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Grapplers start new season

Dez Loreen
Northern News Services
Thursday, November 01, 2007

Inuvik - The Delta Demons wrestling group is hosting their second Jell-O fundraiser this Sunday afternoon.

Coach Steve Baryluk said the goopy wrestling will be a good way to start off their season.

NNSL photo

A group of young wrestlers from Sir Alexander Mackenzie School practise some wheelbarrow exercises before their first training earlier this week. The wresting club is hosting a JELL-O wrestling event this Sunday at the Sir Alex gym. - Dez Loreen/NNSL photos

"We've done Jell-O wrestling once while I've been coaching and we did it way back when I was in high school," he said.

"It's a really fun event."

Baryluk said the team has a generous donation of 30 pounds of Jell-O powder.

"We got the powder from a southern company that deals with NorthMart," said Baryluk.

In 2004, the same firm donated 20 pounds, which made 165 litres of the jiggly red treat.

"We're hoping to get 225 litres from this weekend," he said.

Baryluk expects to charge an admission of $3 and a canteen will also be selling treats.

The fun will start at Sir Alexander Mackenzie school gym at 3 p.m. on Sunday, Nov. 4.

During their first training session of the year earlier this week, Baryluk and fellow coaches Dave Halpine and Adam MacDonald led the kids through practice drills and games.

Baryluk said the team wants to attend a few southern meets this year in British Columbia, Edmonton and even a meet for the youngest wrestlers in Calgary.

"We have a big year planned," he said.

The Demons are broken into two groups, the juniors and seniors.

The juniors are from Sir Alexander Mackenzie school. They range from Grades 4 to 6.

The high school team has athletes from all grades.

Chelsea Elias has been on the team for a year. She is starting her second year.

"I came back because I knew it would be more fun with more people," she said.

Elias said she liked last year because of the events they held, such as clinics and mini-tournaments.

Elias said she is also looking forward to the weekend Jell-O event.

"I've never done it before, but I think it will be fun," said Elias.

Halpine said he is happy with the number of participants in the program this year.

"We're hoping to have a really organized and clean-cut season," he said.

"We're hoping to improve on our program from last year."

Halpine said that he hasn't been in any Jell-O matches before, but that doesn't mean he isn't ready for a challenge.

"I'm ready to get into that cold Jell-O and wrestle anyone willing to do the same," said Halpine.