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Runners prepare for big event
Four or five spots available for fun run in Yellowknife

Stewart Burnett
Northern News Services
Thursday, September 15, 2016

Not even three weeks into school and a group of runners from Inuvik will be headed to Yellowknife for their first official run of the season.

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Students Braeden Picek, left, Michael Cardinal, Sierra McDonald, Morgan Young, Jenna Guy and Parker Burns get some early practice in on a chilly Sept. 12. - Stewart Burnett/NNSL photo

The event, hosted by the Yellowknife Multisport Club, will not include any medals or points, said East Three Secondary School running coach Kenzie MacDonald.

"It's to get these guys out on a trip more than anything," he said. "It's just a fun run."

Students started school Sept. 6 and have already been preparing for the long-distance run on Sept. 25.

Competitors will be able to choose their distance, with the shortest being two km. However, not everyone will get to go.

"I can bring I believe four to five students with me," said MacDonald. "I have a team right now of seven so unfortunately we'll have to make a few cuts."

Grade 7 student Jenna Guy said she's been running for just over a year now. She said it was fun going to Hay River last year to compete against other schools.

"I really like running, but it's usually just to improve my other sports," said Guy, who is also involved in swimming, basketball and soccer.

"I hope I can increase my speed on the court when I play different sports."

Sierra McDonald, also in Grade 7, said she hopes running this year can help improve her exercise regimen.

MacDonald said it's common for athletes involved in other sports to use the running club as a way to shape up. He coaches the team because it's what he used to do in high school.

"I think it's important for young people because it'll keep you in shape," said MacDonald. "Once you start, it's addicting. You get so used to the high after you're done. Especially with these guys, it will help with their brains as well for schooling."

He practises twice a week with the students.

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