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Diamond mines keep giving
Weekend Yellowknifer - Friday, September 30, 2016

By the time the Gahcho Kue diamond mine is running at full production early next year, majority owner De Beers Canada expects 530 workers will be in full-time positions along with an additional 630 indirect, mine-related jobs.

Over its expected 12-year lifespan the mine will generate $5.7 billion in wages and revenues within the Northwest Territories alone.

The development and construction of Gahcho Kue between 2006 and 2016 has meant more than $440 million injected into the NWT economy. Last year, during peak construction, the mine supported more than 2,700 jobs in the North.

Construction at Gahcho Kue gave jobs to approximately 200 of the 434 people who lost work when Snap Lake mine ceased production and went into care and maintenance late in 2015. Gahcho Kue has been the most significant bright spot on the North's economic horizon and will remain so for quite some time.

This activity is a much needed boost for the North which has been struggling with stranded mineral resources in an era of sullen commodity markets.

The presence at the opening ceremony by aboriginal leaders from Lutsel K'e, Yellowknives Dene First Nation, the Tlicho Government, Deninu Ku'e First Nation, the North Slave Metis Alliance and the Northwest Territory Metis Nation demonstrates that De Beers has worked with impacted First Nations to ensure the mine bears financial and social benefits in their communities.

But none of this would mean much if wages made at the mine are spent outside the North.

So it is heartening to hear De Beers CEO Kim Trutter say approximately 45 per cent of mine employees are Northern residents - as of Aug. 30 - with 28 per cent of the total mine workforce being aboriginal.

De Beers has committed to bringing those numbers up even higher. The target agreed upon by the territorial government and De Beers is 55 per cent Northern resident employment, with a priority given to Northern indigenous people.

De Beers has struggled in the past to find northern residents to fill its employee roster at Snap Lake.

De Beers has done its part with the commitment to ensure financial benefits stay in the North.

The onus is on Northern residents and aboriginal communities to make the most of the economic opportunities the mine brings.

This starts with getting jobs already earmarked for Northerners.

JSL a local casualty of global influences
Weekend Yellowknifer - Friday, September 30, 2016

The city lost a longtime fixture in the business community last week with the closure of JSL Mechanical.

The business has gone into receivership, putting 19 people out of work. Padlocks were put on the doors at the company's Kam Lake headquarters on Sept. 20.

The news has been a shock to many in the North where the plumbing and heating company has been operating for 45 years. With winter right around the corner and hundreds of furnaces in need of servicing, there is certainly no lack of work.

Indeed, JSL's closure shouldn't be taken as an indicator of a slumping city economy. The fact is, business is hard. The company took a gamble venturing into northern Alberta and paid dearly when the oil and gas sector faltered.

JSL owner Joe Leonardis explained the slide began in December when a company connected to the oil industry in northern Alberta didn't pay up on a $5-million contract. Then the bank called in on a loan the company owed.

While outside influences caused the demise of JSL Mechanical it will have a domino effect beyond lost jobs and taxes. There is now one less option to call when Yellowknifers need their furnaces repaired when temperatures plummet.

This is a sobering reminder that our local economy is not immune to global influences and everyone feels the sting when fortunes change.

Hold your horses
Deh Cho Drum - Thursday, September 29, 2016

Proposed restrictions to the types of animals Fort Simpson residents can have on their residential properties are kicking up a barnyard racket in the village.

On Sept. 19, members of Fort Simpson's village council agreed to pass the preliminary readings of a bylaw to ban farm animals and poultry on lands with a residential zoning.

Although people who already have poultry and farm animals would be allowed to keep what they have, this would mean they couldn't get any more while their land is zoned residential, shooting down any hopes of expanding.

Currently, the village does not have an agricultural zoning. That's something councillors are working to fix as they prepare to re-do their general plan and zoning bylaw.

In the meantime, there's an agricultural gap in the village's bylaws that needs to be filled.

It's important to note the bylaw in question only applies to animals. Vegetable farmers and recreational gardeners won't have their current operations impacted.

Arguably, councillors should seek educated opinions from agriculture enthusiasts in and around the village before casting their final vote on the bylaw in question. There is a lot to be said for promoting food sustainability in the North, and it's possible the bylaw could have been tweaked - taking a more measured approach as opposed to an all-or-nothing approach - before passing through first and second reading. After all, there's a big difference between a large-scale farming operation and a hobby farm.

Bylaws that restrict residents should not be passed haphazardly, or without input from those who are affected.

Luckily, residents of Fort Simpson will get their chance to provide input when the bylaw goes to a public hearing, prior to being passed in third reading.

Given the ruckus this bylaw has stirred up online, the public hearing will hopefully be a lively one. It would be nice to see everyone who is concerned show up to voice their opinions to council.

As the old saying goes, "don't count your chickens before they hatch." Councillors should not expect to push this bylaw through without some blowback from residents, and nor should they discount what those residents have to say. This is not necessarily a case of "village-knows-best" but rather should be taken as an opportunity to learn.

Likewise, residents should not expect the village to simply drop the bylaw. Both sides of the debate need to come together and discuss this openly and honestly - without goading each other with inflammatory rhetoric.

The question that needs to be addressed is a simple one: what restrictions, if any, should be placed upon residential landowners who want farm animals?

All parties have the opportunity to raise the level of debate on this topic. If they do that, there could be a favourable outcome for everyone.

Unfortunate incident an anomaly
Inuvik Drum - Thursday, September 29, 2016

Brian Kowikchuk's run-in outside the Mad Trapper was an unfortunate incident.

The 25-year-old gay man was allegedly punched and called a homophobic slur while leaving the bar late at night a couple of weeks ago.

We can hope the violence had more to do with intoxication than real intolerance of someone's lifestyle.

Either way, the incident didn't phase Kowikchuk, who used it as an opportunity to confidently bring the issue to public attention.

He could easily have withdrawn and hidden from fear of further action.

But like Kowikchuk said, Inuvik is a warm and welcoming place. What happened was an extreme anomaly in his experience.

That friendly feeling has certainly prevailed in my brief time here.

People have been extremely generous with me and kind in every interaction.

What stands out especially has been the atmosphere at East Three School. I was blown away at the Terry Fox Run assemblies, which were almost sporting event halftime shows in their enthusiasm and energy.

Smiling children in the photos show it, but I've never been in a school with as happy and loving a student body as this.

Students seem to love to hug each other, and there could be little better preventative for future violence than that. I was almost bewildered at the lineup of children waiting to hug the school's mascots at the assemblies.

Kowikchuk mentioned the outpouring of support he received after what happened, too.

I question if there could be a better community to grow up in and feel comfortable being yourself.

Still, it never hurts to continually reinforce the important of nonviolence, and the Take Back the Night march tonight, Sept. 29, is another chance to do so.

Waterfront proposal requires compromise
Yellowknifer - Wednesday, September 28, 2016

City hall has stumbled once again in its longstanding desire to establish control over the Latham Island waterfront on Back Bay.

For the past few decades, Yellowknifers, some of whom live on Latham Island and some who do not, have built and made use of docks for their boats and planes on what was known as Commissioner's Land.

This land was ceded to the city which has drawn lines on a map detailing large lots of rather swampy land between the existing developed lots on Morrison Drive and the shore.

The city has visions of public trails on these unoccupied lots that would cut across the access people have traditionally used to get to their docks.

On top of that, the city submitted a proposal to council last week to find some way to take ownership of the docks and then license them to users, either by a very contentious citywide ballot draw or another more sensible system which would give priority to people with established docks.

Some residents whose lots back up against these docks claim dock usage rights are written into the deeds to their homes. Others say they've been maintaining the docks for years, which they argue should afford them right of access.

Considering the years that have gone by, granting current dock owners first rights to a licence is the fairest solution.

However, considering the enormous size of this parcel of public land - 200 metres long - the public deserves some form of access to it. These are not slivers and odds and ends of greenspace at the fringes of people's backyards.

This is valuable public waterfront real estate and the people who have put docks there have no legitimate claim to all of it.

Take a look at the map accompanying this editorial and the size of the lots in question. There's a lot of public land between the docks and people's homes, albeit undeveloped.

A public trail through the area is not unreasonable. This is the norm in many communities where private docks are adjacent to publicly accessible land at the water's edge.

The big issue here - again - is administration's failure to consult with the people most affected while imposing its bureaucratic will on council and the people of Yellowknife.

In fact, the man living on the northernmost lot in this area really highlights this case.

Joe Casaway, by all evidence, lives on land set aside for the Yellowknives Dene First Nation. His family has been living on this lot since at least 1941. Despite that, the city treats him like a squatter.

He's watched the city encroach on him by dropping two picnic tables and a garbage can in his backyard.

Meanwhile, he said nobody from the city has consulted with him about these proposed plans for dock licensing or developing a trail in the area.

The moral of the story is, if city council doesn't want angry residents to descend on them to decry city plans in the future, administration has to be ordered to consult and arrive at a reasonable compromise.

This will take time but taking the time is the only way to make sure everybody involved -- whether they are Yellowknives Dene, a property owner with a deed or just somebody who has always taken care of the docks - are dealt with fairly.

Courage to live free of fear
Editorial Comment by Darrell Greer
Kivalliq News - Wednesday, September 28, 2016

There were two main reasons why I packed my bags for the North and left a city, Timmins, Ont., I enjoyed living in almost 20 years ago.

While I'd been mulling over the idea of trying somewhere new for more than a year, the tipping point came when the company I worked for was purchased by the Conrad Black empire.

At the time, I doubted Mr. Black could find Northeastern Ontario on a map.

Yet, I absolutely refused to work for any company owned by the man, who, despite making millions of dollars from their labours, placed the journalist slightly above the cockroach on the evolutionary scale (his words, not mine).

Working in the south had been weighing heavily on my mind because of the if-it-bleeds-it-leads mentality.

That and the fact I happened to be darn good at that type of writing, and was no longer leaving my work at the office.

I was also writing a hard-hitting column at the time that my then publisher was running two times a week.

The column was called "From where I sit," but most in the city referred to it by another title easily figured out by inserting another letter after the 's.'

All the emotions and self-doubt I dealt with at that time came flooding back this past week while scanning Internet headlines on Nunavut's "bomb scare."

Most were terribly sensationalized and painted a picture of terrorism coming to Nunavut, complete with quotes from "terrorized" parents.

The horrible part of this equation is our authorities having to treat these incidents as serious threats.

It's a horrific waste of resources that burns piles of public dollars that are very hard to come by in the North.

On a personal level, it's an awful feeling to sit in front of a keyboard getting ready to give these idiots exactly what they want, which is, of course, their 15 minutes of fame in the national, provincial, territorial, regional and local media.

If we must look at it all within the context of win or lose, they win the moment the authorities have no choice but to close down the area targeted, be it schools, government buildings, airports or whatever.

Their prize for pulling off such an elaborate hoax is to sit gleefully in front of their TV and watch polythene Pams and drama Dicks report oh so earnestly on such a scary story from coast to coast to coast.

As an added bonus, they then get to retire to the device of their choice, access the Internet, and read all the similarly scary headlines across the country.

It's damn maddening that, at this point in time, there seems to be very little we, as a society, can do about it except refuse to live in fear.

We all know there will be times the threat will prove itself to be real, people will die or be badly injured, families, friends and loved ones will be crushed and the country will mourn as one.

That is the reality of the hatred and stupidity that rules today's world.

And those who try to perpetuate the fear with their phoney scares are almost as sinister in their own right as those who actually use explosive devices.

Our only defence is our belief in our way of life and the courage it takes to live free of fear.

So, to all reading this, I say so be it.

Courage shall rule the day!

Sahtu's chance to tap into profits
Northwest Territories/News North - Monday, September 26, 2016

During the century Imperial Oil has been pumping light-sweet crude out of the ground at Norman Wells, the effects its operations have had on the land and people of the region vary widely, depending on who one asks.

The feds - being one-third owners of the operation - and the territorial government, have enjoyed profits and taxes, respectfully, from one of the largest oil fields in Canada. Purchasers of petroleum in western Canada have enjoyed a sustained and plentiful commodity.

Imperial Oil has contributed toward housing and community projects over time - especially during expansion phases - but its employees historically weren't from the area and most left when their jobs were done.

With the petroleum field's production now in steady decline - but still profitable, say analysts - Calgary-based Imperial Oil is floating the notion that its assets at Norman Wells might be on the market.

Canada's largest petroleum refiner and a major producer of crude oil and natural gas has made it clear it is talking with Sahtu Dene First Nations leaders about the impact a sale could have on the region.

The Sahtu Secretariat confirmed publicly it wants to be involved if there is a sale. And the indigenous population - especially in context of the Sahtu Dene and Metis Comprehensive Land Claim Agreement - has a great interest in what happens to the oil operation now and once remediation begins.

There is an opportunity for the Sahtu to finally reap some benefits from the existence of the oil field should it become involved financially.

Not to mention that Norman Wells - having evolved from a company town into a regional hub but still largely beholden to the oil industry - must also be protected from drying up as fast as the nearby wells.

Imperial Oil has extracted about a quarter-of-a-billion barrels of oil from its Norman Wells field.

Now there is a chance for aboriginal people of the area to extract some benefits of their own.

Caucus tours more than PR exercise
Northwest Territories/News North - Monday, September 26, 2016

He made it!

While it was a bit touch-and-go for a while, the MLA made famous for having the emptiest chair in the NWT legislative assembly did finally decide to attend the recent caucus retreat in Fort Providence.

Herb Nakimayak made his presence known in the group photo, as he was right in front, on bended knee, facing the camera in front of the rest of his standing peers.

The rookie MLA from the constituency of Nunakput - who is also an executive with the Inuit Circumpolar Council - was on the defensive this summer after it came to light that he had missed several key meetings and was forced to resign as chair of a standing committee.

But Nakimayak chose to travel to Fort Providence for the late August retreat, one of two such gatherings usually staged outside of Yellowknife when the House is not in session.

In a consensus form of government, all 19 MLAs in the legislative assembly form caucus, where ministerial titles are left at the door.

Caucus holds regular meetings when the House is in session, including the day before the beginning of a legislative sitting.

So why is it important for Nakimayak and all the MLAs to meet outside of the capital? Well, aside from directly injecting a few thousand dollars into a small community's business coffers, it gives the MLAs from larger communities especially a chance to put some perspective into their policy making.

Kam Lake MLA Kieron Testart said while driving from Yellowknife, he gained a better sense of how important infrastructure is for the community.

The trip also gives MLAs "a clearer direction for policies, so we're not creating one-size-fits-all policies," he said.

Indeed. And we're pleased that 17 of 19 MLAs were able to attend the Fort Providence caucus. Especially Mr. Nakimayak.

The assembly is expected to resume sitting on Oct. 13.

Too soon for territory to diversify economy
Nunavut/News North - Monday, September 26, 2016

It is easy for an average person to be dismissive of the recommendations found in a 56-page report that was commissioned by the environmental group Greenpeace and written by the president and senior economist for the Center for Sustainable Economy.

A harsh critic would say that the report's author is disconnected from the reality of life in Nunavut. It suggests that, in a perfect world, the people of the territory will find their way to independent economic prosperity by diversifying the economy, lessening its reliance on resource extraction and instead put energy into several smaller sustainable development projects.

Among the top sectors mentioned for holding economic opportunities are tourism, fisheries and renewable energy.

For the most part, those people who choose to reject the Beyond Fossil Fuels: Sustainable Development Opportunities in Eastern Nunavut report as being far too ambitious in today's environment would be correct.

An effective tourism initiative requires marketing a product to people far away, enticing them to spend several days and thousands of dollars to travel a great distance in order to visit a small hamlet with very few amenities.

That said, the territory would do well not to put all its eggs in one basket. Not everyone wants to work in a mine, or in the oil and gas sector, or in one of the hamlet jobs in the communities.

Now is the time to take the long view, not when resource extraction has petered out for whatever reason, whether there is another drop in commodity prices, changes in regulations or a lack of investment capital.

No one can say a diversified economy is a bad thing. It's just that Nunavut is not ready to make meaningful strides in that direction yet.

Many members of the older generation didn't grow up in a capitalist economy. They were self-sustaining from the riches provided by the land.

Simply living in Nunavut is a significant challenge and it's not going to get better quickly.

Too many people are living in overcrowded conditions, forced into inadequate housing, faced with food insecurity, unreasonable air transportation fares, lousy Internet service and high energy costs. Just getting the basic necessities of life is a struggle for families.

The Greenpeace report encourages the development of entrepreneurs and small businesses. However, that requires people with a level of education beyond high school, people who understand business, are able to develop a product or service that is in demand, and have the capital investment necessary to launch a new venture that can be successful within a small population base.

Although implementing the report's recommendations is unrealistic in today's climate, the government should take it under advisement, use it as a pathway into the future, and recognize the immense amount of work required before independent economic prosperity can truly be an achievable goal.

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