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Acting chief terminated from day job

Paul Bickford
Northern News Services
Published Monday, December 3, 2007

FORT RESOLUTION - The acting chief of Fort Resolution's Deninu Ku'e First Nation (DKFN) has lost his regular job because of time away working for the band.

Louis Balsillie went on unpaid leave from his job as town foreman with Deninoo Community Council to assume the paid acting chief's duties when DKFN council suspended Chief Bill Norn on July 27. Balsillie was sub-chief before Norn was suspended.

The acting chief explained he received approval for an unpaid leave for August, and would re-apply monthly.

"When September came, I was denied," he said, adding the decision was made by Tausia Lal, the council's senior administrative officer.

Balsillie said he attempted to meet with the council at its Sept. 5 meeting, but was denied. However, he said he spoke personally with several municipal councillors who told him not to worry about things.

"But now I'm worried," said Balsillie.

In a letter dated Nov. 20, Lal informed Balsillie he was being fired.

"Your leave without pay officially ended on August 29, 2007, and you were expected to return to your employment with the Deninoo Community Council on August 30, 2007," Lal wrote. "Your failure to return to your employment constitutes job abandonment."

When contacted, Lal declined to comment, noting it was a personnel matter.

Bess Ann McKay, the chair of the Deninoo Community Council, also declined to comment. Balsillie, who has children to support, said he "definitely" wants to return to his job once his duties with the DKFN are complete.

"You can't just throw it away," he said of his 18 years of service to the Deninoo Community Council.

The 47-year-old said he hopes to work for Deninoo Community Council for many more years.

Balsillie said he was never in any trouble at his regular job until he became acting chief.

"Some people next door don't feel I should be here and I don't know why," he said.

DKFN and Deninoo Community Council have office space in the same building.

Balsillie hopes to soon take the issue to the council members. He also may consult a lawyer over his dismissal.

Meanwhile, Balsillie noted a final resolution in the dispute with Chief Norn has not been reached. The acting chief would not comment further on the leadership dispute, other than to say it will be going to court, probably in the new year.