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News Briefs: Friday, January 6, 2012
Crash followed aborted landing
The crew of First Air flight 6560 that crashed in Resolute Bay Aug. 20 attempted to abort a landing two seconds before impact, a progress report released yesterday by the Transportation Safety Board states.
An instrument-assisted landing of the Boeing 737-210C was being attempted in poor visibility when the pilots initiated a go-around just before the aircraft slammed into a hill less than one nautical mile from the runway, killing 12 out of 15 people on board. The preliminary report does not conclude what caused the crash. The board did not indicate when its final report would be complete.
- Laura Busch
Discussing seniors' housing needs
The Yellowknife Association of Concerned Citizens for Seniors (YACCS) will be hosting two focus groups later this month discussing housing needs for seniors.
The discussions will take place on Saturday afternoons from 1 to 5 p.m. Today is the last day for anyone interested in participating to put their name forward by contacting YACCS.
- Katherine Hudson
Flags lowered for B.C. firefighter
The Yellowknife fire department lowered its flags to half-mast yesterday in memory of a British Columbia volunteer firefighter who died in the line of duty Dec. 29. Dan Botkin was fighting a blaze, which appeared to be under control, at an Ederby, B.C. home business when a shed at the site suddenly exploded, killing him.
Botkin, a newlywed, was 29 years old. His funeral was held in Ederby yesterday.
- Kevin Allerston
Special grant applications due
Applications for the City of Yellowknife's special grants program are due by Tuesday, Jan. 10.
The program has a total budget of $110,000 and will provide up to $15,000 to each non-profit or not-for-profit organization accepted.
To be considered for this funding, organizations registered in the NWT must be asking for funding for a new program that benefits the community. For more information about how to apply for a special grant, visit the city website.
- Laura Busch
News Briefs: Thursday, January 5, 2012
Police to watch for drivers on phone
Distracted driving legislation took effect in the territory on Jan. 1, making it illegal to use any handheld electronic devices, such as cellphones without a hands-free device, music players and Global Positioning Systems, while driving. The penalty is a $115 fine and three demerit points.
Basketball action in Fort Simpson
The annual Wolfpack Invitational Basketball Tournament will be taking place in Fort Simpson this weekend.
Five teams are expected to compete in the junior division and six teams in the senior division. Fort Nelson, Hay River, Yellowknife and Tulita are expected to send teams.
The first game in the senior division will start at 5 p.m. on Friday in the recreation centre followed by the first game in the junior division at 7 p.m. in the Thomas Simpson School gymnasium. The finals will take place on Saturday evening.
Fort Simpson will be fielding three teams including a junior team, a senior boys team and an open team.
Last year the senior boys Wolfpack won its division, defeating the Fort Nelson Huskies 63-54. The junior co-ed Wolfpack also won its division against the Fort Nelson Huskies female team.
Lots of entries in decorating contest
There was a higher-than-average level of participation in the Hamlet of Fort Providence's annual Christmas decorating contest.
There were approximately 25 entries in the contest. In the snow sculptures and creations category, Robert Sambele won first place followed by Diana Gargan and Laura Sabourin.
In the Christmas lights display category, Michael Leishman took first place followed by Steven and Trinette Farcy in second and Sam Elleze in third.
Susan Christie, the hamlet's senior administrative officer, said she was pleased to see that so many people participated in the contest.
Men's hockey tourney scheduled
Planning has begun for the Fort Simpson Men's Recreational Hockey Tournament.
The annual tournament will take place from Jan. 20 to 22. Teams from both Fort Providence and Hay River are expected to attend the event, said Christ Hewitt, one of the organizers.
Invitations have also been sent to Tulita and Yellowknife. Two to three hometown teams are expected to compete in the tournament.
Sunrise Festival this weekend
The annual Sunrise Festival is set to take place this Saturday across the community.
The Royal Canadian Legion is scheduled to host a pancake breakfast from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
From 2 to 4 p.m. the Town of Inuvik will host family games at the Jimmy Adams Peace Park.
At 6 p.m. the Inuvik Volunteer Fire Department will host a community bonfire at the Road's End Golf Course, followed by a fireworks show at 7 p.m.
Walk the Mackenzie
The NWT Recreation and Parks Association is challenging residents of Inuvik to nordic walk the length of the Mackenzie River.
The 2012 Mackenzie River Nordic Walking Challenge kicked off Jan. 1 and will run until Feb. 29.
Community members, schools and workplaces are encouraged to form teams that will try and collectively walk the length of the river – a total of 1,658 km – from Fort Providence to Tuktoyaktuk.
In the contest, one hour of walking will equal 5 km. Combined team walking times will be submitted to the association every second Sunday by a team captain.
Teams that go the distance will be entered in a draw that includes a flight voucher for First Air, a Canada Goose jacket, a Nintendo Wii Fit and mittens.
The registration deadline is Jan. 15.
Curling championships
The junior boy's territorial curling championships will be held at the Midnight Sun Recreation Complex this weekend.
The first game is scheduled to start at 3:30 p.m. on Friday, and the whole community is invited to come out and watch the competition, said Nick Saturnino, president of the Inuvik Curling Club. Two teams – one from Inuvik and one from Yellowknife – will be taking part.
The Inuvik junior girl's team will be competing at the territorial championships in Yellowknife this weekend against a team from Hay River and a team from Yellowknife.
Ice road closed
The Tuktoyaktuk ice road was closed to traffic Tuesday afternoon due to drifting snow and poor visibility. The Aklavik ice road, open to traffic weighing up to 8,000 kg, remained accessible.
Both roads remained in good condition throughout the holidays, although the Department of Transportation warned drivers to watch for rough, slippery and loose snow sections, as well as wet cracks near the ocean.
The Arctic Red River crossing is now open to traffic weighing up to 50,000 kg. The Tsiigehtchic winter access road is open to traffic weighing up to 40,000 kg.