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City fireworks fizzle

Jessica Klinkenberg
Northern News Services

Yellowknife (Jan 03/07) - A city-organized fireworks display to welcome in the New Year left viewers wondering whether there was a glitch or if City Hall was just being cheap, Sunday night.

After a few bursts had gone off above the designated viewing area behind Ruth Inch Pool, several hundred people stood there waiting, and then waited some more.

It wasn't until crews started packing up equipment on Frame Lake a few minutes later that everyone realized that the fireworks show was over.

"What a rip off," yelled some as they returned to their cars.

"I can do better fireworks in my backyard," shouted out another.

"It was pathetic," said Steve Beals, when asked what he thought a couple days later. "I do better fireworks myself."

Some residents assumed the shortened show, which several people estimated to have lasted between two and three minutes, was due to a technical error.

"We figured something went wrong," Inga Beers said.

"It was kind of unfortunate."

Jessica Page watched the fireworks from her house and said that she thought they were "maybe a bit short."

Grant White, director of Community Services, said the yearly fireworks show is expensive. This year's cost approximately $5,000, and about $1,000 a minute. The show usually takes months to prepare.

"It was a last minute opportunity that we came across," said White. The city had some leftover fireworks from Canada day. "We had a month's opportunity to prepare."

In previous years, a collaboration of Yellowknife businesses and service groups called First Night organized the show, but they no longer exist. This New Year's show was handled by a private contractor.

Mayor Gord Van Tighem said he would like to see First Night re-group.

"Hopefully, it's going to be yearly now," said Van Tighem.

White acknowledged that there was a bit of a technical error with the fireworks.

"Apparently that did happen, (a couple) misfired," said White.

Lynn Brooks, wife of city councillor Bob Brooks, shrugged off the shortened show.

"What can you do?" she asked.