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News Briefs: Friday, Sept 07, 2012
Spokesperson named
The City of Yellowknife has announced Nalini Naidoo as the new director of communications and economic development.
"The economic development department has always existed and now it includes communications," said Naidoo, who described the addition of communications as a bridge connecting council, the public, developers and organizations.
Naidoo previously served as the manager of planning and lands.
- Lyndsay Herman
Big item pickup
The City of Yellowknife has scheduled the 2012 Fall Clean Up for Sept 10 to 14. During the week, many large items can be collected for disposal free of charge. Residents must submit a form available at city hall, the gatehouse at the solid waste facility, or on the city's website by noon on Monday in order to be registered for a pickup.
- Lyndsay Herman
Water shut off dates changed
Surface water lines in Old Town will be shut off by the city for the season on Sept 17. The shutoff date was originally scheduled for Sept 10 but was delayed by the city at the request of the water delivery contractor. Crews will be disassembling and winterizing the lines for approximately two weeks The city is recommending residents fill their water tanks prior to Sept 17.
- Lyndsay Herman
Bell running for council
Longtime Yellowknifer and realtor Adrian Bell announced Thursday that he is running for city council in the Oct. 15 election.
"Yellowknife is a great city, but we face some challenges that can only be addressed from within city hall," Bell stated in a press release.
Bell was the founding president of the Long John Jamboree Society, the former owner of Javaroma, and has been involved with the city's downtown enhancement committee.
- Sara Wilson
News Briefs: Thursday, Sept. 6, 2012
Raising awareness
Dehcho Health and Social Services (DHSS) is partnering on two events in Fort Simpson this month.
On Sept. 7, DHSS, the Village of Fort Simpson and the RCMP are holding a Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder Day parade down the village's main street. The parade will start at the Nahanni Inn at 11:30 a.m. and conclude at the recreation centre. FASD Awareness Day is on Sept. 9.
On Sept. 10, together with the village and the Deh Cho Friendship Centre, DHSS is holding a movie screening at 7 p.m. in the recreation centre to recognize Suicide Prevention Day. The all-ages event will include popcorn, hotdogs and informative handouts.
Artists offer lessons
Two artists will be giving free lessons in Fort Providence later this month.
Leanne Goose, a vocalist, producer and songwriter, will be giving voice lessons, while Gabriel Ayala, a classical guitarist from southern Arizona, will be giving guitar lessons.
The lessons will be taking place at the community hall from Sept. 22 to 24 from 1 to 5 p.m. and 7 to 9 p.m. People can register for lessons with Lawrence Nitsiza, the Hamlet of Fort Providence's recreation director.
Photo workshop offered
The Frozen Eyes Photographic Society from Yellowknife will be holding a youth photography workshop in Fort Liard from Sept. 10 to 14.
This will be the third time the society has held a youth workshop in the community. The event is aimed at teenagers from the ages of 13 to 17. More in-depth instructions on operating cameras will be provided.
The workshop will take place after school and in the evenings. There are 10 spots available.
Golf tournament planned
One of the last golf tournaments of the year at the Seven Spruce Golf Course will be taking place this weekend.
The First Air Open will be held on Sept. 8 with a tee-off time of 10 a.m. The tournament will follow a scramble format with teams of two over 18 holes.
Prizes will be drawn during the tournament. They include two tickets to Yellowknife and two tickets to Edmonton courtesy of First Air.
Open house at school
Echo Dene School in Fort Liard is holding an open house on Sept. 6.
The event is to give parents and community members a chance to meet the teachers as well as the school's new principal.
The school will be open from 2 to 3:30 p.m. Coffee and snacks will be provided.
Nominations open for council seats
Come the municipal elections Oct. 15, the position of mayor will be wide open in the Town of Inuvik.
"Denny (Rodgers) is not re-running for the mayor position," said Grant Hood, senior administrative officer.
"I strongly encourage people to think about it," said Hood.
"Think about running for any of the positions."
Nominations are now open at the town office for anyone wishing to run for mayor, council or district education authority.
The nominations will be open until Sept. 17.
Diamonds are forever
In honour of the Queen's Diamond Jubilee, a full day of events is scheduled for Sept. 8 at Chief Jim Koe Park.
From 1 to 6 p.m. there will be an elders tea, Ingamo Hall youth dancers, the Inuvik Drummers and Dancers and Northern games.
There are non-alcoholic events scheduled from 6 p.m. until 11 p.m. at the Midnight Sun Complex, including a community feast and dancing.
Baseball tournament scheduled for Friday
The Inuvik Youth Centre is holding a pick-up baseball tournament Friday.
Players 14 and under can play starting at 4 p.m. and youth 15 and up are welcome starting at 7 p.m.
You don't need a team to play, individuals can register at the Youth Centre during drop-in hours.
Falling for fall
The Inuvik Community Greenhouse is holding its annual Fall Fair Saturday.
From noon until 3 p.m. community gardeners have a chance to show off their skills and harvest from the 2012 season.
Foxtail a hazard to family pets
The Beaufort Delta Regional SPCA is warning pet owners to keep their animals away from dry foxtail.
"They are like barbed hooks and can get stuck in the back of the nose or throat," said Linda Stromgren, executive director.
Sometimes, it's serious enough to require surgery for removal.