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News Briefs: Wednesday, February 22, 2012
Bridging the gap
The two sides of the Deh Cho Bridge over the Mackenzie River are expected to be joined tomorrow.
Department of Transportation spokesperson Earl Blacklock said engineers are conducting final tests before the gap is closed.
The $192 million project is expected to open to traffic by fall, according to the Department of Transportation. The bridge, located near Fort Providence, will provide a year-round link between Yellowknife and the south.
- Laura Busch
Spiritual leader coming to Yk
The moderator of the United Church of Canada will be in Yellowknife from March 8 to 15 to speak with church members and residents. Mardi Tinda will be accompanied by the church's general secretary, Nora Sanders, of Yellowknife.
Tinda is expected to speak on a number of issues, including environmental stewardship.
- Kevin Allerston
Salad garden lesson
The second-last of a series of noon-hour gardening workshops will be held today by the Sacred Circle Project in partnership with Ecology North. The one-hour class will teach participants how to plant a salad garden. For more information, contact the Sacred Circle Project.
- Laura Busch
Heritage Week
The City of Yellowknife Heritage Committee is hosting many free events for Heritage Week 2012 around the city this week.
Tonight there is a music and poetry jam at Javaroma cafe beginning at 7 p.m. Heritage Week events continue through Sunday.
- Laura Busch
Hockey Day in Coral
Coral Harbour
A large crowd of hockey lovers came out to celebrate Hockey Day in Canada earlier this month in Coral Harbour.
The hamlet started holding the annual hockey celebration this past year to coincide with the special Hockey Night in Canada production of the same name.
A number of hockey games for players of all ages and genders are held during the Coral festivities, which also features numerous games, prizes and tasty treats at the arena.
Bad news at Meadowbank
Baker Lake
AgnicoEagle Mines announced this past week that the company lost more than $600 million during its fourth quarter of operations at the Meadowbank gold mine near Baker Lake.
The cost of producing ore of a much lower grade than expected is being cited as the main reason Meadowbank fortunes have taken a tumble.
The company estimates it's costing about $1,000 to produce an ounce of gold at Meadowbank.
To put that in perspective, producing an ounce of gold at AgnicoEagle's LaRonde mine in Quebec costs about $54.
The company also announced it will be closing the mine three years earlier than expected, with the mine now expected to cease operations in 2017.
On a brighter note, AgnicoEagle announced the Meadowbank situation will have no negative impact on the Meliadine gold project in Rankin Inlet.
The ore at Meliadine is reportedly of a much higher quality, while the cost of doing mining business in centrally located Rankin Inlet is far cheaper than at a site 110 km from Baker.
Working with performers
Aaju Peter and Guillaume Saladin arrived in Arviat earlier this week to share some time working with members of the Arviat Qaggiqtiit Cultural Performers Troupe.
The performers have been garnering national attention during the past six months.
They were recently featured both on television and on an Internet website, which featured the throat song, The Love Song, being performed by Arviat's Karen Panagoniak and Maria Illongoyiok.
Registry gone
The Conservative Federal government carried the day and voted to end the much maligned longgun registry this past week on Feb. 15.