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Making ministers Weekend Yellowknifer - Friday, November 4, 2011
Few are surprised Michael Miltenberger is returning as finance minister, although McLeod's choice to keep him at Environment and Natural Resources is bound to raise a few eyebrows, especially here in Yellowknife. Miltenberger confidentially handled the finance portfolio during the 16th assembly but ruffled many feathers during his tenure as environment minister. First, he angered aboriginal groups by decreeing an end to the Bathurst herd caribou hunt while he was off in Denmark hobnobbing with world elites at a climate change conference, and then he tried to ram through a revamped Wildlife Act that rankled both aboriginal and non-aboriginal residents alike. He was unable to get this bill -more than 10 years in the making -- passed, which leads us to wonder how effective he will be this time around. Two other returning cabinet ministers, Jackson Lafferty and Robert C. McLeod, are also carrying on with assignments they held during the last assembly: Education, Culture, and Employment for Lafferty; and Municipal and Community Affairs and the Housing Corporation for McLeod. It's Lafferty's task once again to wrestle with the NWT's pitiful graduation rate. Only 55 per cent of the territory's adult population hold a high school diploma, according the NWT Bureau of Statistics. The territory will have to do much better if it aims to be self-reliant in a post-devolution world. Robert C. McLeod was well-liked as a cabinet minister in the last assembly but his decision not to fund a 911 emergency phone system until tiny communities like Colville Lake and Paulatuk had cellphone service was viewed by some as an attack on Yellowknife. A moratorium on cabin development on the Ingraham Trail during McLeod's tenure at MACA was another sore point. Hopefully, this veteran minister realizes that trying to create an equal playing field for all 33 of the NWT's communities is not always possible or desirable, especially if 70 per cent of the NWT's population can benefit from 911 right now. Cabinet newcomer Tom Beaulieu is an interesting choice for the Health and Social Services file, in that he's an experienced former senior bureaucrat but also an MLA representing two small communities, Fort Resolution and Lutsel K'e. It remains to been seen how he responds to Yellowknife's varied and continuously escalating health and social services needs. For the Yellowknife delegation on cabinet, Premier McLeod has taken two of the previous government's most effective critics and handed them some very tough assignments, although for different reasons. Glen Abernethy will struggle to maintain a profile in Justice and the Department of Human Resources. Dave Ramsay, on the other hand, after eight years lobbing grenades from the opposition benches has been put in charge of completing work on the Deh Cho Bridge - one of the most controversial projects undertaken during the 16th assembly and an issue Ramsay feasted on more than any other opposition member. In his other portfolio, Industry, Tourism, and Investment, Ramsay will be expected to revive the city's flagging secondary diamond industry, convincing mineral exploration companies to reinvest and developing a thriving tourism industry. These are just some of the problems the Kam Lake MLA will face over the next four years. On the face of it, with Premier McLeod, Ramsay and Abernethy at the cabinet table, it would seem Yellowknife is well represented in this 17th legislative assembly. Surely, time will tell.
A green opportunity Editorial Comment Roxanna Thompson Deh Cho Drum - Thursday, November 3, 2011
The Department of Public Works and Services is installing a wood pellet boiler as part of its central heating plant in the village. The system supplies heat for the two schools and the recreation centre. There are a number of benefits to this addition. Firstly, because the boiler will limit the use of the oil burner to the coldest winter days, the plant will use approximately 90 per cent less heating fuel. Heating fuel is a non-renewable resource while biomass matter, such as wood pellets, is renewable. Secondly, by reducing the amount of heating fuel that is burned, the new wood pellet boiler will result in the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions by approximately 947 tonnes per year, according to the department. Greenhouse gases are undesirable because they are linked to global warming. The third benefit is less immediate. The changes to the plant signal an opportunity not just for Fort Simpson, but for the whole of the Deh Cho. There are currently no made-in-the-NWT sources for wood pellets. To keep the plant supplied, the government will award a tender to a company, of which there are some in the NWT, that transport wood pellets in from Alberta or B.C. It seems ridiculous that a region as rich in forests as the Deh Cho would have to rely on wood pellets from elsewhere, and that's where the opportunity lies. A wood pellet production plant would be an ideal industry for the Deh Cho. This avenue is already being explored as an article in last week's edition outlined. A wood pellet production demonstration project has been running at Checkpoint for the past year. The plant created wood pellets made from NWT-sourced material. Those pellets are being tested for their viability as a heating fuel. If the results are favourable, it will be a green light for first nation business entities and entrepreneurs to look into the possibility of opening a plant. This is not to say, however, the path will be an easy one. Government officials pointed out that a wood pellet manufacturing industry has to be supported by a forestry industry, and the cost of doing business in the North would put business at a disadvantage compared to their southern competitors. People in the Deh Cho, however, aren't strangers to facing and overcoming adversity in order to make a project work. The installation of the wood pellet boiler in the Fort Simpson central heating plant could be just the beginning for the Deh Cho. With some hard work, determination and innovation, the boiler could one day be burning pellets produced in the Deh Cho; an industry that would benefit the local economy as well as the environment. Communism or capitalism? Editorial Comment Samantha Stokell Inuvik Drum - Thursday, November 3, 2011
It's been bubbling for a few months now as the "have" organizations prepare to protect their right to money against the "have-not" organizations when it comes to bingo profits. The various organizations, associations, charities and societies of Inuvik always need money it seems. You've seen it on street signs, at bake sales and in newsletters stuffed into your children's backpacks – the asking for money for trips, uniforms, new equipment. The one constant source of funds are the bingos run through New North. When they're good, they're really, really good and when they're bad, some of those groups end up having to pay New North to run the bingo. Proposed changes by the lottery licensing committee will have the profits evenly distributed by all groups. At first glance, it seems this could be a bad idea – what about those groups that work hard for their money? So hard for their money? But then, things sort of start to make sense. Maybe it's not the advertising or number of supporters playing your bingo. Maybe it's the reason everyone argues in the first place – the dates for the bingos. Saturdays in the winter, Friday- government paydays, any day with cheques, days when there are many people in town or cold days will always generate more income for those groups lucky enough to get those dates. The groups that end up with a Monday in July will in no way generate as much money, no matter how much energy they put into their bingo. It's either feast or famine right now, but with the proposed changes the groups that work the most bingos will receive the most money. Groups will be able to plan for the future knowing they will make a certain amount. Want to go on a trip and need $10,000? Work five bingos and you're there! Already, groups are being divided between winners and losers, different factions in town trying to protect their territory. Why can't we all just get along? Work together? Share the wealth? Steal from the rich to pay the poor? Communism over capitalism? Inuvik is a small community. There's only so much money to go around and most people participate in multiple groups and organizations. Why not share the wealth? Why bother pitting groups against one another, feeding jealousy in the community? There are certainly other issues related to how bingos are run, but, surely, making a fair distribution among all the groups can only benefit the community.
No-shows cost everyone Yellowknifer - Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Stanton Territorial Health Authority's 2010-11 annual report states that for the one-year period ending in March 2011, 4,537 appointments were missed at the hospital. Of that number, 321 were for surgeries, one of the most expensive procedures at the facility. No-shows cause longer wait times for other patients, have a negative impact on staff schedules, and drive up medical care costs. Whenever there is doubt that an appointment will be missed, contact with the hospital or clinic beforehand would allow for someone else to take the available time slot, if the hospital is prepared to get another person in place. Kay Lewis, Stanton's CEO, said there is a need to educate the public about the importance of not missing appointments and how an absence affects the care of other patients as well as increases costs. Stanton should take a page out of the book from the private sector. Adam Dental Clinic, for example, makes it a priority to call each patient at least 24 hours before their appointment as a reminder. It also gives patients a chance to cancel, allowing the office ample time to book someone else and avoid a wasted appointment. The clinic's owner told Yellowknifer that no-shows are now a rare occurrence. Whether the hospital uses existing administrative staff or hires someone to keep tabs on appointments, patients can use something in addition to the education Lewis would like to provide - a reminder phone call.
Litter muddles view of responsibilities Yellowknifer - Wednesday, November 2, 2011 The City of Yellowknife has a duty to maintain streets and has a bylaw in place to fine litterers, but how far should it go to try and quell a problem bred solely of ignorance and laziness? City councillor Paul Falvo's proposed refundable five-cent tax on takeout containers is motivated by noble intentions - to lessen litter on city streets and encourage the use of things like reusable coffee cups - but ideas of this nature would be better left to the Department of Environment and Natural Resources. The city's duties are to maintain Yellowknife's growth in a responsible way, and to keep municipal infrastructure running. It has bylaws in place to deal with speeding within its jurisdiction, to deal with some neighbourly disputes and to deal with some minor aspects of maintaining order in the city. Expanding its mandate to environmental monitoring and policy-creation is unnecessary - the Department of Environment and Natural Resources already has such a mandate, and the staff with expertise to fulfil these duties. If the City of Yellowknife thinks there should be more done to encourage recycling, it should, as the largest municipal government overseeing the largest community in the NWT, be able to lobby the GNWT to create such policy. That will allow city hall to concentrate on the issues that rightfully fall within its powers.
No choice but to play the game Darrell Greer Kivalliq News - Wednesday, November 2, 2011 They really had no other choice. Perception and, yes, jealousy can be powerful foes in the North. And nowhere does that ring more true than with a successful hamlet trying to improve itself even more. Throw hockey into the mix, and you have a daunting task on your hands. The first problem faced by those who took on the challenge of coming up with the predesign for a community complex in Rankin Inlet was the perception in some corners that this was all about hockey. That segment of people in Rankin is divided into two groups. There are those who have nothing against hockey -- and realize the community does need a new arena -- but don't want other areas of community life overlooked in the process. They realize the value in having additional recreational facilities and a community hall that can accommodate cultural and traditional activities, while at the same time, representing the pride and stature of a growing regional hub. They're not vindictive, greedy or overreaching. They simply want a venue that reflects the diversity of their community and offers something for everyone, and for that, they are to be commended. The other group is comprised of people who have no affinity for hockey and are sick and tired of Rankin being called Hockey Town. To them, too much time, energy and (most of all) money are already being spent on a game that's contributions to the community are grossly overrated. The members of this group are openly critical of anything having to do with furthering the sport in Rankin. What people in both groups have in common is a vote, the ability to sway public opinion and, in some cases, a financial say in what goes in Rankin Inlet and what doesn't. One would be hard pressed to find a member of the committee not affected by two of the three commonalities. So, in the big picture, not only did a predesign for a complete complex make sense for the project moving forward in the future, it was, pretty much, imperative to popular public opinion (and support) at the community level. However, public opinion at the community level and good sense often come to a screeching halt when they enter the political arena. Then it becomes, if I may borrow a line, time to play the game. Whether denied publicly or not, it really came as no surprise to anyone who understands this particular game when the MLAs dumped the $500,000 for planning and design from the Government of Nunavut's (GN) capital plan. It really doesn't matter if the move was prompted by jealousy over Rankin's continued prosperity or the success of its hockey program, petty politics, the true belief many other hamlets have more pressing needs, or distrust in Rankin's contention it wasn't expecting the GN to pay for the entire complex. What does matter is the ball is back in Rankin's court and, hopefully, a revamped arena-only approach will get the promised support. Then the local planning committee can roll up its sleeves and get down to the business of raising private funding for the rest of the complex. Its members never really had any other choice.
Safe choice for premier NWT News/North - Monday, October 31, 2011
That secretive process was heavily criticized by a good number of people during the 2011 territorial election. Another blow to government accountability was the fact Bob McLeod became the third consecutive NWT premier to lead the territory after gaining his seat by acclamation. Again, not a single vote was cast by the people of the NWT to decide the top job in our government. We're counting on forward-thinking MLAs to insist that the selection process for premier is thoroughly reviewed. The debate of how McLeod gained the premiership aside, of the three who let their name stand for the job, he is arguably the safest choice. Thebacha MLA Michael Miltenberger has built a reputation for being a rigid leader who doesn't necessarily take public input into consideration. He was removed from cabinet in 2006 after making a "threatening" gesture towards Yellowknife MLA Dave Ramsay in what was said to be an intimidation tactic to stop him from asking questions. Kevin Menicoche has had his own troubles over the years. In 2008, he came under fire after $1,300 worth of unauthorized charges were put on a GNWT credit card during a trip to China with an aboriginal business delegation. What the expenses related to was never publicly revealed but Menicoche did pay back the money. He also narrowly avoided personal bankruptcy in 2005 when he reached a deal with creditors to reduce more than $160,000 worth of debt. Born and raised in Fort Providence, McLeod has two decades of public service under his belt, which can be a blessing as much as a detriment. With so many years of government experience, he is well-versed in the inner workings of the territory. Although that experience gives him insight to navigate red tape, it also might make him prone to accept the status quo. If he is going to be an effective leader, he will have to challenge the established way of doing things. However, one encouraging comment on McLeod's premiership has come from Dene leader Bill Erasmus who said "I think our (aboriginal) leadership is comfortable with him being in office as the premier." It's a ringing endorsement considering the Dene Nation says its relationship with the GNWT is at an all-time low. Our premier will need to rebuild the government's ties with aboriginal government, especially if he hopes to reach a devolution deal this term. As for our next cabinet, it is unfortunate no women MLAs will be managing portfolios, but it is good to see three rookie cabinet ministers crossing the floor. Yellowknife MLAs Glen Abernethy and Dave Ramsay along with Tu Nedhe's Tom Beaulieu will hopefully bring new ideas to cabinet. We hope Beaulieu continues to champion the need to improve housing in the territory as he stated as priorities during both his campaign and during his pitch for cabinet. There is a lot of work ahead for the 17th legislative assembly and the public is demanding this government be more accountable and transparent than the last. Only time will tell if the injection of five new MLAs and three new cabinet members will improve on past failures.
Public life with private interests Nunavut News/North - Monday, October 31, 2011 South Baffin MLA Fred Schell danced a fine line and was caught crossing it. Having been promoted to cabinet prior to the integrity commissioner's finding, Schell must now make sure he stays firmly on the ethical side of that line. Norman Pickell, Nunavut's integrity commissioner, found Schell guilty of sending an intimidating e-mail to a territorial government employee while Schell was a regular MLA in 2009, which, according to Pickell's report, contained "demands and threats." In the e-mail, Schell wrote that his lawyer was ready to take a matter of the GN siding with the Hamlet of Cape Dorset, in a dispute between the hamlet and Schell's company Polar Supplies to the "next level" unless the department corrects its errors. He also passive-aggressively stated he was "looking forward to your support in making sure that the hamlet starts to treat us fairly." The fact there was already friction that had previously been brewing between his company and the hamlet adds gravity to his comments. That friction led to a court case in April of this year, though by that time, Schell had put his company in a blind trust. As a regular MLA, he was not required to hand over the reins of his company, though he did so in late 2009. Although he had been able to retain operational control of his company, that does not negate the status he attained when he became an MLA. Regardless of the nature of the dispute between his company and the hamlet, he should have known better than to be hostile with the GN in pursuit of his private interests - this inclination may come naturally as a businessman, but when he took public office to represent South Baffin, which includes Cape Dorset and Kimmirut, he gained power and the responsibility to use it in the best interests of his constituents, not for his own personal gain. Nevertheless, it is reassuring these matters led to a finding of guilt by the integrity commissioner. Matters like this prove the value of that system in maintaining transparency and, of course, integrity in the territorial government. As well, when the report was tabled, Schell did not shy away. Though he claimed he did not think he was in the wrong at the time, he ultimately accepted the findings publicly. Findings of guilt, however, are just that, and the legislative assembly should think very carefully of public perception when deciding whether or not to exact punishment in this instance. The system has worked thus far, but consequences are necessary to discourage this sort of conduct. Pickell did not recommend Schell lose his cabinet seat. He suggested a $500 fine, an apology and refresher on existing integrity rules would be fitting. The minister should jump at the chance to make whatever amends are deemed necessary. He must view this incident as a wake-up call as to how he should be conducting himself as an MLA.