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Dark ages of mental health Weekend Yellowknifer - Friday, March 23, 2012
While Lander's medical records are private, the terrible result of her mental illness was very public. The consequences of this tragic incident were not suffered by her alone. Her pain, in some way, will now live on in her children, friends, and the police officers forced to take a human life. We don't doubt there has since been much passionate debate in kitchens and coffee shops whether the police did the right thing. At present it seems they did their duty as demanded by the situation and their training. A more productive subject of debate is the state of mental health services in the NWT. Was Lander's death a failure of the system? She was one of 30 percent of Yellowknifers who count themselves as coping with mental health problems. In 2009-10, approximately 264 Yellowknifers were hospitalized suffering severe mental health symptoms; that number jumps to 620 people across the entire territory. These annual statistics were gathered in the territorial government's Northwest Territories Health Status Report and show a considerable segment of our Northern population suffers from mental health issues. If Lander sought help before that night, the treatment offered wasn't sufficient. Mental illness is one of the most difficult of all medical problems to diagnose. Some people are wise enough to seek support from their family doctor or counselling, or both, but the line between the expected emotional ups and downs of life and clinical depression are fuzzy. Too often sufferers self-medicate with booze and drugs which can mask and aggravate an undiagnosed problem. Unlike other illnesses, people with mental health problems are often the last ones to recognize the symptoms. Indeed, their self-destructive behavior can alienate their family and friends who want to help. Often people in mental health crisis are left on their own or with people in the same situation. We are still in the dark ages when it comes to dealing with mental illness. There are no quick tests for treatable depression, no medications guaranteed to provide immediate relief, no effective surgical procedures to remove or repair damaged psyches. Psychiatrists, the only professionals who can make a diagnosis, are scarce and rotate through Yellowknife clinics as temporary locums. Their main tools are medications. Psychologists and counsellors can do little without a medical diagnosis and even less without complete co-operation from patients who can neither explain or in some cases even properly describe their history, thoughts and impulses. We have a psychiatric ward at Stanton Territorial Hospital that can provide sanctuary but no long-term treatment. While health care professionals work with people suffering the debilitating effects of mental illness on a daily basis, they and the services they can offer are restricted by the understanding of our politicians who control the funding for resources. The politicians respond to pressure from their constituents. That's us, the people where the real resistance lies. We don't like to talk about mental illness because we don't understand it and unless it hits our home, we are largely unsympathetic. We are even less supportive when it comes to addictions, irritated by the stricken people walking our streets. If the ugly spectacle of a middle-aged mother being shot down like a rabid fox disturbs us enough to wonder how we as a society might have helped her - or indeed how she might otherwise have helped herself - Karen Lander may not have died in vain.
Poor results Editorial Comment Roxanna Thompson Deh Cho Drum - Thursday, March 22, 2011 The tests, which are in their seventh year, measure student performance based on the NWT curriculum in the areas of math and language arts at the Grade 3, 6 and 9 level. The 2011 results show a lot of students are not achieving what is considered an acceptable standard. For example, only 53.1 per cent of Grade 3 students in the territory, out of the total enrollment, achieved an acceptable standard on the language arts portion. Even more disturbing, only 30.2 per cent of Grade 9 students, out of the total enrollment, achieved an acceptable standard on the math portion of the test. In the Deh Cho, Terry Jaffray, the superintendent of the Dehcho Divisional Education Council, said the region's scores are quite a bit lower than the rest of the territory in both math and language arts. There will undoubtedly be a tendency for people to read that statement and immediately move to the conclusion that the schools in the region are not properly educating the Deh Cho's youth. After all, one would presume that with seven years of practice the council would know what the test requires of students and have teachers focus on those areas. Results for the region should be getting better every year. But instead they are hovering around the same level. Jaffray is clear that the council, schools and teachers aren't shirking their jobs. All of the parties are taking a close look at the test results and developing strategies for helping students to learn the curriculum and perform better on the tests. It would also be easy to look at the results of the report, which includes the average attendance of students in the 2010-11 school year, and point a lot of the blame for the poor test results on parents and caregivers. For example, in the communities across the territory, students in kindergarten had a 77.8 per cent average attendance. Clearly someone isn't getting them off to school in the morning. The average for all students across the territory was 84.3 per cent, the equivalent of a student missing approximately one and a half days every two weeks. That's a lot of curriculum for students to be missing and has to have a bearing on the test results. Pointing the blame at the school system or parents, however, will not address the real issue, which is whether students in the Deh Cho are getting the best education possible. In the middle of a true Canadian winter Editorial Comment Katherine Hudson Inuvik Drum - Thursday, March 22, 2011 Residents of the southern provinces are currently experiencing higher-than-average temperatures and they are not keeping it a secret. Everywhere you turn -- the news, Facebook, Twitter -- you'll be bombarded with half-astonished, half-bragging updates about just how warm it is and what fun, warm weather-related activity everyone is getting up to. People are posting pictures of their vehicle's dashboard which innocently state Ontario is dealing with mid-20s – proving this madness is actually taking place. They're not making it up. Others are taking it a bit too far – wearing shorts and flipflops and heading to the beach in Halifax when it's just reaching 12 C. Now, our part of the world is amazing in the winter. The snowmobile trails are padded down from a season of use, the walking paths glisten with fresh snow and the sun is coming back longer and stronger every day. Although the sun's return is proof that a seasonal change is expected – and the real, off-with-the-parka kind, not the spring equinox – the sun is just a tease. Even though it's lighting up the town until past 9 p.m., those who want to enjoy it for any length of time must realize that hypothermia and frostbite might be in their not-too-distant future. We have lived through a consistently frigid January, dipping to -43 C, but we did have a break in February with a treat of -15 C before it plunged back to weeks of deep-freeze conditions in March. But this is normal. According to Environment Canada, the past six Marches had an average temperature of between -25 C and -30 C. So, our brothers and sisters in the provinces can enjoy this spin-off of global warming, or El Nino, or whatever it is that is forcing them onto sun-drenched patios for lunch. But when they question so broadly why Canadian winters are no longer, tell them the winters they remember so fondly as they sip iced tea while sunbathing in their backyards – winters of snow, mittens, woodstoves and hot chocolate – are alive and well in Inuvik. Keep exploration going Yellowknifer - Wednesday, March 21, 2012
The upswing in exploration is welcome news indeed, and for the momentum to continue so too should improvement to regulatory barriers. The Government of the Northwest Territories, the Chamber of Mines, and especially the federal government, should make ongoing progress in streamlining regulations very public. Awareness and perception, after all, is key to attracting further investment and interest from the movers and shakers in the mining industry. The regulatory boards' responsible for setting and enforcing regulations, whether created by land claims or the federal government, should be put on alert that their activities are being monitored. Further, companies interested in doing business in the Northwest Territories need to realize that, while we are hungry for development, the protection of the environment and the long-term effects of their activities trump the desired economic benefits. That said, attraction is the key. "The future is very bright for us here in the Northwest Territories," said Industry, Tourism and Investment Minister David Ramsay, who just returned from the 2012 Prospectors and Developers Conference in Toronto. Despite mineral exploration spending in the NWT lagging far behind our neighbours in Nunavut - with a record $502.3 million spent in the east during 2011, according to Natural Resources Canada preliminary figures, compared to $105.4 million spent in 2011 on mineral exploration in the NWT - Ramsay is cautiously optimistic that the NWT can surpass the $500-million mark in the near future. "We are sitting on top of a huge resource wealth in our territory and I think we just scratched the surface when it comes to developing its true potential," Ramsay said. "$500 million wouldn't be out of the realm of possibilities." The latest update from the territory's three producing diamond mines is encouraging. Snap Lake, Ekati and Diavik produced $2.069 billion in diamonds last year, up more than $40 million from 2010, despite decreased production. Thank goodness for higher market prices and greater demand for diamonds on the world economy. With production expected to ramp up this year at Diavik, to 8.3 million carats from 6.7 million carats in 2011, one would expect production values to increase even more by the end of 2012. Finally, the territory needs more mines to open as the existing operations reach maturity. One doesn't have to use much imagination to speculate how bleak the territory's economic situation would have been had the diamond mines not opened as the gold mines shut down. The time to set the stage for new mines is now.
Long live Long John Jamboree Yellowknifer - Wednesday, March 21, 2012 This weekend, Yellowknife residents will once again have the opportunity to herald the end of winter with a community festival, this time on Yellowknife Bay. The Long John Jamboree will replace the long-lived but recently-deceased Caribou Carnival, which offered Yellowknifers springtime entertainment from 1955 until 2010. Originally designed to celebrate the return of hunters and trappers from the bush, Caribou Carnival struggled in its last years as it failed to evolve alongside the latest generation of Northerners. Organizers of the Long John Jamboree have designed an inaugural schedule of events to embrace long-standing festivities such as handgames and the Ugly Truck and Dog Contest, as well as fresh spectacles such as magicians, snowboarding, skijoring and music, to name a few. In keeping with a custom handed down from the Caribou Carnival, the city has declared a half-day civic holiday on Friday. Many municipal and territorial government employees will be given that afternoon off to take part in the day's activities. No matter how much work volunteers, performers, and organizers put into event preparations, it is up to the public to make the Long John Jamboree a success. On Friday, Saturday and Sunday, head on down to Yellowknife Bay. If we all do our part to make the festival fun for all ages, it will give us all something special to look forward to again next winter.
Playing the numbers game Darrell Greer Kivalliq News - Wednesday, March 21, 2012 A recent survey on the Western Hudson Bay polar bear population is being eagerly anticipated by Kivalliq hunters in the communities of Arviat, Baker Lake, Whale Cove, Rankin Inlet and Chesterfield Inlet. Modern science and traditional Inuit knowledge have long been at odds over the health of the Western Hudson Bay population. The Kivalliq's polar bear quota for 20112012 was increased to 21 bears. That's up 13 from the previous quota of eight. Still, it's a far cry from the quota of 56 bears that was in place as recently as 2006-2007. While Kivalliq hunters wait for the survey results to be made public and, in all probability, another round of community consultations to set a long-term quota, another game is playing out in the south that will, ultimately, impact both the bears and their hunters. Auction prices for bear skins have skyrocketed during the past few years, mainly because of the fur's rising popularity in China and Russia and a growing feeling among collectors that the trade of bear skins will soon be banned in Canada. The mecca of polar-bear-skin purchasing is the well-known auction house, the Fur Harvesters Auction in North Bay, Ont. The going price on untreated polar bear skins rose by more than 200 per cent during the past few years, with some skins selling for more than $10,000. With Canada home to about 60 per cent of the world's polar bear population, and being the only international supplier of the skins, getting an accurate picture of the real numbers of their populations could have a huge influence on market prices. Many buyers are opening their wallets wide to get as many of the skins as they can afford in anticipation of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES) of Wild Fauna and Flora gathering in early 2013. During those meetings, the United States is expected to go all out in its efforts to ban polar bear parts on the world market, a move Canada staunchly opposes. One needs look no further than Inukjuak, Que., to see the potential impact rising prices can have. Hunters there are reported to have harvested more than 70 bears this past year in an effort to cash in on the rising demand and soaring prices. Indications on the Western Hudson Bay survey point to the news being good on population numbers. Once those numbers are made public - and if Inuit are proven correct in their contention that polar bear population numbers are rising, not decreasing - it will be interesting to see what, if any, impact the results of one area survey will have on market prices. Former Environment minister Daniel Shewchuk referred to the "remarkable recovery" of the population this past year and, if survey numbers bear that out, many eyes will be on the next large auction of polar bear skins this coming June. Bidders will have to decide if strong population numbers and, possibly, increased quotas outweigh their fears of American success at the CITES gathering. Whatever the outcome, hopefully it will be as advantageous to the bears as it is to our hunters and economy.
A road to deep debt NWT News/North - Monday, March 19, 2012
A report by the Conference Board of Canada released last week shows that mining is driving the NWT economy and is expected to be our primary source of growth for the next several years. As reported in News/North last week, the Mackenzie Valley Highway extension, from Wrigley to Inuvik, is entering the final phase of regulatory scrutiny. That's no guarantee the estimated $1.7 billion project will proceed, but why are we even thinking about it? With apologies to Cece Hodgson-McCauley, a longtime highway booster who is deserving of having the project named after her, communities along the highway route not already served by a road have a combined population of less than 1,900. That's almost $900,000 per person in highway construction costs, more in maintenance. Yes, the road would create temporary construction jobs, attract a modest number of tourists and may make a tiny dent in the cost to build a Mackenzie Valley pipeline, but we should wait for the opposite to hold true - that pipeline construction will make building the road cheaper. The people of Tulita, Norman Wells, Fort Good Hope and Tsiigehtchic should be entitled to cheaper groceries, but we can find ways to subsidize their cost of living that are much more affordable than $1.7 billion. The territory's debt limit was just increased to $800 million, more than half of which is already accounted for. We can't afford the highway. With a road to resources, on the other hand, we will have more mines, more jobs and more contract opportunities for NWT businesses. It's the road to a better future and one that will eventually pay for itself.
Eyes on 2014 Games in Fairbanks NWT News/North - Monday, March 19, 2012 Although the 2012 Arctic Winter Games only wrapped up on March 10, Team NWT already has its eyes set on the 2014 Games in Fairbanks, Alaska. Bill Othmer, Team NWT's assistant chef de mission, said for the territory to achieve its goal of achieving at least second place in 2014 it will have to start preparing immediately. But preparation isn't limited to how athletes perform on the field of play, it includes supporting sports at the grassroots level and getting youth excited about participation. Sport North understands this concept and is working to provide athletes infrastructure to learn, train and compete. Such work was done in the area of traditional sports this past year and was credited for increasing the gold medal count for Dene games and Arctic sports, as well as helping Fort Smith's Veronica McDonald to break two world records. Twenty-one communities were represented on Team NWT this year in Whitehorse and many athletes from outside Yellowknife helped boost the NWT to 116 medals, its highest total in a decade. Supporting volunteers, coaches and athletes is key to not only improving ability but fostering enthusiasm in future athletes. Doing so in every community across the territory will ensure Team NWT has more youth to draw from each year while also encouraging healthy lifestyles. More active youth means a healthier society and we all win regardless of our placing at the Arctic Winter Games. Congratulations to all Team NWT participants this year, coaches and volunteers included. It was your efforts that made the event the unbelievable experience every athlete News/North spoke to said it was.
Carving out extra income Nunavut News/North - Monday, March 19, 2012 It's hard to make a living as an artist, and there are many artists trying to scrape by in Nunavut. Therefore Kugluktuk MLA Peter Taptuna's suggestion regarding artist resale rights is a good one. The proposal, which had the cabinet minister calling on the federal government to enact legislation, would have artists, or their estate, collect five per cent on the resale of their work. Taptuna gave the example of two Kenojuak Ashevak prints recently auctioned in the south for $29,620. If Ashevak had the five per cent resale rights, she would have brought in $1,481. This legislation is in place in the European Union as well as other parts of the world, including the U.S. state of California. In California, whenever a work of art worth more than $1,000 is sold at an auction, gallery or similar venue, the seller or their agent must withhold five per cent of the sale and has 90 days to try and locate the artist and give them the cash - if they fail, they must give it to the state's arts council, which then has seven years to locate the artist and give them the cash, after which the money is kept by the council. This could work in Canada. In order to benefit Nunavummiut artists, more effort would have to be made to locate and pay individuals, but tight timeframes must be maintained and a federally-established monitoring body should be set up. This entity would have to keep a database of artist contact information, and would be responsible to collect this money and turn it over to the artists - if the onus to collect is left on the artist's plate, the system won't work. The legal system is hard to navigate, especially from Nunavut. It just wouldn't be worth it for an artist to pursue a case to collect around $1,000. That said, this is a cause the Government of Nunavut should continue to champion. The gains might not be huge, but if collection is made easy for the artists, it is definitely worth it.
Being drunk is never an excuse Nunavut News/North - Monday, March 19, 2012 It's the most common argument Northern courts hear: "I was drunk. I don't remember." Often, it's sadly true. That doesn't change anything about guilt, however. In a drunken sex assault case heard in Nunavut's court last month, the lawyer for the defendant wanted Justice Neil Sharkey to overrule a law banning the use of extreme intoxication as a defence, saying it violated the defendant's Charter rights. Sharkey upheld the law, ruling it was justifiable given Nunavut's violence per capita rates - the highest in the country - and the fact these crimes nearly always involve alcohol. This was the right decision. When a drunk driver hits a pedestrian, when a drunk man hits his spouse, when a drunk person commits murder, rape, assault - maybe the offender wouldn't have done these things sober. That doesn't absolve them of responsibility for their actions. They drank to excess, they committed the crime. Alcohol abuse is the scourge of the territory. It twists minds, it causes undue harm to way too many families and it ruins lives, but it must never be an excuse. A person is responsible for their actions, and they are similarly responsible to get help when liquor becomes a problem. It's not right for the public to let crimes go unpunished, to let horrible acts of violence go unchecked, just because someone has let alcohol control their lives.