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News Briefs: Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Free soup on Friday
The Rotary Club of Yellowknife True North is giving away bowls of soup from 12 p.m. to 1 p.m. Friday outside of the Yellowknife post office. This event is being called the club's first annual Hot Soup Project.
Extra Foods has donated $1,500 worth of ingredients for the event and Chef Pierre from Le Stock Pot will be making the soup.
- Laura Busch
CRTC decision expected
A decision on NorthwesTel's regulatory framework in the North by the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) is expected today, including a ruling on whether competition will be allowed in the 867 area code and whether NorthwesTel can raise its land line rates by $2 on Jan.1. NorthwesTel currently has a monopoly in the 867 area code.
Several interveners, including the territorial government, represented by chief information officer Dave Heffernan, objected to the proposed rate increase.
"We can see no reason why Northerners should be subject to a more punitive rate increase policy than applies to all other residential local service users in Canada," Heffernan told Yellowknifer in October.
"NorthwesTel is not opposed to local competition," NorthwesTel spokesperson Emily Younker said during an October interview.
- Kevin Allerston
Dene Christmas gala
The sixth annual Dene Nation Family Christmas Gala runs from 6:30 p.m. to 9 p.m. today at the Elk's Hall. Events include a Christmas feast, an arts and crafts corner, games, gifts for children, music by George and Lee Mandeville and a visit from Santa Claus.
Tickets are at the Dene Nation and at the door. Children under two get in free.
- Kevin Allerston
Victim services course offered
The Native Women's Association is looking for volunteers ages 18 and older for its Victim Services program. Training, which includes crisis intervention, effective communication, suicide prevention and problem solving, begins Jan. 9.
Marie Speakman has been a victim service worker for 11 years and said interested individuals must be prepared to make a one-year commitment.
Candidates are subject to screenings such as background checks.
- Katherine Hudson
Order bestowed
Rankin Inlet - Nunavut Commissioner Edna Elias officially presented Nellie Kusugak with the Order of Nunavut bestowed upon her late husband, Jose Kusugak, posthumously this past week in Rankin Inlet.
Jose had been officially named as an Order of Nunavut recipient in the legislative assembly this past June.
The Order of Nunavut Act was passed by the legislative assembly in December of 2009.
The Order of Nunavut was created to honour individuals who have provided an outstanding contribution to the cultural, social, or economic wellbeing of Nunavut.
It's the highest award that can be bestowed upon an individual by the Government of Nunavut.
Coach visits
Repulse Bay/Rankin Inlet - Well known goaltending coach and leadership program instructor Andy Nowicki of Alberta was in Rankin Inlet and Repulse Bay this past week.
Nowicki taught a goaltending program while in Rankin, and also held a number of evening coaching seminars before heading to Repulse to instruct goalies and speak at Tusarvik School.
Teams announced
Kivalliq/Nunavut - Listed below are the players selected to represent Team Nunavut in both bantam and midget hockey at the 2012 Arctic Winter Games in Whitehorse, Yukon.
Team Nunavut midgets:
- Ken John Putulik (Chesterfield Inlet)
- Sam Adams (Rankin Inlet)
- Alex Suvega (Iqaluit)
- Joseph Okpakok (Gjoa Haven)
- Matt Gardener (Iqaluit)
- Iola Sheutiapik (Iqaluit)
- Lodie Ipeelie (Iqaluit)
- Max Shoo (Iqaluit)
- Joanasie Dialla (Panniqtuuq)
- Greg Tanayuk (Chesterfield Inlet)
- Shane Kuksuk (Arviat)
- Sam Pameolik (Rankin Inlet)
- Joseph Sabourin (Rankin Inlet)
- Nate Gardener (Iqaluit)
- Joseph Kilabuk (Panniqtuuq)
- Joshua Tartak (Rankin Inlet)
- Patrick Macmunn (Iqaluit)
- Alternates:
- Colton Graham (Rankin Inlet)
- Chris Freda (Iqaluit)
Team Nunavut bantams:
- Lennox Airut (Rankin Inlet)
- Billy Strickland (Rankin Inlet)
- Joe Curley (Arviat)
- Darrian Pilakapsi (Rankin Inlet)
- Bradley Kaludjak (Coral Harbour)
- Myles Pupik (Baker Lake)
- Mister Lee Cloatier-Ellsworth (Iqaluit)
- Daniel Kolola (Iqaluit)
- Jon Kingwatsiak (Iqaluit)
- Jarrett Seeteenak (Baker Lake)
- Austin Bruce (Coral Harbour)
- Ian Paniyuk (Rankin Inlet)
- Reuban Aliyak (Rankin Inlet)
- Corey Alivaktuk (Panniqtuuq)
- Kevin Mathewsie (Iqaluit)
- Mike Uniuqsaraq (Iqaluit)
- Jordan Macmunn (Iqaluit)
- Issaluk Tattuinee (Rankin Inlet)
- Connor Faulkner (Rankin Inlet)
- Tyler Courtney (Iqaluit)