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Kivalliq News named Best In Class by NNSL staff Northern News Services Published Wednesday, June 13, 2012
The Best In Class award was the third in a row for the publication. The newspaper also took first for Best Layout and Design and Best Front Page. The Northern News Services Ltd. (NNSL) publication completed its strong showing by taking second place for Best Editorial Page, and third for Best Arts and Culture Story of the year. Editor Darrell Greer's story on the John Arnalukjuak High School Drama Club's production of The Bright Blue Mailbox Suicide Note in Arviat was deemed "inspirational" by the judges. Greer said he's honoured to see Kivalliq News named Best In Class for a third straight year. He said he received strong support from NNSL's production and photo departments during the year. "Having the paper out each week, at a level the people of the region deserve, is a team effort," said Greer. "There are many who contribute a great deal to the paper behind the scenes, and they don't always get the credit they deserve for their efforts. "I receive strong support from NNSL staff pretty much every year, but it was exemplary this past year." Greer said he owes a great deal of thanks to many people across the Kivalliq region who send him photos and news tips from their communities. He said the number of people who take the time to promote the efforts of others speaks volumes to the level of community spirit in the region. "A growing number of people work hard to improve the quality of life in our region and promote the success of others, and that's good to see. "The Kivalliq has been nurturing a sense of regional community during the past few years, which helps strengthen all our communities. "I owe a great deal to so many people in the region who take the time to keep me in the loop on what happens in their communities. "It may sound like a cliche, but I really couldn't do it without their help."