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Communication breakdown Weekend Yellowknifer - Friday, July 6, 2012
City councillor Mark Heyck is savvy enough to know that a broad brush is better than a pointy pen when trying to get the message out. That's surely why, when the city learned a few weeks back of fraudulent text messages going out to residents seeking payment for unpaid traffic tickets, Heyck took to Twitter to warn people about the scam. His rival on city council for the mayor's job, Paul Falvo, appears ready to make the city's limited communications a campaign issue. He asked administration last week why its Twitter and Facebook accounts appear to be dead. There are tabs for these services on the upper right-hand corner of the city's website but they don't take viewers anywhere. Senior administrative officer Bob Long said the city has determined that communicating through social media is not in the city's best interest, suggesting it's not "effective communications." Other levels of government also remain cautious about Facebook and Twitter, but as Falvo points out, social media isn't the only means of communication from the city that has atrophied. Some readers may have noticed that Mayor Gord Van Tighem is quoted in practically every story Yellowknifer writes that relates to city services. If a Volkswagen Beetle catches on fire, it's not the fire chief we speak to, it's the mayor. Ditto, when it comes to the dangers of cornering a beaver at Niven Lake. The lack of other voices from the city, particularly from department managers with technical expertise, make the city appear "tight-lipped" and "defensive," Falvo argued. Van Tighem replied that it has been a long-standing policy for the mayor to be the primary spokesperson for the city, and that he gets back to media requests within 20 to 30 minutes. Yellowknifer can fully attest that the mayor has been very accommodating of our reporters over the 12 years he has been in office, but we will also point out that our access to other officials at city hall has dwindled to next to nothing in recent years. Besides, the mayor may not always be the most appropriate person to speak to when being asked questions beyond his expertise, like those relating to the fire department's response to a house fire. A couple weeks ago a reporter trying to compile a list of weekend activities for TGIF on Yellowknifer's front page was told by an employee at the Yellowknife Public Library that he would have to contact the mayor if he wanted any information on a book sale taking place there. We imagine the mayor has more important matters to tend to than telling us what time the book sale begins. The city ought to remember that when its officials are talking to reporters they are talking to the public. Being "tight-lipped" and "defensive" around reporters, as Falvo puts it, means people of this community, including voters in the October municipal election, are being deprived of information. The city has long talked about hiring a communications director, much like other government departments do, to deal with the media. There is one listed in the 2012 budget although there is no word yet on when the hiring will take place. Last year, Van Tighem described city hall as a "big ship headed in a certain direction." Right now, it's a ship drifting farther away from the citizens on the shore.
Stronger together Editorial Comment Roxanna Thompson Deh Cho Drum - Thursday, July 5, 2012 It's been no great secret that there's been some dissension in the Dehcho First Nations' ranks caused by the Dehcho Process. In July 2008, Acho Dene Koe First Nation in Fort Liard signed a framework agreement with the federal and territorial governments allowing it to conduct its own land claims and self-government negotiations. Through this move, they left both the Dehcho Process and the Dehcho First Nations (DFN). Many First Nations and Metis locals that comprise DFN have raised issues with the comprehensive claims policy and the idea of a land quantum. Even though the groups, through an assembly motion, allowed DFN's negotiators to enter into negotiations on a comprehensive claim, the idea of not maintaining all of the land has been distasteful to many. Added criticism has been directed at the length of time the process is taking, whether or not the federal government is negotiating in good faith, and how the communities can agree to the process when there isn't enough money to regularly consult and update them. With all of these factors combined, it's easy to see why the community of Wrigley made the decision to leave the Dehcho Process and seek its own comprehensive claim. The fact is, however, the Deh Cho always has been and always will be stronger together. Although it is hard, Deh Cho communities, First Nations and Metis locals owe it to each other to see the Dehcho Process through to at least the conclusion of the agreement-in-principle. A lot of hard work has been put into the process including years of negotiations and consultations. It would be a pity for all of that to be wasted. It would also be regrettable if the DFN communities never have the chance to see what the Dehcho Process might give them or what a fully-recognized Deh Cho government would look like. A lot of negotiations still have to take place, but when the agreement-in-principle is finished, communities will have the chance to take a long, hard look at the Dehcho Process and see if they are interested in the future it promises. That's not to say it will be easy to get to the agreement-in-principle. There are some tough negotiation topics left and not enough money to go around. Hopefully Wrigley can be brought back into the process and the Deh Cho can remain united for the few more years it will take. The Dehcho Process might not fulfil everyone's dreams but without it, it will be back to square one. Art community set to converge on Inuvik Editorial Comment Laura Busch Inuvik Drum - Thursday, July 5, 2012 For people who make their living with their art in the NWT, it can be difficult to get in contact with potential buyers. The Internet has surely helped over the last several years, but communications technology is not exactly reliable in the North and it can be difficult for sellers and buyers, if they know little about computers and websites, to connect. When Northern Images closed on Jan. 9, Inuvik artists lost one of the main venues to sell their work – not to mention a gathering place for artists to get information. The Great Northern Arts Festival gives artists from around the North a much-needed venue in which to gather, share ideas and sell their art. Because it has been around for over two decades, it has well-established relationships with artist, buyers and corporations. "One thing that people don't realize is that once upon a time it was the only arts festival in the North," said Marnie Hilash, member of the GNAF board of directors, participating artist and former manager of Northern Images. With the economy lagging in recent years – especially in the Inuvik region – the festival has started to feel the financial pinch, executive director Sasha Webb told Inuvik Drum this week. "I think the slowdown of the economy has slowed sales in the past several years," she said. However, it will take more than an economic downturn to stop GNAF, which over the years has become the biggest arts festival in the Arctic. Northern Canada – especially the far North – has become internationally known for the quality and originality of artwork that comes out of the region. Consumers want what is made here, artists who work here want to make money at their craft, but there seems to remain a wide gap between artist and buyer. Luckily, that gap will close – at least temporarily – next week as those involved in the often struggling art market take a breather and enjoy the show. It may also be a great opportunity for artists to talk to each other and learn about getting their wares out there on the Internet. A weakened foundation Yellowknifer - Wednesday, July 4, 2012 BETTY House, an acronym for Better Environment to Transition in Yellowknife, is a women's transitional home, a facility set for development on 54 Street to provide refuge, services and training programs for women and their children. It is a place for those who need a stable shelter, those who are trying to rebuild their lives. Both the YWCA and the homelessness coalition were wholeheartedly invested in the project with the former scheduled to own and operate the facility while the latter used $935,000 in funding from the federal government to purchase the lots. However, as of early last month, Lyda Fuller, the YWCA's executive director, sent a letter to the homelessness coalition co-chairs stating that she was done with the coalition because of "lost confidence" that BETTY House will become a reality. In an earlier e-mail to the coalition, Fuller said her "participation and knowledge is not seen as valuable, and that as a person I am not worthy of respect." When the YWCA throws its hands in the air in exasperation and leaves the table, the perception is that the greater good is forgotten and that personality conflicts are at the forefront. The $6 million transitional home has been under development for the past two years and has received generous donations from organizations such as BHP Billiton, the Yellowknife Community Foundation and the Northwest Territories Housing Corporation. A rift in teamwork broadcasts a message of dysfunction - not a signal potential future donors want to see and not reassuring to past donors. The homelessness coalition and the YWCA are on the front lines together. They see the problems this city faces when it comes to violence, poverty and the need for a helping hand. Fuller states the need for housing is constantly growing and she says close to $3 million more is needed for the transitional home, an amount she is doubtful will be achieved at the current pace. Fuller, in her role with the YWCA, has aided many people in this city. Her latest move runs counter to that. Hopefully she soon sees that those who would benefit from the transitional home need efforts poured into the push for the remaining funds, not wasted on personal battles.
Travel needed for athletes to succeed Yellowknifer - Wednesday, July 4, 2012 High-performance athletes like Yellowknife cyclist Denise Ramsden and hockey player Steve Hodges got their start in the North but it is experience gained in other locales that has played a major role in their success. Ramsden, a 21-year-old cyclist who has won a Canadian championship and was just named to Canada's Summer Olympics team, has more stamps on her passport than many travellers. Look also at Yellowknife Minor Hockey Association product Steve Hodges, 18, who was drafted by the NHL's Florida Panthers in June. Hodges impressed coach Dan Schofield with his intensity while playing in the NWT. However, key ingredients toward his success came through experience as an underage player representing the NWT at the Arctic Winter Games, then, with his parents' support, a move to further his hockey career in British Columbia, where he shone with the Western Hockey League's Victoria Royals. It was their quest for greater competition outside of the North that helped them to reach an elite level. That's why it is puzzling that players on the NWT's female 17-and-under soccer team have been denied the opportunity to show their stuff at the Canada Summer Games in Sherbrooke, Que., next month, although the boys team is going. NWT Soccer Association president Ryan Fequet cites a move toward matching player development programs with the Canadian Soccer Association and making improvements so the girls can play at a more competitive level. However, several players believe they have the stuff needed to impress scouts in Sherbrooke and feel their dreams of becoming varsity players after graduating high school are being thwarted by an uninformed decision. Taking on higher-calibre athletes, even if the results are lopsided, is essential for Yellowknife athletes to find success and to set the stage for levels of competition at a university or collegiate level. Would Ramsden or Hodges have achieved their success had they been restricted to local competition? Whenever possible, Yellowknife athletes should be given the opportunity to strive for success by travelling to compete.
Survey shows Inuit are right - again Darrell Greer Kivalliq News - Wednesday, July 4, 2012 Chicken Little took another slap in the beak this past month with the Government of Nunavut (GN) announcing the polar bear population in the Foxe Basin appears to be doing quite well. The GN used two aerial surveys during the past two years to put the number of bears at more than 2,500. That number has remained fairly consistent during the past two decades and, coupled with survey data, gives rise to the fact there is still no evidence climate change is having any adverse effect on the Foxe Basin bear population. The results come as good news to the Kivalliq, especially the communities of Repulse Bay, Chesterfield Inlet and Coral Harbour. The survey also shows science still has a ways to go before it starts taking Inuit traditional knowledge to heart. Inuit hunters have been saying for years the Foxe Basin population is healthy, and, if anything, growing. But, as we saw with the United States and its rush to ban the worldwide trade on polar bear products under the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES) in 2010, too many in power bend to political pressure and lobby groups. When the U.S. sought the ban under CITES -- which attempts to ensure international trade in specimens of wild animals and plants does not threaten their survival -- one of its chief contentions was the bear trade is detrimental to the bear population. And right behind that, the U.S. got into the business of predicting the future by concluding less ice due to climate change equals less polar bears in the future. No one bothered to listen, let alone care, about what the people exposed to the population the most had to say. That's not to suggest you should always take the word of a hunter as gospel, especially when you're talking about any species people can make big money by killing. The often aggressive debate over how many caribou still exist on Southampton Island is absolute proof of that. But the voices of those who truly do believe in sustainable management and have a lifetime of experience behind their words must be heard. Led by the work of personalities such as wildlife biologist Mitch Campbell of Arviat, Nunavut is bridging the gap between traditional and modern science. And it's a functional and co-operative marriage Nunavut desperately needs with so many Inuit and non-Inuit Nunavummiut dependant on wildlife resources for their very way of life. It will be interesting to see what direction is taken by stakeholders such as Hunters and Trappers Organizations, the Department of the Environment and Nunavut Tunngavik Inc. after digesting the survey results and discussing its ramifications. The magic number remains at 106 right now, which is the annual quota for Foxe Basin communities. But, in the meantime, the results are in and the survey says the population is still doing quite well, thank you very much. That puts a smile on many faces in Nunavut and, contrary to what some in the business of climate change would have you believe, the sky is not falling. At least not where the Foxe Basin polar bear population is concerned.
Strong like two people NWT News/North - Monday, July 2, 2012
Now, the Tlicho Government is taking steps to keep it that way and to strengthen the language even more; recognizing that despite its relative strength, it too has experienced a decline over the past decade. Late last month, the Tlicho Government announced plans to introduce a Tlicho immersion program for kindergarten students with hopes to gradually begin similar instruction at the elementary level. The idea was met with some resistance from parents who feared there would no longer be the option to enrol their children in English kindergarten, or wondered whether learning resources are adequate to provide quality instruction. John B. Zoe, a former executive director and one-time senior adviser to the Tlicho Government, said instruction in the Tlicho language is not new and plenty of written resources exist, especially early-literacy material. Children's books such as The Old Man with the Otter Medicine and The Legend of the Caribou Boy, published by Theytus Books and written by the late George Blondin are among the volumes that Zoe describes as "Dick and Jane" type readers. The Legend of the Caribou Boy also includes a four-page orthography and pronunciation guide for Tlicho words. Zoe acknowledged more advanced material will have to be developed as the immersion program evolves, but added nothing happens overnight. Language is a major component of culture and self-identity and the Tlicho will only benefit from strengthening their mother tongue. As long as the option to choose language of instruction exists and more advanced resource material is developed to ensure quality instruction across academic subjects, the immersion idea should be supported. In the end, such a move will only strengthen Tlicho students' engagement in education and help develop future leaders with a solid connection to their culture and people. Besides, at the end of the day, nobody has ever complained about knowing too many languages.
Signing bonuses for nurses a good idea NWT News/North - Monday, July 2, 2012 Health Minister Tom Beaulieu recently told News/North he is open to the possibility of signing bonuses to help attract nurses to the NWT. Although that doesn't guarantee bonus packages will be included in the next collective agreement, it's a 180-degree shift in thinking for the Department of Health, which eliminated bonuses nearly a decade ago. Since then, a territorial-based nursing program has been used to help fill the nursing gap. Ten years later the territory still struggles to fill nursing vacancies and reasons, in part, are the high demand for nurses, the fact other jurisdictions pay retention bonuses, and many health professionals are reluctant to commit full time to some of the territory's more remote nursing stations. Ten years ago the health minister of the day called bonuses inequitable and inefficient. We expect Beaulieu is fully aware that the communities are inequitable in nature when comparing working conditions to other jurisdictions in Canada or even Yellowknife. Though there are nurses similar to Aklavik's Rachel Munday, who love the opportunities that exist in her field while working in remote Northern communities, many will need a sweeter pot before committing to a place that has substantially fewer amenities than they might be accustomed to. We encourage Beaulieu to work with the necessary departments to bring back bonuses for NWT nurses. In the long run, it might actually save the NWT money as less will be spent on travel and housing for casual nurses. If the bonuses are also attached to a time commitment of one or two years, the GNWT will also save the dollars associated with frequent turnover.
A wise investment Nunavut News/North - Monday, July 2, 2012 Giving credit where credit is due, one of Nunavut's most promising homegrown industries has received a substantial boost from the federal government. An announcement earlier this month that the Canadian Northern Economic Development Agency would invest $424,744 over two years in Niqitaq Fisheries Ltd. - allowing the Inuit-owned business to buy out a 49-per-cent interest held by a minority shareholder in St. John's - is helping build momentum in an industry that's just starting to get on its feet. As a whole, CanNor states Nunavut's fisheries contribute $12 million to $14 million to the territorial economy each year and provide more than 300 seasonal jobs. Last year, Nunavut's most lucrative catch - turbot - was harvested to a total worth of between $60 and $65 million. To illustrate how much of that goes to the Nunavummiut working boats, the Department of Environment pegged the money taken home last year by Pangnirtung fishers alone was a total of $700,000. Niqitaq, a Baffin Fisheries Coalition subsidiary, is made up of five Baffin Island hunters and trappers' organizations and three private organizations, including Pangnirtung Fisheries Ltd. It currently owns one fishing vessel, but with this federal money it will fully own one more, out of the fleet of three it operates to fish for turbot and shrimp. The company is now fully Inuit-owned, participating in an industry that could one day be fully Inuit-driven. The turbot quota is still not fully met each year, but it's gradually getting closer. There are still battles to be fought in getting an even higher share of the island's offshore shrimp and turbot quotas, and in putting harbours in more communities, but those battles will be made easier as the industry grows more formidable. Hopefully this investment is a sign of things to come from CanNor.
Much-needed cash up in flames Nunavut News/North - Monday, July 2, 2012 Looking at the price tag of property damage caused by fire in 2011 - much of it intentionally set - it's hard not to cringe. Ask many Nunavummiut about the main struggles the territory is facing, and, among others, housing and infrastructure will emerge as big issues. It's difficult and expensive getting supplies here to build, and much of the existing housing is old and inadequate. It's all we have, and some people are taking a torch to it. More than half of the $53.6 million in total losses were either human-started or relating to vehicle accidents, and the top causes of fire was misuse of fire-starting devices. Youth were largely the culprits. Education is the key to putting a halt to this. The consequences of not learning how destructive fire can be will be millions more dollars lost, and possibly lives as well.