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News Briefs: Friday, February 17, 2012
Stanton grounds now 100 per cent smoke-free
The grounds of Stanton Territorial Hospital are 100 per cent smoke-free as of Valentine's Day. A new policy announced in December prohibits tobacco use anywhere on hospital property.
"As the largest health-care facility in the territory, Stanton Territorial Health Authority has an opportunity to make a strong statement about the dangers of tobacco use and the health risks associated with even minimal exposure to second-hand smoke," stated hospital CEO Kay Lewis in a news release.
The rate of tobacco use in the NWT, 36 per cent, is double the national average. Tobacco is the leading cause of preventable death and disease in the NWT.
- Galit Rodan
Bevington votes against ending long-gun registry
Western Arctic NDP MP Dennis Bevington voted against the Harper government and Bill C-19, the Ending the Long-Gun Registry Act, Wednesday although he has broken ranks with the NDP and voted in favour of scrapping the registry in the past.
His reasons for opposing the government on the last two votes involve the government's plan to destroy all data collected by the long-gun registry since its inception in 2001. The act passed by a vote of 159 for and 130 against.
- Laura Busch
Stanton hosting raffle
Tickets are on sale for the Stanton Territorial Hospital Foundation $40,000 raffle to raise money for a dedicated chemotherapy and intravenous (IV) treatment area for Stanton Territorial Hospital.
Among the many prizes are cash prizes worth $25,000, $10,000, $3,000 and $2,000. Tickets are on sale at the hospital foundation headquarters in the Diamond Plaza. The draw is June 8.
- Kevin Allerston
Presentation on Canol Trail at library
The public is invited to the Yellowknife Public Library to attend a presentation about hiking the Canol Trail. The trail is considered one of the toughest routes in North America, spanning hundreds of kilometres of the Mackenzie Mountain Range.
The free presentation, which will include a 60 minute movie, runs from 7 to 8:30 p.m. on Tuesday, Feb. 21, in the library meeting room.
- Kevin Allerston
News Briefs: Thursday, February 16, 2012
Wise woman honoured
Margaret Vandell of Fort Providence has been named Deh Cho's 2012 Wise Woman by the Status of Women Council of the NWT.
This is the 20th anniversary of the award, which is given yearly to one woman in each of the five regions of the territory. The award recognizes women who are role models and who demonstrate wisdom, perseverance and dedication while standing up for women, children and families in the communities.
Vandell and the other winners will receive their awards at a luncheon in the Great Hall of the legislative assembly on March 28 from noon to 1 p.m. In honour of the 20th anniversary, the council is also launching a book to commemorate all the women who have won the award.
Committee heads up church fundraising
A committee has been formed to acquire a new building for the Sacred Heart Catholic Church congregation in Fort Simpson.
The five-person New Church Building Committee will be holding its second meeting on Feb. 28 at 7 p.m. in the Fort Simpson village council chambers. The purpose of the meeting is to inform people about what has been done to date and what events are planned, said Darlene Sibbeston, the committee's chair.
The meeting is open to the public and people are being encouraged to attend.
"The more people we have the quicker we can get this done. We need big ideas," Sibbeston said.
The congregation needs approximately $360,000 to build a new church. To date approximately 20 per cent of the funds have been raised, said Sibbeston.
Learning at the lake
Five students from Charles Yohin School are participating in a winter culture camp.
The students along with teacher Jeff Planetta and community members Angus Konisenta, George Tsetso and Denise Konisenta left the community by snowmobiles on Feb. 13 for Bluefish Lake. At the lake, students are expected to do ice fishing and trapping. The group is scheduled to return on Feb. 16.
Speed skaters test their mettle
Sixteen members of the Fort Simpson Speed Skating Club are preparing for a territorial event.
The speed skaters will be competing in the NWT Speed Skating Championships in Yellowknife from Feb. 16 to 19. Last year the club sent 14 skaters to the event, it was one of the largest teams Fort Simpson has had at the championships.
Greta Sittichinli wins Wise Woman Award
Inuvik's Greta Anne Marie Sittichinli is being awarded with the Wise Woman Award for the Beaufort Delta Region.
The other four winners are Marsha Argue for the North Slave; Ethel Blondin-Andrew for the Sahtu; Therese (Dollie) Simon for the South Slave; and Margaret Vandell for the Deh Cho. The awards will be presented in the Great Hall of the legislative assembly in Yellowknife on March 8. The Status of Women Council will also be launching a book on March 8 in celebration of the awards' 20th anniversary – honouring all the women who have won the award over the past 20 years.
Border Services Agency open
Inuvik's Canada Border Services Agency reopened on Feb. 1 after it had closed at the end of November.
It is open Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and located beside Service Canada on Kingmingya Road.
"We provide information to the public should they have any questions about customs and or immigration, that's for the Canadian side," said Garett Kolsun, border services officer who opened the agency at the beginning of the month.
Neil Stuart, another border services officer, took over on Tuesday.
The office will once again close around the end of November.
Big game on the ice
The Inuvialuit Regional Corporation Native Hockey Tournament is ramping up for its 24th annual competition. The first games hit the ice on Thursday at 7 p.m. and play goes through the weekend until the championship game at 7:30 p.m. on Sunday. There are two divisions with $11,000 worth of prizes to be distributed for first, second and third place in both divisions.
Thirteen teams are participating from Fort McPherson, Aklavik, Paulatuk, Ulukhaktok, Tuktoyaktuk and Inuvik.
Less gas in reserve
The remaining recoverable reserves for the Ikhil natural gas pool are significantly less than originally anticipated , according to an announcement by Inuvik Gas Ltd. and the Ikhil Joint Venture after reviewing a final reserve report.
At current production rates, the estimated reserve life of the pool is about 1.2 years and could last up to 2.3 years. There is uncertainty with any reserve analysis, and the reserve life could be significantly less than what has been estimated.
In December, the Northwest Territories Power Corporation announced it would be reducing demand on the Ikhil reserves by switching to diesel generators. The lifespan figures take into account reduced consumption by the NTPC.