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'Food for Fines' to help shelter

Ben Morgan
Northern News Services
Published Wednesday, July 02, 2008

SOMBA K'E/YELLOWKNIFE - Got any late library books gathering dust at home?

Now is the time to return those overdue books at no cost, except a donation of food.

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Library manager Deborah Bruser, left. and assistant Jocelyn Preece sort through donations received in the Yellowknife Public Library's Food for Fines Program. - Ben Morgan/NNSL photo

The Food for Fines amnesty period is underway at the Yellowknife Public Library.

No matter whether your late status is short or "historic," fines are being forgiven in exchange for non-perishable food items of an appropriate amount.

The donations will go to Alison McAteer House - a crisis shelter in Yellowknife is operated by the YWCA.

"We just wanted these fines to produce something good, in a meaningful way, that had a positive impact on the people who receive these donations," said library manager Deborah Bruser.

"It's our third time running the program."

The shelter offers a safe place for abused women and children to stay during their transition into new situations.

"The residence at Alison McAteer House are all fleeing from violence," said Diane Jamieson, a clinical support worker at the facility.

The centre also offers numerous support and counselling programs. Food donations from the library are included in the centre's "starter kits," offered to people at the centre as they move into new homes.

The amnesty event ends Saturday at closing time.