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Young offender facility to merge with NSCC
Proposal would see number of youth corrections officers decrease; government official says no job losses are planned

John McFadden
Northern News Services
Wednesday, June 8, 2016

There will be no staff layoffs as a result of an amalgamation of the North Slave Correctional Centre and the North Slave Young Offender Facility.

That is according to Robert Riches, director of corrections for the Department of Justice.

He said the plan is for the two facilities to run under one umbrella as the North Slave Correctional Complex. Riches added the streamlining would save the GNWT about $1.1 million annually.

He explained how it would work:

"We're reducing the number of correctional officers ... at the young offenders facility down to 12 from what is now 23."

"We'll be reducing one warden position. No one will be laid off. Eight of them will go and work in the adult side of the centre. The two centres will maintain a separation ... there won't be a mix of residents."

Riches said low numbers at the youth facility made amalgamation feasible - it has only housed three to five inmates on average over the past two fiscal years.

Under the new plan, the two facilities would share some services as well - there is one administration position that will become part of a shared service. He added a jail psychologist and a single warden will also now serve both facilities.

Riches said that no one has come to him as of yet to express concerns that the amalgamation could leave either facility less secure.

"We would not do it otherwise. Our primary job is public safety and the safety of our staff and our clients," he said.

"There should not be a noticeable change for the young offenders. School will still operate. They'll still get program services. The young offenders themselves shouldn't notice much change at all other than a few less folks around the correctional centre."

The amalgamation of the facilities is only a proposal until the GNWT budget is approved.

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