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Pool busier than ever

Dez Loreen
Northern News Services
Thursday, July 19, 2007

TUKTOYAKTUK - The Northern Lights pool has been filled to capacity in recent weeks, reports summer co-ordinator Ava Baker.

"It's good, it's been really busy, we've even had to turn kids away," she said on July 16.

Baker added that the pool's two employees are taking courses and getting ready to take over operations Aug. 1.

Becky Steen is gaining her lifeguard certification in Yellowknife and Stacey Cockney is also gaining her Bronze Cross certification.

With the popularity of the pool rising and the Tuk swim team already having 20 members registered, Baker said the certifications would prove invaluable.

The Northern Lights pool is open afternoons starting at 1:30, and also offers swimming from 7:30 to 8 p.m. on weekdays.