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Council Briefs
Council pauses for plane crash victims

Peter Crnogorac
Northern News Services

Yellowknife (Jan 12/07) - Coun. David Wind read out the names of Albert Doctor, Jason Watt and Patrick Alexander at a council meeting on Monday at City Hall.

The three men died last week when the Cessna 185 they were in went down near Blachford Lake.

Councillors offered their sympathies to the men's families.

In other business Monday, Council voted unanimously for a drug-free zone to be located in the area around St. Patrick and Sir John Franklin high schools.

The area will be declared drug-free by putting up signs warning drug dealers to stay away.

The zone will be monitored by the Yellowknife Area Policing Advisory Committee. The RCMP will assist by doing random drive-bys of the zone.

Post Office a heritage site

Council passed a by-law to make the post office on Franklin Avenue a city heritage site on Monday.

The post office was built in the 1950s. Under its new heritage status, any changes to the building must be approved by a city committee.

Mayor Gord Van Tighem said he hopes someday the site may become a National Historical Site.

New police advisory committee member

Council unanimously passed a motion to appoint a new member to the Yellowknife Area Policing Advisory Committee during Monday's meeting.

The Yellowknives Dene First Nation asked council to have Cecilia Beaulieu replace Diane Betsina as their representative on the committee.

Contracts awarded

Council voted to award the contract for the 2007/08 Water and Sewer Program to Earth Tech Canada. The 2007/08 Water and Sewer program contract was given to FSC Architects and Engineers.