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From Toronto to Inuvik

Dez Loreen
Northern News Services

Inuvik (Jan 19/07) - Joana Lehrer just joined the Inuvik Youth Centre crew and she wants to start the new year off right.

"I want to improve on the existing programs here and give some consistency for the youth," said Lehrer.

"It'll be good for the youth who want to confide in and trust someone."

Originally from Toronto, she has spent the last few years moving throughout Canada.

"I spent some time leading youth canoe trips in Ontario," said Lehrer.

She just finished her term in art school in Montreal and wanted a new challenge, which is why she moved to Inuvik.

"I didn't know too much about Inuvik before I came here, just what I read on the Internet and on maps," she said.

"I'm intrigued with aboriginal cultures, which is something I want to learn more about."

So far, Lehrer said her time in town has been unique.

"It's so dark here, I had some trouble navigating at night time," she said.

"I'm glad the sun is coming out soon."

Lehrer got a taste of Northern hospitality on her first day in town, on her way back from the library.

"I was walking out with my big jacket and winter gear, balancing some books I borrowed, when a woman came up behind me and offered a bag for me to use," said Lehrer.

"It was so nice, you'd never see that happen in Toronto."

She is also qualified with an emergency technician course and is looking to become active in the Inuvik volunteer fire department.

"I've never been involved with a fire department before, but I want to help," said Lehrer.