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News Briefs: Wednesday, May 9, 2012
Fishing for votes
Mayor Gord Van Tighem is encouraging residents to vote online for Yellowknife in the World Fishing Network's (WFN) Ultimate Fishing Town competition.
So far, Yellowknife is lagging way behind in the first round of voting with only 14 votes as of yesterday afternoon, compared to one vote for Whati, 144 votes for Deline, and 2,405 votes for Ulukhaktok. Gameti and Fort Providence have no votes, yet. Hastings, Ont., is leading the competition with 3,727 votes.
Voting opened May 1 and continues until May 31. People can vote online in the Canada-wide competition once every six hours.
- Kevin Allerston
City spring cleaning
Yellowknife residents with large items for disposal have until this Friday to complete forms requesting a free pick-up between May 14 to 18.
Items excluded from the pickup include hazardous waste, recyclables, and those with applicable tipping fees. The city will collect hazardous waste at the Yellowknife Community Arena parking lot on May 19 between noon and 4 p.m.
Those interested can visit the City of Yellowknife website or consult the city newsletter for more information on permitted items and collection procedures.
- Lyndsay Herman
Campaign for MS
The 36th annual Multiple Sclerosis Carnation Campaign reaches Yellowknife this Friday as volunteers sell carnations at the Royal Bank of Canada to raise funds and awareness for the disease.
"The Carnation Campaign is the MS society's oldest fundraising event," said Douglas Tokaryk, Edmonton-based manager of regional services for the MS Society of Canada. "It started in the late 1970s, in 1976, and it has raised $45 to $46 million since then."
- Lyndsay Herman
Exhibit opening
Thirty-five years to the day, the Berger Inquiry will be revisited as a new exhibit at the Prince of Wales Northern Heritage Centre. After a three-year inquiry, Justice Thomas Berger released his report in 1977, which was the first official answer regarding whether there should be a natural gas pipeline built through NWT or the Yukon.
May 9 at 7 p.m., marks the official launch of the exhibit along with the accompanying website. A panel presentation featuring original Berger Inquiry participants will discuss why the issue still matters.
The event is open to the public.
- Danielle Sachs
Bishop visits
Coral Harbour
Anglican Bishop Andrew Attagutaluk spent some time in Coral Harbour this past month when he visited the community for a Healing In His Wings gathering.
The trip marked the final time Attagutaluk will visit a Nunavut community as a bishop, as he plans to retire and live in Innukjuak, Que., as a minister.
Race results
Rankin Inlet
Listed below are the Top 10 finishers in the Kivalliq Dog Derby Championship held in Rankin Inlet this past month.
The teams raced 30 miles per day over a threeday period during the derby.
The results show the racer's finish and total time over the three days of racing in hours, minutes and seconds.
1: Shawn Maley: 5:57:39
2: Harry Towtongie: 6:36:07
3: David Oolooyuk: 6:45:19
4: Harry Ittinuar: 6:47:13
5: Michael Ivo: 6:47:43
6: Moses Kingusivinak: 6:57:44
7: Brian Ookowt: 7:41:15
8: Andrew Porter: 7:41:27
9: Tristan Dias: 7:43:02
10: Silu Oolooyuk: 7:45:39
Hitting the track
Chesterfield Inlet
The community of Chesterfield Inlet was scheduled to host its annual snowmobile racing championship this past weekend.
Final results were not known as of press time.
Pakallak Tyme
Rankin Inlet
The community of Rankin Inlet was in fullcelebration mode this past week as the hamlet hosted its annual Pakallak Tyme festivities.
The event featured something for kids of all ages, from elder bingo to Scrabble, scavenger hunts, crib tournaments, dogteam racing, iglu building, first fish contests, family skating, an elder's breakfast, target shooting, fear factor, ice sculpting and a community feast among many more activities.
For the complete story on the celebrations, please see the May 16 edition of Kivalliq News.
Award winner
Baker Lake
Peter Tiktaalaaq of Baker Lake was a cowinner of the annual AgnicoEagle Mines (AEM) Ltd. Paul Penna Award this past month. Tiktaalaaq has been with AEM at its Meadowbank gold operation since 2009 as a haul truck driver.
The Paul Penna Award is given to an AEM employee who best exemplifies the philosophies of the company's founder.
This marked the fifth year the award has been presented.
Youth gathering
A number of Kivalliq youths were among those who gathered in Iqaluit earlier this month for the Global Leaders Centre hosted by Junior Team Canada.
The program is run with the goal of engaging Canadian youth, aged 625, in the role their region plays in the global economy.
For more on the gathering, please see the May 16 edition of Kivalliq News.
Training opportunity
Rankin Inlet/Kivalliq
Kivalliq beneficiaries are reminded the Sakku Investments Corp, through its Nunami Stantec company, will be offering an environmental monitor training program in Rankin Inlet from June 4 to 30.
The program provides students with a basic understanding of the theory of environmental management and monitoring, as well as hands-on training for a variety of sampling and monitoring techniques.
Those who complete the program will be qualified to act as field assistants in environment baseline data and monitoring activities, conduct routine compliance monitoring and perform other monitoring duties.
Those interested in the training can contact Robert Tookoome at the Sakku Investments office in Rankin for more information.