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News Briefs: Wednesday, Oct 10, 2012
Final candidate forums
Two pubic forums are left to help Yellowknifers get better informed before voting for mayor and city council next Monday. One forum takes place tonight from 6 to 9 p.m. at Northern United Place. This mayoral candidates-only forum is hosted by the Yellowknife Chamber of Commerce.
Another forum will feature mayoral and council candidates in a mock city council session followed by a public question period. Alternatives North is the host from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. Thursday at Northern United Place.
Thursday is also the last day for an advance poll. Those unable to vote on election day may do so from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the office of the returning officer at city hall.
- Lyndsay Herman
Last call for storage
Yellowknifers who want a place to store their canoes at Government Dock in Old Town have until Friday to rent a space on one of the city's racks.
There is a $200 annual fee for a licence which expires on Aug. 31 every year.
The rack spaces are distributed at a first-come-first-serve basis. There were 13 still available of 30 spaces in total on Tuesday afternoon. Go to city hall to reserve a space.
- Katherine Hudson
Ramsay at conference
Industry, Tourism and Investment Minister Dave Ramsay was a speaker at the Meet the North conference in Edmonton last week.
Ramsay discussed many economic initiatives in the territory such as new mining, oil and gas development, the diamond industry, the impending opening of the Deh Cho Bridge, the Mackenzie Valley all-weather highway project and the Inuvik-to-Tuktoyaktuk Highway. Ramsay also spoke about challenges of doing business in the North.
The three-day conference brought together about 400 business leaders and senior managers from all sectors to speak about challenges to economic development in Edmonton and Northern Canada.
Roy Erasmus, the CEO of Det'on Cho Corporation, also attended the conference.
- Katherine Hudson
Docks being removed
The city will be removing the floating docks at the public boat launch in Old Town between today and Friday in preparation for freezing conditions. Also, city crews will install a floating curtain this week under the McMeekan Causeway to Latham Island to allow for strong ice formation, which will provide a safe passageway for pedestrian and snow machine traffic.
- Katherine Hudson
Bearing down
An Arviat man is asking the Government of Nunavut (GN) for more hunting tags for polar bears, claiming the number of bear encounters is on the rise in the community.
Peter Suvaksiuk said publicly the bears have become bold enough to start actually looking into people's windows, in addition to seeking out and eating cached dog food.
Teacher award
Rankin Inlet
Maani Ulujuk Ilinniarvik teacher Lisa Kresky was one of only 94 teachers in Canada to receive the 2012 Prime Minister's Award for Teaching Excellence.
Kresky was among 27 teachers who travelled to Ottawa to receive the award from Prime Minister Stephen Harper on Oct. 3, and to take part in three days of celebratory and professional development activities.
Kresky was praised for teaching her students how to explore the world far beyond Rankin Inlet.
Mine loans hamlet fuel
Baker Lake
AgnicoEagle Mines (AEM) Ltd. recently stepped up to loan Baker Lake 180,000 litres of fuel during a twoweek period.
The community's Power Corp. was almost totally out of fuel when AEM lent a hand.
AEM loaned Baker Lake 80,000 litres of fuel on Sept. 24 and another 100,000 litres this past week.
The hamlet is scheduled for fuel delivery to the community today, Oct. 10.
Hit and run
As of press time, members of the Arviat detachment of the RCMP were seeking the public's help in finding the motorist responsible for a hitandrun accident in that community on Sept. 13.
What the 15yearold victim described as a dark coloured, Jeepstyle vehicle struck her at about 9:50 p.m. while walking alone near Arviat's elder centre.
The youth suffered a broken leg from the impact.
The driver of the vehicle did not stop to check on the condition of the girl before fleeing the scene.
Training exercise
Rankin Inlet
Nunavut Airports in cooperation with the Department of Community and Government Services is scheduled to hold an emergency exercise in Rankin Inlet on Oct. 10.
Word in the community has the exercise promising to be large and intensive, with numerous departments and organizations at the territorial and municipal level expected to take part.
Gathering info
Rankin Inlet
Researchers from the University of Waterloo are conducting a research project to look at what Inuit in Nunavut think about tobacco-related health messages, such as those on cigarette packages.
The researchers are looking to recruit participants to take part in a 60minute interview.
Inuit who are 18 years or older and currently smoke cigarettes are eligible to participate.
Participants will be offered a $50 gift card for completing the interview.
The research team will be in Rankin from Oct. 20 to 29, following nine days of similar interviews in Iqaluit.
Those interested in taking part can look for numerous advertisements displayed in the community, including the Northern store, for more information.
Award finalist
Excitement is high in Arviat following news from the Tourism Industry Association of Canada this past week.
Arviat's Community Ecotourism Initiative is one of three finalists for a Canadian National Tourism Award.
The awards will be presented at the Hilton LacLeamy in Gatineau, Que., on Nov. 20.
The Arviat initiative was created to develop an internationally competitive and unique wildlife viewing and Inuit cultural experience, maximizing local involvement, employment and control, and maintaining local culture and tradition.
The Arviat program is up for the National Cultural Tourism Award, and is competing against the Celtic Colours International Festival in Sydney, N.S., and the Royal Canadian Pacific project in Calgary, Alta.