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News Briefs: Friday, December 23, 2011
Three women appointed to senior posts
Three women have been appointed to senior management positions with the GNWT, according to a Dec. 20 government news release. Premier Bob McLeod announced the appointments of Gloria Iatridis, Kelly Kaylo and Sharilyn Alexander.
Iatridis, who was born and raised in Tuktoyaktuk and is Inuvialuit, was appointed Associate Deputy Minister of Education, Culture and Employment. Kaylo, a past president of the NWT Chamber of Commerce and the owner of a communications consulting firm, was appointed Assistant Deputy Minister of Programs and Operation with the Department of Industry, Tourism and Investment. Alexander has 28 years of experience with the GNWT. She was appointed Assistant Deputy Minister of Human Resources.
- Galit Rodan
No smoking at Stanton
The Stanton Territorial Health Authority is banning tobacco use of any kind on all hospital property.
The change will take effect Feb. 14, and includes smoking in vehicles on Stanton property.
Tobacco replacement products, such as gum, will be available to people who are addicted to nicotine.
- Kevin Allerston
Christmas Bird Count
Ecology North is hosting its annual Christmas bird count on Tuesday, Dec. 27. The event counts the number of species and number of birds found within a seven-and-a-half-mile radius of the intersection of 50 Street and 50 Avenue in downtown Yellowknife.
Bird enthusiasts usually find between 10 and 15 different species throughout the week-long count, said Bob Bromley, who co-ordinates the event.
Participating birders are to meet at the Ecology North building between 8 and 9 a.m. for coffee and to be assigned their routes, said Bromley.
- Laura Busch
If you drink, don't drive
Yellowknife RCMP will be working diligently over the holidays to make sure revelers aren't driving impaired.
Check stop programs will be stepped up until the new year, and there will be additional officers on shift during New Year's weekend said Sgt. Bruce McGregor.
- Laura Busch
News Briefs: Thursday, December 22, 2011
Village forecasts budget surplus
The Village of Fort Simpson estimates it will have a surplus of approximately $800,000 in its 2012 operational budget.
The village council approved the budget during a special meeting on Dec. 15. The budget will be presented to the Department of Municipal and Community Affairs. The surplus was the result of working with each of the village's departments to see where efficiency could be improved, said Mayor Sean Whelly.
Creating the surplus didn't require any reduction in services or increases in taxes or utility charges, he said. The surplus will be used to assist the village in moving forward with capital projects including the new swimming pool and possibly the waste water treatment plant.
"I'm glad we're seeing these efficiencies created by the village staff," he said.
Whelly cautioned that, realistically, the whole surplus may not make it through the year, especially if emergency repairs have to be made to any infrastructure. The village is currently expecting to break even with its 2011 budget.
School funding
Eight schools in the Deh Cho will be receiving funding from the territorial government to support after-school activities. The government is providing $615,000 in funding through the Active After School Program to 40 schools in the territory for 2011-12. The recipients in the Deh Cho include the schools in Fort Liard, Jean Marie River, Nahanni Butte, Trout Lake, Wrigley and Fort Providence as well as both schools in Fort Simpson.
The Active After School Program was designed to support schools in creating or expanding programs that give students the opportunity to engage in physical activity. The funding amount each school receives is based on its application to the program.
Echo Dene School in Fort Liard received $9,550 while Charles Tetcho School in Trout Lake received $20,500. The funding the other Deh Cho schools received fell between these two amounts.
Annual bird count
The annual Christmas bird count will be taking place on Dec. 27 in Fort Simpson.
Volunteers will be counting and recording all of the birds and bird species they see or hear during the course of the day. The data goes to Bird Studies Canada and the National Audubon Society where it is used to track the population of winter birds in North America.
People interested in volunteering for the count in Fort Simpson can contact Doug Tate, who is organizing the event.
Rec complex holiday hours
The Midnight Sun Recreation Complex will have limited hours during the Christmas holidays.
The pool will be open Dec. 24, and 28 to 31 from 1 to 5 p.m. only and closed Dec. 25, 26, 27. People can swim for just a toonie on Dec. 24 during the open swim, while other days will alternate between adult and teen swims from 4 to 5 p.m.
The arena will open Dec. 24, 27, 28, 29, 30 and 31 and re-open on Jan. 2. Check the schedule at the Midnight Sun Recreation Complex for specific times of drop-in skate, family skate, public skates, parent and tot skates, minor hockey and rec hockey.
Nordic walking event
Get prepared for a winter challenge that will get people active and outdoors in the new year.
From Jan. 1 to Feb. 29, the NWT Recreation and Parks Association will host the 2012 Mackenzie Nordic Walking Challenge. Community members, schools and workplaces can form teams to try and walk 1,658km – the distance between Fort Providence and Tuktoyaktuk. Teams of up to 20 people can walk, run or ski the distance; of which one hour of walking equals 5km.
All members of the team who reach Tuktoyaktuk will be entered into a draw for prizes, including a flight voucher from First Air. Other prizes include a Canada Goose jacket, Northern-made mittens and a Nintendo Wii Fit.
Santa's Elves need help
The need for Christmas hampers this year has overwhelmed Santa's Elves, the charitable organization in Inuvik that organizes and delivers the hampers.
In 2010 Santa's Elves prepared 125 hampers, which helped over 500 people. This year they have 165 families needing hampers. In 2010, $9,000 was spent on the hamper project, plus many donations in-kind to support the project.
Any donation is greatly appreciated. Cheques can be made to Santa's Elves and mailed to Santa's Elves, Box 1365, Inuvik.
Christmas decoration winners
The Town of Inuvik judged Christmas decorations around town and have decided on the winners.
First place went to Jody and Howie McLeod, of Bompas Street, with Kelcy McDonald of Raven Street in second and Kevin Campbell of Mackenzie Road taking third.
Honourable mentions go to Michelle and Arthur Lennie of Wolverine Road, Deb and Darren Karst of Mackenzie Road, Jesse and Karen Harder of Ruyant Crescent and Conrad and Juanita Bourque of Reliance Street.
The winners will receive cash prizes.