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Billboards on wheels

Jason Unrau
Northern News Services

Yellowknife (Jan 19/07) - City council is considering allowing businesses and non-profit agencies to use city buses as rolling billboards - for a price.

"(Interior) advertising is something we've done previously and that basically didn't go anywhere but now there's interest again," said Coun. Bob Brooks. "The one we're talking about now is where a company or non-profit might buy the whole bus (and) advertise all over it."

The cost to potential advertisers has not been determined but during Monday morning's Procedures, Policies and Budget committee meeting, some figures were considered.

According to Brooks, those looking to advertise on bus exteriors would have to commit to a 12-month contract in the $1750/month price range. "The 12 months is so we're not painting the buses every month," he added. "But nothing beyond that has been discussed in terms of price."

There are four buses in Yellowknife Transit System's fleet. The annual cost to operate public transit - including the Yellowknife Accessibility Transit System - is $783,000 and 35 per cent is recouped from fares.

In 2004, ridership was 133,000 and has been increasing steadily; 2005 saw 155,000 riders and projected 2006 numbers are expected to hit 166,000.

"I think it's quite a good idea as we subsidize our transit service pretty heavily," said Coun. Mark Heyck. "So any additional revenue the buses can generate, that's a good thing."

Providing discounts to not-for-profit organizations was also discussed but is not part of the current bylaw. However, this policy could be amended when the city examines its service fees in May.

"Maybe that's a policy to look at for all advertising," said Heyck.