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News Briefs: Friday, Sept 28, 2012
Spots for lease
Anyone looking to lease a space for canoes at the government dock should contact the city as soon as possible.
The City of Yellowknife placed multiple canoe racks near the government dock in Old Town on Thursday morning. A licence fee of $200 will reserve one slot in the three-tiered racks through Aug. 31 of next year, said Mayor Gord Van Tighem.
There are a limited number of slots, which will be assigned on a first-come, first-served basis, he said. People with mobility issues will be given priority for the bottom-tiered spaces.
- Laura Busch
Human rights panel seeks appointments
The NWT Human Rights Adjudication Panel is looking for expressions of interest from people wanting to sit on the panel.
The deadline is Oct. 12 and the appointments are for four years. Two members of the public will be selected.
To qualify, applicants must be a member of a law society of a province or territory for at least five years or have at least that much time as a member of an administrative tribunal or a court.
- Katherine Hudson
Power out twice
The power was out in some areas of Yellowknife Wednesday at 4:45 p.m. and 7:20 p.m. The first outage lasted 12 minutes and the second lasted for seven minutes.
Brendan Bell, chairman of the Northwest Territories Power Corporation, said the two Bluefish line outages affected one feeder in Yellowknife and were the result of something making contact with a wire. The exact cause was still under investigation yesterday afternoon.
- Lyndsay Herman
Health clinic closing
The Frame Lake Community Health Clinic will be closed from Oct. 15 to 26 while heating and ventilation systems undergo renovations. All services and same-day clinic times on Wednesdays and Thursdays will be provided at the Yellowknife Primary Care Centre, according to a news release from the Yellowknife Health and Social Services Authority.
Patients are asked to contact the Yellowknife Primary Care Centre to schedule appointments.
- Lyndsay Herman
News Briefs: Thursday, Sept 27, 2012
DEA candidates acclaimed
The seven candidates who threw their name into the hat to sit on Fort Simpson's District Education Authority have been acclaimed.
Martina Norwegian, Tanya Klassen, Rock Matte, Dennis Nelner, Mary Isaiah, Elizabeth Hardisty and Marion Storm will serve on the DEA.
Originally, only five people had been nominated to sit on the DEA but Hardisty and Isaiah were added when the nomination period was extended until Sept. 24.
The village's mayor, Sean Whelly, has also been acclaimed. Meanwhile, 15 candidates will run for a spot on council.
Rites-of-passage for the students at Deh Gah School
Male youth from Deh Gah Elementary and Secondary School headed to T'elemia for the rites-of-passage camp on Tuesday. Mothers and grandmothers were invited to be part of the young men's journey from Tuesday until Sept. 28. After that, the students will go out on the river for a four-day hunt and return on Oct. 2 for the second part of the camp. Grandfathers and fathers are invited to join in the river trip and second camp.
Photography sessions being offered
Lifetouch photography will be coming to Fort Simpson on Oct. 15 to take photos of students, graduates and families.
Grad photos will be taken from 9:30 a.m. to 3 p.m., while family photos will be done from 1 p.m. until 3 p.m. There is also a possibility of an evening session.
Each group or student must pay a sitting fee, $10 of which will go towards Thomas Simpson School.
Fur sales up
Genuine Mackenzie Valley Fur sales this year were the highest they've been in more than 20 years, with the company selling $1.5 million in furs.
The increase is a result of more demand from buyers in China, Russia, Greece and Turkey. This year marten, muskrat and fox furs greatly increased in popularity.
David Ramsay, minister of Industry tourism and investment, stated in a news release that trappers from the region have earned the territory the reputation as a provider of some of the best furs in the world by continually providing quality furs for sale at auction.
Fire under investigation
The fire that started in the back of an SUV early on Monday is under investigation, police said.
Gasoline poured under a Suburban on Kugmallit Road and ignited was the cause of the blaze. A propane tank had been turned on in the back of the vehicle.
"There have been a number of fires but most have been accidental," said RCMP Staff Sgt. Jerry McKenna. "This particular fire was set deliberately and is under investigation."
Police do not have a suspect.
School battle
East 3 will be split down the middle on Friday as the elementary and secondary sides compete to see who can raise the most money for the Terry Fox Foundation.
The principal of the losing side will be taken to jail in handcuffs and the MC of the winning side will get to throw a pie in their counterpart's face. Last year, Sir Alexander Mackenzie School and Samuel Hearne Secondary School raised $6,500 combined. The goal this year is $7,000.
Inuvik on the airwaves
An episode of the TV show Cross Country Fun Hunt which includes footage filmed in Inuvik over the summer will be airing on Saturday.
The show follows teen celebrity Jordan Francis to different locations across Canada, where he explores what youth do for fun.
Inuvik resident Raven Firth nominated Inuvik to be on the show and she will be featured as the "fun hunt ambassador" for the town. Firth had nominated the Inuvik Community Greenhouse as her place for fun, but while in Inuvik the cast and crew of the show also visited the Western Arctic Visitor's Centre, the Midnight Sun Complex, the Inuvik Youth Centre and Chief Jim Koe Park.
The Inuvik episode will be airing on CBC at 9:30 a.m. on Saturday.
Chili for Paxton
A chili lunch fundraiser is being held at the Inuvialuit Development Corporation building on Friday.
Steven Baryluk and Cindy Kasook are hosting the event, which is raising money to help with medical travel expenses for newborn resident Paxton Eric Baryluk, who was born with a cleft lip. There will also be desserts available.