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Art group event attracts all ages

Alix McNaught
Northern News Services
Published Friday, June 20, 2008

SOMBA K'E/YELLOWKNIFE - The Yellowknife Watercolour Society's next workshop will be this weekend with guest artist Helena Nelson-Reed.

Workshops are a common event with the society, which held an exhibition at the Northern United Place auditorium June 14.

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Shawna Lampi-Legaree begins work on a pepper painting at Northern United Place June 14. - Alix McNaught/NNSL photo

Members' work was on display for the public, and Yellowknife's Thursday night figure drawing class also contributed work to the exhibit.

While the public perused the paintings, Shawna Lampi-Legaree, a member of the society's executive for 2008-09, was busy giving a watercolour painting demonstration.

"I was the driving force behind starting the group, because I wanted to learn watercolour," she said, beginning a light and colour-focused painting of green peppers.

"I'm a quilter; that's my love," said Lampi-Legaree, who is currently working on a politically-themed quilt.

A full-time artist, Lampi-Legaree had only ever done watercolour for four hours prior to starting the society.

"I love it," she said, adding that it was only this past December that she learned to have fun with the medium.

"And I'm really enjoying the group of people that have joined."

Intended for people of all ages and painting abilities, the Yellowknife Watercolour Society, which was established in 2006, holds monthly painting Saturdays and Monday meetings.

As part of these monthly meetings, members create quick, small painting studies, giving them something to take away from the meetings, Lampi-Legaree said.

Included among the exhibited works were paintings society members had produced from their out-of-town and local artist workshops, which taught them new techniques and styles. According to Lampi-Legaree, several learning opportunities with out of town artists are also planned for the next year.

Edmonton artist Gregg Johnson will be coming to Yellowknife in November to hold a three-day workshop, focusing upon painting old buildings.

As Lampi-Legaree noted, Yellowknife has plenty of those. Local artist Janice Daly will be taking society members around town, teaching them how to take reference pictures that they will later use for inspiration in Johnson's workshop.

According to Lampi-Legaree, new members are always welcome, no matter their skill level.