't have an addictions treatment centre where half the population lives is simply appalling. Beaulieu said a working group of 14 people has been assembled to travel the territory to get a sense of how huge the issue is. We would argue the group shouldn't have to travel very far because Yellowknife has most of the people hooked on drugs and alcohol - it's the place where most of the territory's addicts go to satisfy their unhealthy obsessions. This where Hawkins misses the mark by suggesting a treatment centre "doesn't have to happen in Yellowknife." It absolutely has to happen here. To place an addictions centre somewhere else without opening one in Yellowknife is to ignore most of the people who need help. This is not the time, nor is it the issue, to bat around over regional politics. Yellowknife needs an in-patient treatment centre, and we need it now.
Prepare for emergencies Editorial Comment Miranda Scotland Deh Cho Drum - Thursday, Oct. 25, 2012 As the winter weather continues to roll in and the highways get worse it's a good idea for residents to make sure their vehicles are working well and that they are stocked with emergency items in case of an accident. Travellers should keep blankets, a first aid kit, a flashlight, water and food in their vehicles. Also, if you have the money, satellite phones are helpful but Department of Transportation spokesperson Earl Blacklock says travellers shouldn't rely on those alone. "Even a satellite phone can't guarantee that you're going to be able to get reception. Generally, the most important thing is for people to ensure that they are prepared for going off the road, for surviving until somebody is able to provide them assistance," Blacklock said. There are fewer collisions on the territory's rural roadways than in the communities but they still happen. According to the latest version of NWT Traffic Collision Facts, there were 20 collisions on Highway 1 in 2010 that left 12 people injured and one person dead. Meanwhile, on the Liard Highway, there were four collisions. Also, this year, there was a bad accident on the Liard Highway where a minivan collided with a transport truck. The driver of the van was pinned inside the vehicle in -23 C weather. Fortunately, Rowe's construction had a camp nearby. The workers called the Fort Liard RCMP and also brought a generator and heater to the driver to keep him warm. He was later flown to the Fort Simpson Health Centre and then medevaced in stable condition. The passenger who was with him during the accident was also taken to the health centre and later released. The pair were very lucky but not everyone is. When an accident happens on a remote highway your survival is sometimes not in your own hands but in those of the next traveller. You have to be prepared to wait minutes or even hours in what ever weather mother nature throws at you. A blanket, a Band-Aid, a bottle of water could mean the difference between a bearable situation and a bad situation. You make the choice. Tricks and treats Editorial Comment Danielle Sachs Inuvik Drum - Thursday, Oct. 25, 2012 We're a week away from Halloween and all the ghoulish and, of course, provocative costumes will be coming out. It's a good time for a fun tradition, an event to distract everyone from the coming winter and inevitable draining of the grocery store shelves as the ferries close and Inuvik waits for the ice roads. So it's time for a distraction, a safe distraction, and Halloween is just that. This year, let's try and forget about the ill-conceived tradition of vandalism. Without vandalism, what better distraction is there than massive amounts of exposed flesh? No one wants to seem prudish but there has to be a line drawn somewhere. It doesn't seem fair that there are two types of costumes. "I'm a scary/funny something," for men and "I'm a sexy whatever" for women. Sure, if you're an adult who cares, right? We're all responsible for our own decisions. But what kind of example is that to set for young girls? A lot of whom are already struggling with self-esteem and body image issues. Someone said she wanted to be a Monster High character, I had no idea what that meant until passing a display of them at North Mart. For the uninitiated, Monster High is a series of fashion dolls that are based on famous horror characters like Frankenstein and Dracula. Now, classic horror characters can be great and all but Bela Lugosi never wore a miniskirt, a top with a plunging neckline and platform boots. Well, not in the public eye at least. It's up to adults to show you don't have to be nearly naked to get your point across. Looking at it from a practical perspective, we don't exactly have the right weather for revealing clothing this time of year. And it's not even that cold out, yet. There are enough events happening around Inuvik that no one needs to be out late causing trouble. Stop by one of the haunted houses or trade candy with your friends after people stop opening their doors to the calls of "trick or treat." Don't forget, Christmas is coming up and we all know Santa's making his list and checking it twice. Military misfire on medevacs Yellowknifer - Wednesday, Oct 24, 2012
When it's not dropping missiles on our golf course or cutting our power lines, it's telling residents, "Sorry, we're too busy training to let you use our runway for emergency medevac flights." That was pretty much the gist of its answer last week when Yellowknifer asked a spokesperson with Canadian Forces Base (CFB) Edmonton why the military would not allow medevac flights to land at its Namao airstrip. "The impact far outweighs the perceived advantages," a CFB Edmonton spokesperson said, before firing off a list of pure bureaucratic bafflegab to attempt to explain why it can't be done. Allowing medevac flights to land Namao would "adversely affect" the military's ability to conduct "annual continuation training, maintain basic soldier skills proficiencies, summer reserve training and high readiness training for deployment on international operations." We must ask, what better opportunity for emergency training is there than to assist civilians with medevac flights? Canadian Forces Base Edmonton is five kilometres closer to the University of Alberta Hospital and eight kilometres closer to the Royal Alexandra Hospital - the two nearest hospitals to Edmonton International Airport, where NWT medevac flights will likely have to go once the City of Edmonton decommissions the downtown Edmonton City Centre Airport. That may not seem like much in the grand scheme of things but as Mayor Gord Van Tighem points out, every minute counts. Yellowknifers did not say "no" to the Canadian Forces when military officers asked residents here to give up their public spaces, as they did during exercise Arctic Ram last February. So why isn't the military backing us up now? We suspect it's the same condition that affects many a bureaucracy in this country - too busy serving its own ends to remember who they work for, the public.
School board elections too important to ignore Yellowknifer - Wednesday, Oct 24, 2012 Low voter turnout at the Oct. 15 school board elections indicates more work needs to be done to streamline the new election format introduced last week. Less than 30 per cent of eligible voters cast a ballot in the school board elections, which represents the lowest participation rate in recent memory. Officials with both school boards speculate the low turnout was a result of the new process, in which the school board ballots were issued at polls separate from the municipal election. Some voters were confused by the new format, and those individuals deserve assurance that their next experience at the ballot box will be more straightforward. Outgoing Mayor Gord Van Tighem heralds the new format as a success because ballots were counted relatively quickly and pollster volunteers, many of them seniors, were not asked to work late into the evening on election night. He said the two-stream process will remain in the future. If that is to be the case, the city and school boards should work together to troubleshoot, in an effort to encourage greater voter turnout. Voting should be as simple possible, and communication is the key. Next year, voters should be made aware of what to expect well ahead of election day, and the public's input on how to improve the process should be considered. One change to the Yellowknife Education District No. 1 elections that shouldn't be adopted is the suggestion to reserve a trustee seat for an aboriginal candidate, as proposed by outgoing trustee Reanna Erasmus during a board meeting held earlier this month. While aboriginal representation should be fully encouraged, reserving a spot on that basis is neither necessary nor beneficial. Erasmus garnered a healthy number of votes in earning her position, and that should remain the way seats around the school board table are filled.
Crunch time Darrell Greer Kivalliq News - Wednesday, Oct 24, 2012 The prospect of NHL hockey this season, especially a full 82-game schedule, is looking dim. The National Hockey League Players' Association (NHLPA) rejected the NHL's latest proposal this past week and countered with three proposals of its own, all variations of the original it submitted a month previously. Not surprisingly, the NHL threw its hands up in frustration and walked away, yet there is still hope a new collective bargaining agreement (CBA) will be struck to salvage a part of the 2012-13 season. Those familiar with the way NHLPA head Donald Fehr conducts business weren't surprised by the rejection of the owners' latest proposal, even with a 50-50 split of hockey-related revenues (HRR). Fehr is an all-or-nothing negotiator, and he's fuelling the players' somewhat misguided belief they "lost" the last round of negotiations when the NHL rolled back salaries and adopted a salary cap. The fact neither did anything to stem the upward trend of player salaries -- noted by Forbes magazine as the top detriment to franchise values in the NHL -- is immaterial to Fehr's way of thinking. So, too, is presenting the numbers accurately. In rejecting the NHL's latest offer, Fehr told the players, taking for granted revenues grow at five per cent a year during the sixyear deal, they would lose $1.65 billion compared to their percentage in the previous CBA. If league revenues grow to 7.1 per cent, it would grow to $1.776 billion. What Fehr left out was the fact the players had previously agreed to drop their percentage of HRR from 57 to an average of 53.5 per cent. Anyone who has ever been involved in negotiations knows once an offer is put on the table, it becomes a given. So, at the NHLPA's own average number of 53.5 per cent, the difference in what the owners offered them drops to between $110 million to $200 million, depending on growth reaching five or seven per cent, if they grow at all. And they may not, as fans are getting more and more upset with the money being paid to the players and the constant bickering and mistrust between the two sides. Fehr is also the man who caused the World Series of baseball to be cancelled for the only time in history, and vehemently opposed drug testing when he was head of the baseball union. To Mr. Fehr, it's all about the money. Yet, the two sides are on the top of the same page, at least, in accepting the fact the split of HRR should be near 50-50. Fehr, of course, is making this look like a huge concession on the part of the players, and wants to ensure their drop from 57 per cent is phased in gradually. There are other areas of concern, including the NHL's proposed five-year maximum on contract length. But, if the two sides can figure out how to get to 50-50 in a way that works for both, the rest should be worked out in time to salvage at least part of the season However, if the Winter Classic at Michigan Stadium in Ann Arbor between the Leafs and Red Wings on Jan. 1, 2013, is cancelled, much of the NHL's desire to make a deal disappears with it. Hockey-mad Kivalliq fans can join the rest of the country in keeping a close eye on what evolves during the next 10 days, as NHL hockey for the foreseeable future probably hangs in the balance.