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Council Briefs Floatplane dock to be at Latham Island Simon Whitehouse Northern News Services Published Friday, Aug 31, 2012
Council's decision comes after months of controversy over where the dock should go. Earlier this summer, NWT Float Plane Association president Hal Logsdon complained about a lack of consultation with his group and neighbours in the area. The city tried to reach a compromise by offering to put the dock on a piece of city-held land on Wiley Road but neighbours there rejected it as well. Neighbours have also complained that there have been too many options on the table to choose from concerning what the dock would look like and little certainty as to what would go there and how it would be used. "In this case council told city staff to put together one design instead of saying 'this option or that option' and getting everybody talking," said Mayor Gord Van Tighem. "This way we can put together one design and have legitimate discussion, rather than going off in different directions." Van Tighem said he expects council will have to approve a final design, but only after everyone involved has been consulted and is on the same page.
New dog bylaw coming Dennis Marchiori, the city's director of public safety, told council Monday that a revised dog bylaw is almost complete Monday. The draft is under legal review and is expected to be shared with people involved in pet care, such as the Great Slave Animal Hospital and the NWT SPCA, and people who have been in contact with the city about it. The city is considering whether to restrict the number of dogs a person can own after a resident on Ballantyne Court complained about her neighbour, who she said was keeping up to seven dogs on his property which barked all night and covered the yard in feces. "It should come back to council in a month and a half to two months," said Mayor Gord Van Tighem, adding it should come to council before October's municipal election "as long as there are no glitches." No bidders for School Draw land There have been no takers so far to develop a 0.25-hectare piece of land at the south end of School Draw Avenue at the foot of Tin Can Hill. The city issued a request for proposals over the summer that closed Aug. 7 but received no bidders. City councillor Cory Vanthuyne raised the issue with administration at Monday's regular meeting. He said the lack of submissions is a good sign, because it indicates how busy the market is. "It is a good indicator when you haven't received any responses or bids to where the market is currently," he said. "Those who are here and interested are actually invested and doing work. What they have been seeking all along they have been able to capture and are going forward on their projects. "It says we are vibrant and things are going forward, but it also says the market has spoken and that there is a bit of a saturation point on multi-family homes." The lot was rezoned to medium-density residential from growth management in May.