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Public criticism is not an 'internal matter' Yellowknifer - Wednesday, July 18, 2012 This holds true when it comes to the relationship between politicians and their constituents. Dettah Chief Edward Sangris and Yellowknives Dene First Nation councillors Roy Erasmus Sr., Phillip Liske, Cecile Beaulieu and Jonas Sangris finally met with media in Dettah on July 10 to respond to allegations outlined in a petition that had been circulating in the community since June 21. The petition, which calls for the removal of the chief and band council, alleges public drunkenness, unreported conflicts of interest, and lack of consultation with band members when passing budgets. Chief Ted Tsetta of Ndilo threw his support behind the petition but then was quickly removed from office without explanation. Chief Sangris later characterized the allegations as "false," adding that he initially didn't respond to the petition's claims because he considered the conflict an internal issue stemming from personal disagreements among band members. In May, prior to the petition, former councillor Barbara Powless-Labelle sent a letter to the prime minister outlining similar concerns about Yellowknives Dene leadership. The band council responded with a written statement denying those allegations. The ongoing conflict between the existing band council and some former councillors and their supporters has not been resolved. If the situation continues to fester, the best option for the chief and councillors is to continue to speak openly about the issues at public meetings so their constituents can make up their minds about who has more credibility.
Transparency part of the election game Yellowknifer - Wednesday, July 18, 2012 Needless to say, having a variety of candidates to chose from is key to a successful election. With that in mind, we thank Bryan Sutherland for helping to ensure that happens when election time rolls around. To date, Sutherland has put his name in the ring for two territorial elections - including last year's - and in the race for mayor in 2009 when he finished a distant second to Gord Van Tighem but still managed to attract 592 votes. Sutherland fared far worse in last year's territorial campaign, claiming only 28 votes in the race for the Kam Lake seat. Perhaps his poor showing is why he didn't bother to file a financial report to NWT chief electoral officer David Brock or pay the $250 fine he received after failing to meet the Dec. 2 deadline. In court last week, Sutherland dismissed Elections NWT as a "gong show" for spending public money to take him to court for the unpaid fine - nine months after the election. In response to this, we would like to remind Sutherland it's not enough just to have candidates step forward at election time. They are obligated to follow the rules and, above all, be open and accountable. He might want to keep that in mind since he's now musing about making a run for a seat on city council this fall.
Numbers tell the story Darrell Greer Kivalliq News - Wednesday, July 18, 2012 Well, valued readers, as you're reading this I'm off on a working vacation to begin phase three of fixing up my tiny bungalow for my golden years. I leave you in the more-than-capable hands of Tim Edwards from our head office in Yellowknife. I look forward to seeing you all again during the latter part of next month when I begin my 15th year at the helm of Kivalliq News. In the meantime, while Kivalliq residents await the government's blackout on the actual number of caribou remaining in the Southampton Island herd to be lifted, it doesn't take Sherlock Holmes's power of deduction to realize the amount of damage done to this herd by overharvesting. During the period when some hunters were killing a large number of caribou to ship the meat off Southampton Island for profit, reports out of Coral Harbour indicated people buying the exported meat were paying a premium for fat caribou. Now, one doesn't have to be a biologist to realize the vast majority of fat caribou during the winter months are pregnant females. And, one doesn't have to be a big gambler to know that puts the odds quite high on a tremendous amount of damage having been done to the productive core of the Southampton Island population. It truly was a case of double jeopardy for this herd, because not only did the hunters who got carried away remove too many caribou from the population, they also removed what are referred to as the prime breeders. When we look at the numbers we do know, we were talking about a population that once numbered 30,000 having fallen to 7,800 according to the survey done in 2011. Although some would argue it's closer to 60 per cent, let's give everything the benefit of the doubt and estimate 3,900, or 50 per cent, of those were females. Statistics tell us about 2,200 of those would be considered prime breeders and, with brucellosis long being confirmed on Southampton Island, we can estimate the disease to be impacting around 20 per cent of the females. Subtract that number from the equation, and we're down to about 1,760 prime breeding females. Now, if we were to hypothetically assume the reports out of Coral at the time were totally correct, and a premium was being placed on fat caribou, that would mean the potential for the number of breeding females among the animals exported off the Island (estimated to be somewhere around 1,600) would be about 1,000. That's a staggering number, which absolutely decimates the breeding core of the Southampton population. You really don't have to be a biologist, or a rocket scientist for that matter, to figure out any population's chance of survival, with about 60 per cent of its ability to reproduce wiped out almost overnight, has become precarious at best. So it's not too hard to see why the Southampton herd is in its current state, and all for the almighty dollar. The Nunavut government, the Coral Hunters and Trappers Organization and the Nunavut Wildlife Management Board have their work cut out for them to save this herd. And, sadly, for both the herd and those who depend on it the most, it may already be too late.
Smart upgrade NWT News/North - Monday, July 16, 2012
For too long our remote communities have been forced to deal with sub-par service and antiquated infrastructure that, considering the level of technology at our disposal, unnecessarily further isolates them from the rest of the planet, much of which is tech-savvy. Over the years, many articles in News/North have made mention of the barriers that exist in the NWT due to the poor quality of Internet and phone services. Those barriers are deterrents in efforts to recruit professionals to communities, like doctors, nurses and teachers. Connectivity is just one benefit. Public safety might also be improved if services across the territory are standardized. Yellowknife members of the legislative assembly have been at loggerheads with their community counterparts about funding a territorial mobile 9-1-1 service due to the fact many communities can't use cellphones. That argument would become moot if the Canadian Radio and Telecommunications Commission approves NorthwesTel's application to use $40 million worth of a public benefit fund to do the necessary upgrades. Our smaller communities deserve the same level of connectivity and service as the bigger centres, the rest of the country and many other places around the globe already enjoy.
Strong people, strong communities NWT News/North - Monday, July 16, 2012 News of crime, deaths and politics gone awry can fill a fair number of pages in this newspaper each week. Yet the NWT is fortunate to have many wonderful citizens who volunteer to coach sports, clean up their community, serve meals at the local soup kitchen and even risk their lives to save another's. Last week News/North featured two such stories of dedicated people who truly do make a difference. Aklavik's Shaun Firth and Phillip Elanik - Elanik died last year - were both honoured for their bravery on Canada Day. The pair were credited with saving the lives of two children from a house fire in January 2011. At the southern end of the territory, Fort Smith honoured its citizen and elder of the year. Dixie Penner and Leon Peterson were recognized for their contributions that make Fort Smith a great place to live. Peterson was commended for choosing to spend the past 50 years devoting his time to everything from municipal politics to curling. Penner, who was also the GNWT's 2001 outstanding volunteer, has also done her part to give back to the community, most notably helping to establish an animal shelter for the town. Many communities and the territorial government honour citizens for their contributions at least once a year, but each community in the NWT has its everyday heroes who we all should strive to emulate and who deserve our thanks regularly. Whether those people live their lives as inspirational role models or put a uniform on every day to safeguard our homes and our families, we should all take the time to express our gratitude and think of ways we can contribute to our communities in similar ways.
Putting it all on the table Nunavut News/North - Monday, July 16, 2012 The voices of Nunavummiut are being heard loud and clear these days over the high cost of basic necessities at the grocery store. Protests are being held in a number of communities. Blogs and pictures of sky-high food prices are popping up all over the Internet. It has been a constant battle to feed the population at a reasonable cost, through the Food Mail program to the transition to Nutrition North last year. There has been long-term progress. One litre of milk at NorthMart in Iqaluit is $3.79, but in 1973, its price was 52 per cent higher, when inflation is taken into account. Yet the same litre of milk is still 15 per cent more expensive in Iqaluit today than it is in Ottawa. And the gap between the North and southern Canada keeps growing once you leave Iqaluit and head to the smaller communities. So prices have decreased over four decades but there are still stories of residents going without breakfast, mothers starving to feed their children, and 70 per cent of preschoolers living in homes where there is not enough food. The territorial government is exploring the strategy of using country food harvested locally as a solution. Turning to Nunavut hunters as providers has long been the way of our people, and it could very well help our territory be less dependent on southern groceries and high shipping rates. The first step toward finding a solution is to look at the problem critically. Nunavut News/North presents its second instalment in this paper of a three-part series on food security. Next week, we'll focus on where we go from here.
RCMP program paves way for new officers Nunavut News/North - Monday, July 16, 2012 Sixteen youths will patrol the streets of Nunavut this summer through the RCMP's Nunavut Police Experience Program. This will benefit the communities and give young people a glimpse at what life is like on the front lines of justice. Crime in Nunavut is a pressing issue. According to Statistics Canada, the territory had 13,697 violations of the law in 2010, including six homicides, 202 sexual assaults, 2,418 assaults and 14 robberies. The youth policing program is an investment in the future generation of police officers of the territory. At the very least, it will give the youth participants a better understanding of the challenges RCMP officers face, and it will provide the Mounties with more insight into the way young Nunavummiut see the world.
Yellowknife's other houseboats Weekend Yellowknifer - Friday, July 13, 2012
The city recently handed a $2,000 fine to a boat owner who realized his vessel wasn't seaworthy enough to launch, and was thus forced to put the watercraft on blocks on the water's edge while trying to complete repairs. But the bigger problem is in the water. A few industrious individuals appear determined over the last couple of years to turn the area adjacent to the boat launch and nearby Baker Creek into another houseboat community. The crushed rock spit of land at the mouth of Baker Creek is now clogged with houseboats moored to the shore of Great Slave Lake. One houseboat, the first to appear, is firmly embedded in the creek. There are six all together right now. The Department of Fisheries and Oceans can create special fishing regulations for Arctic grayling that have miraculously returned to spawn in Baker Creek after decades of contamination from Giant Mine, but the department is seemingly helpless to prevent one person from permanently parking his home in the creek mouth. The city is equally paralyzed when it comes to houseboaters encroaching on public docks. A houseboat has been tied to a dock at the Giant Mine boat launch all year. Hundreds of taxpaying residents load and unload their boats at Giant Mine each week, yet the city allows one houseboater to turn this dock into a personal mooring pad, preventing other boaters from parking there. As the city pushes for control over the waterfront through a harbour commission, there has been much talk in recent months about building docks for visiting floatplane pilots or shoreline boardwalks through Old Town and Latham Island, where tourists can buy souvenir T-shirts in boutiques converted from Woodyard shacks. We suggest the priority should be placed on sites where the city provides public services right now. Giant Mine is a nice boat launch. Too bad no level of government seems able or willing to prevent the Old Town free-for-all from migrating to other side of the bay.
Mini golf requires a rescue Weekend Yellowknifer - Friday, July 13, 2012 Spray painted, cracked and, in places, charred by fire, the all-but-abandoned mini golf course off of Franklin Avenue looks like a crooked hideout for some Gotham City villain. No need to shine the bat signal to rid the city of this problem, however. True North Rotary has pledged to volunteer hands-on assistance from among its membership of architects, building supply store owners, lawyers and other friendly neighbourhood superheroes. Built in 1990 and operated by the Wade Hamer Foundation until 2004, the crumbling concrete course has since been leased to non-profit organizations by the City of Yellowknife. Jeromy Ball, secretary for the True North Rotary, offered his organization's help after the Yellowknife Women's Society informed the city it would not renew its lease to run the course for another year due to vandalism and financial losses. Mini golf is among those affordable classic summer pastimes that Yellowknife families deserve an opportunity to experience together. This decrepit course is worth rebuilding and improving. The landmark was originally constructed with help from 143 volunteers. If True North Rotary members can muster some professional support, perhaps the rest of the community can pitch in with some heroic effort, as well, including fundraising and sponsorship. If it is too late to rescue the dilapidated course, perhaps these helpful folk can focus their superpowers on building some other recreational infrastructure to give Yellowknife's children a chance for a few fun and memorable smiles each summer.
Unexplainable actions Editorial Comment Roxanna Thompson Deh Cho Drum - Thursday, July 12, 2012 Some things are next to impossible to comprehend. I imagine many people in Fort Simpson are having difficulty understanding the vandalism done to the Fort Simpson Judo Club and Open Doors Society in the Fort Simpson recreation centre. The crime was notable on two accounts. First was the extent of the vandalism. Whoever did this, whether it was one person or a group of people, went to a lot of effort. Splattering and pouring approximately 60 litres of paint is no small undertaking. Not only was paint used to damage a lot of the society's resources, the culprit or culprits also strew craft and baking supplies across portions of the floor. The society's space was more or less trashed, to use a colloquial term. The judo club received less damage. The crime was also notable because of the type of organizations it was perpetrated against. The Open Doors Society uses the upper level of the recreation centre to offer Playgroup to children ages six and under. The children have a wonderful time playing with toys and books while interacting with each other. The society also offers the Toy Lending Library from that space. The program gives youth a place to go on weekday evenings during the school year to do activities and play with the toys. On the other side of the room, the Fort Simpson Judo Club is building the skills and confidence of young people in the village. By vandalizing these two organizations, the perpetrators were effectively attacking the children of Fort Simpson. The perpetrators of this crime, no matter how old they are, should be ashamed of themselves. If it turns out that young people were the vandals, they should be doubly ashamed of themselves for doing something that would negatively affect their peers. While surveying the damage, staff and volunteers with the society suggested if the perpetrators are caught, they should have to clean the mess they created as a type of restorative justice. This is an excellent idea. The person or people who committed this crime clearly need to take a lot of time considering what they did and why. Having to clean up multiple litres of paint might be just the thing to help them understand the implications of their actions and deter them from similar vandalism in the future. Lack of solutions to energy issue Editorial Comment Laura Busch Inuvik Drum - Thursday, July 12, 2012 The news that the Ikhil well's supply of natural gas is quickly running out originally came out more than nine months ago. Since that time, the only concrete solution that has been presented to residents is a temporary mixture of propane and air – dubbed synthetic natural gas – that will be delivered to the community by truck and will cost roughly twice as much as natural gas did when the Ikhil well was running at full capacity. The one public meeting that has been held on the subject was on April 10, when roughly 200 people filled the community hall in the Midnight Sun Complex to listen and pose questions to a panel of town officials, GNWT employees, along with members of the Ikhil Joint Venture, Inuvik Gas and ATCO Midstream Ltd. Granted, that was not an easy meeting and tempers ran high. However, this does not excuse the lack of community consultation or even community outreach since that time. Granted, town officials, especially Inuvik Mayor Denny Rodgers, have been open to discussing the issue. The problem is, very little new information has come out since that time. Sure, few various options have been presented, but absolutely no actual long-term plan has been offered and presented to the public from any level of government. It has become abundantly clear there are no plans for real public consultation to come up with solutions to this mess, and so it's about time that those involved in the process of switching Inuvik to the synthetic natural gas, or looking for a natural gas long-term solution down the line, come up with some concrete plans. After all, any long-term solution will take time to get in place. Even if a fully-funded natural gas project was announced tomorrow, it could take two to three years to bring fuel to the community. On the other side of the energy spectrum, replacing natural gas with wood pellets or some other alternative would mean switching out furnaces and developing a new supply chain. These things take time, and that is exactly what the people of Inuvik are running out of – that and natural gas. The next heating season is currently about two months away and people need to be able to budget and plan for how they will pay their energy bills come the fall.