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News Briefs: Wednesday, June 20, 2012
Suspect nabbed in Old Town break-in
Police responding to a call from a neighbour about a break and enter in progress found a man in the garage of a Ragged Ass Road home in Old Town shortly after midnight Friday, said Const. Amanda McGillivray. A 32-year-old man was charged, appeared before a justice of the peace and released on a promise to appear in court. A second suspect who fled was not found despite the efforts of a police dog. Anyone with information is asked to call Crime Stoppers.
- Katherine Hudson
New members on commission
Charles Dent, Bronwyn Watters, both from Yellowknife, and Marion Berls from Fort Smith have been appointed as new members of the Northwest Territories Human Rights Commission.
Yacub Adam from Yellowknife was reappointed to the commission for another term. The terms are for four years and were based on the recommendation of the legislative assembly.
"Human rights are absolutely essential in a liberal democratic society," said Dent. "It will be very interesting to work on the other side. I was part of the political process to get it enacted and now I get to work under the act and make sure human rights are respected in the NWT."
- Danielle Sachs
Facebook scam in Yellowknife
RCMP say a page on a social media site created in the name of a woman from the area who urges people to donate money is actually a fraud. The scam account sends Facebook friend requests to Yellowknifers and asks them to participate in a "poverty eradication program" by sending $250 to the program and receiving $40,000 in return. Some people have fallen for the scam, RCMP said.
- Katherine Hudson
Mildred Hall log schoolhouse open
The original structure of the Mildred Hall Schoolhouse, a small log cabin on Franklin Avenue between the Mildred Hall School and Yellowknife Education District No. 1 office, is open for the summer. Members of the Yellowknife Chapter of the Red Hat Society are available from 1 until 4 p.m. Monday to Friday to show Yellowknifers and visitors around the building and explain its history.
- Katherine Hudson
Trade show date announced
Rankin Inlet
The steering committee for the Kivalliq Trade Show in Rankin Inlet has announced the third annual event will be held in Rankin from Nov. 19 to 22.
The slogan for the 2012 event will be Celebrating Small Business.
Committee member Robert Connelly said in a press release the Kivalliq Trade Show is a great forum for networking with Kivalliqbased businesses.
He said the event supports the exchange of information between representatives from business, industry, government sectors, Inuit organizations, communities and exploration and mining companies.
"We are proud this event is made possible by the business community, at large, through its inkind and monetary sponsorships," said Connelly.
The show will again feature a student program with four high school students from each Kivalliq community being selected by their schools to participate in the event.
The 2012 show will also see the return of the popular Kivalliq Trade Show Art Market, which features regional artisans on site selling their fine art, arts and crafts and garment creations.
Players at hockey camp
Charlotte Karetak of Arviat is one of two Nunavut female hockey players selected to participate in the Canadian International Hockey Academy in Rockland, Ont., from July 9 to 15.
Karetak will be joined at the camp by Jane Nakashook of Panniqtuuq.
The two are being sponsored to participate at the event by the Project North initiative.
Leadership conference visits
Rankin Inlet
Thirteen members of the Governor General's Canadian Leadership Conference (GGCLC) spent two days in Rankin Inlet earlier this month.
Every four years, the GGCLC brings together 230 members of Canada's future leaders from business, labour, government and aboriginal communities.
The Rankin visit was part of an eightday study tour of Nunavut for GGCLC members to explore the debate issues of community sustainability and leadership.
For more on the visit, please see the June 27 edition of Kivalliq News.
Antibullying website launched
The National Aboriginal Health Organization has launched a website aimed at helping to curb the rise of bullying among Inuit, First Nations and Metis youth across Canada.
The website and its materials were created in partnership with the National Aboriginal Role Model Program and Kids Help Phone, Canada's leading phone and online youth counselling service.
The website contains tip sheets for youth, teachers and parents, lesson plans, teacher presentations and much more.
The antibullying website and its resources were created to get families and schools talking about the issue, as well as offering suggestions on how to work together to prevent and eliminate bullying from their communities.
Softball on artificial turf
Rankin Inlet
The Rankin Inlet Co-ed Softball League has announced it will begin regular season play on Tuesday, July 3.
The 2012 season also marks the debut of artificial turf on the infield for the first time in league history.
The artificial turf was made possible by the Hamlet of Rankin Inlet, Sport Nunavut and the league's fundraising efforts,
The deadline for teams to register for league play is Wednesday, June 27.
Meadowbank team competes
Baker Lake/Yellowknife
A team from the Meadowbank gold mine in Baker Lake was among six teams to take part in the 55th annual Mine Rescue Competition in Yellowknife this past weekend.
The skill competitions included a written test, surface practical bench, underground bench, firefighting, underground obstacles, smoke, rope rescue, first aid and surface obstacle/recovery.
Final results from the competition were not known as of press time.