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News Briefs: Wednesday, June 6, 2012
Switchboard work causes outage
People trying to call long distance to 766 prefix numbers were unable to connect for about an hour yesterday. A representative with NorthwesTel, who refused to give her name, said the outage was caused by work being done on the 766 exchange but couldn't provide any further details. The outage lasted from approximately 2:40 to 3:40 p.m.
- Kevin Allerston
14-year-old arrested
Police have arrested a second youth in connection with an assault on a 44-year-old woman on 52 Street, Thursday.
Police arrived on scene shortly after 9 p.m. and found a woman sitting on the ground by herself.
Officers determined a sexual assault may have been committed by two males, aged 14 and 15. Police say the woman didn't know the youth.
Police arrested the 15-year-old boy shortly after the incident but they were unable to apprehend the other youth until Friday.
The 14-year-old boy appeared in court Tuesday and the judge released him with conditions. The 15-year-old had been released from custody on conditions he reside in his parents' house and not leave the property between 5 p.m. and 7 a.m.
Both youth are scheduled to appear in youth court on June 25, according to police.
- Miranda Scotland
No suspect in assault
Police have not yet identified a suspect in an assault on a 44-year-old woman at the Northern Property management office between 5:30 and 7:30 a.m. on May 7.
The woman was later found unconscious in her office on 49 street by a co-worker. Police are unsure if the victim knew her attacker.
RCMP Const. Kathy Law said the investigation is ongoing and police are asking anyone with information to come forward.
- Miranda Scotland
Highway 3 remains open
A forest fire near Behchoko likely won't result in any road closures on Highway 3 under current conditions, according to Earl Blacklock, communications manager with the Department of Transportation.
"That isn't likely unless the wind shifts direction and brings the fire and smoke toward the highway," said Blacklock, adding if conditions change the department will alert the public.
- Kevin Allerston
Disability awareness tea
The legislative assembly is holding a disability awareness tea today in the Great Hall between 11:30 a.m. and 12:30 p.m.
The Department of Health and Social Services, the NWT Human Rights Commission and the NWT Disability Council will be presenting awards to individuals and businesses who have made a difference in the lives of persons with disabilities.
- Katherine Hudson
Lab coats and lobsters
Kivalliq/Charlottetown, P.E.I.
The top students from the annual Kivalliq Regional Science Fair travelled to Charlottetown, P.E.I., to compete in the annual CanadaWide Science Fair this past month.
Representing the Kivalliq were Grade 7 students Tatonya Autut and Chelsea Sammurtok of Maani Ulujuk Ilinniarvik in Rankin Inlet with their project on fur, Keeping the Heat, and Grade 12 student Scott Sammurtok of Victor Sammurtok School in Chesterfield Inlet with his project, Articulating Qamutik.
The students were accompanied by Kivalliq educators Katharine O'Connell of Rankin Inlet and Glen Brocklebank of Chesterfield Inlet.
For the complete story on their trip to the national competition, please see the June 13 edition of Kivalliq News.
Sessions completed
A series of community-information meetings across the Kivalliq region hosted by the Nunavut Impact Review Board (NIRB) wrapped up in Repulse Bay this past week.
The meetings were held to provide information on Areva Resources Canada's draft environmental impact statement on its Kiggavik uranium project near Baker Lake, as well as to gather questions and input from the public.
The NIRB representatives travelled across the region during an eight-day period to meet with the public in each Kivalliq community.
Science winners
The Kivalliq Science Educators Community (KSEC) has announced Scott Sammurtok of Victor Sammurtok School in Chesterfield Inlet and Blanche Tegumiar of Tusarvik School in Repulse Bay are this year's winners of the male and female KSEC Student Science Awards. This year is the 12th anniversary of the KSEC awards, which are given to a graduating male and female student who demonstrate interest and achievement in science, participation in school and regional science fairs and camps, and an interest in pursuing postsecondary education in a sciencerelated field.
Spring play
The John Arnalukjuak High School (JAHS) Drama Club presented its spring play, The Breakfast Club, using an abridged script based on the 1985 movie this past week.
The event, which is the group's final production until the next school semester, drew large crowds in Arviat for all four of its presentations.
The play was directed by JAHS drama teacher Gord Billard.
Fighting hunger
Members of the Arviat youth group participated in the World Vision 30Hour Famine this past weekend.
A total of 15 youth and three group leaders took part in the famine from 5 p.m. on Friday until 11 p.m. on Saturday.
Arviat youth set a goal of raising $4,000 during their famine to help provide things like nutritious food, health care and education for children in countries such as Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda, India, Cambodia, and Pakistan.
Hockey AGM Saturday
Rankin Inlet/Nunavut
Hockey Nunavut is scheduled to hold its annual general meeting (AGM) in Rankin Inlet this coming Saturday, June 9.
Anyone interested in joining Hockey Nunavut, or for more information on its AGM, may contact any board member or phone sports and recreation development officer Kerby Corcoran at the CLEY sport and recreation division (formerly Sport Nunavut) office in Baker Lake.