City decides Decorby shack will live to see another day
Northern News Services
Wednesday, July 1, 2015
The city's development appeal board has given a partial victory to Spencer Decorby, who placed a small structure on Commissioner's land on Latham Island earlier this year.
He will have until the winter to remove the structure he placed by moving it across the ice to a space on the shoreline of Back Bay in April without a permit or lease of the lot.
Taking those two steps would've have prevented the order from the city to remove the building, the board stated in its ruling issued Friday.
Because of the potential ecological damage that would result from trying to transport it via land, he was given until Feb. 29 to move it.
At a June 11 board hearing, Decorby argued the extension is warranted because of the historical significance of the building, constructed in the 1940s by Joe Herriman who once owned Ragged Ass Mine, also known as Hidden Lake Mine.
The board acknowledged that argument, saying dismantling the building as the city ordered would wreck it.