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News Briefs: Friday, Aug 10, 2012
Man reportedly stabbed near 50 Street
Police responded to reports of a stabbing early Wednesday morning. A 29-year-old man was injured behind the Gold Range bar at about 1:40 a.m., but officers have not confirmed the details of the incident and are unsure yet if it was in fact a stabbing.
"Further work needs to be done to determine what happened," said Sgt. Brad Kaeding, adding police are still investigating.
Kaeding said the man was taken to Stanton Territorial Hospital in stable condition.
- Miranda Scotland
Lightning strikes twice
Wednesday night's power outages were caused by lightning strikes, according to the NWT Power Corporation.
The first outage took place at 6 p.m. Wednesday night and hit the Bluefish line, according to Bob Kelly, communications manager for the power corp.
"It took about 40 minutes to restore power to our customers," he said. "The second outage affected the Snare Line at 8 p.m. and took 25 minutes to restore power."
The second outage affected 90 per cent of the Yellowknife region, including Dettah.
- Sara Wilson
Say 'hi' to Her Majesty
Yellowknifers can get in touch with royalty this month at city hall.
Two books are on display in the foyer in which people are invited to write messages to the Queen to help celebrate her Diamond Jubilee.
Visitors can also view a slideshow of photos from past royal visits to the NWT. The Book of Congratulations will be on display until the end of September and will be sent to Buckingham Palace at the end of the year.
- Miranda Scotland
Mayor re-elected to forum
Mayor Gord Van Tighem was appointed chair of the Federation of Canadian Municipalities' Northern and Remote Forum this week. He was elected by forum members.
"Having served in this role for six of the past seven years it will be a pleasure to complete my current term with the continued opportunity to represent our Northern and remote communities in such an effective national forum," Van Tighem stated in an Aug. 8 news release.
Van Tighem also serves as president of the Northwest Territories Association of Communities.
- Sara Wilson
News Briefs: Thursday, Aug 9, 2012
Handgames in Wrigley
Pehdzeh Ki First Nation will be hosting two handgames tournaments following its annual assembly.
The men's tournament and the youth tournament will both take place from Aug. 31 to Sept. 3. Registration forms must be faxed in by Aug. 30 and registration will take place in the band office the following day starting at 7 p.m.
Depending on registration, there is expected to be $50,000 in prizes in the men's tournament and $20,000 in the youths' tournament, which is open to players up to 15 years old.
Fundraising for Nahanni Butte
The community of Fort Liard has come together to help its neighbours.
On July 19, a series of events were held to raise money for the recovery efforts in Nahanni Butte. The events during the day included a car wash, rummage and bake sale and a barbecue. The events raised $1,641.75.
Earlier events in the community, including a drug- and alcohol-free youth night, Canada Day and a donation collection at the Northern store, had previously raised an additional $445.52. The $2,087.27 was deposited in the flood relief account for Nahanni Butte at CIBC.
A number of government departments, businesses, organizations and individuals contributed to the events on July 19 including the RCMP, the Fort Liard Health Centre, the Hamlet of Fort Liard, Beaver Enterprises, the Liard Valley General Store, the Northern store and staff with Dehcho Health and Social Services.
Golf tournament builds momentum
The Canadian Zinc Open is shaping up to be one of the largest golf tournament of the season at the Seven Spruce Golf Course.
The annual event will be held from Aug. 11 to 12. As of Aug. 7, 10 teams of four had already registered for the tournament.
Interested participants must register by Aug. 10 either as part of a team or individually.
The tournament will follow a Texas scramble format over two days with 18 holes per day. There will be a dinner on Saturday evening and prizes for all participants.
Government leaders visit Nahendeh
Four members of the territorial government are touring the Nahendeh constituency this week.
MLA Kevin Menicoche, Premier Bob McLeod, Minister David Ramsay and Minister Glen Abernethy are holding community meetings in Nahanni Butte, Fort Simpson, Wrigley, Jean Marie River, Trout Lake and Fort Liard between Aug. 7 and 9.
Summer Olympics sprint into Inuvik
The Inuvik Youth Centre is planning its own Summer Olympics.
Starting on Friday at 7 p.m., the community is invited to gather for the fun games as a participant, volunteer or cheerleader.
There are five different events including a one-kilometre cross-country run through the ski trails.
"It's a great way to be active and enjoy the outside," said Torsten Diesel, the youth centre's co-ordinator.
There will also be a cardboard canoe slalom, triple jump, hammer throw and show jumping featuring a decorated broom and hockey sticks.
Camp Kivuni moves
Camp Kivuni, run by the Town of Inuvik, has moved.
Previously held at Sir Alexander Mackenzie School, the camp is now in the arena at the Midnight Sun Complex.
The camp will be run out of the complex until its last day on Aug. 20, said Rose Constantineau, recreation co-ordinator for the Town of Inuvik.
Seeing it all from a Sea-Doo
There was excitement at the boat launch Tuesday evening as five ragged travellers steered their Sea-Doos onto shore.
The group is filming a reality television show titled Dangerous Waters and their goal is to eventually go around the world one season at a time. The group is travelling from Seattle up through Alaska and across the Bering Strait to Russia.
Although the first season hasn't been aired yet, the Inuvik segment will be part of the second season.
The group – Steven Moll, Andrew Mazella, Charles Davis, Wesley Davis and Patrick MacGregor – have now completed their adventuring for the season. They'll be back in Inuvik next summer to start their trek to the Arctic Ocean.
"We're doing it because Everest has been done," said Moll.
Comedian comes to town
Family-friendly comedian Bob Beddow will be at the Midnight Sun Complex curling rink on Aug. 17.
The show starts at 6:30 p.m. and everyone is invited to come out for the night and enjoy the comedic style of the Canadian entertainer.