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United Way makes it easy

Christine Grimard
Northern News Services

Yellowknife (Dec 13/06) - The Yellowknife United Way has raised nearly $250,000 in the last four years, and board president Amy Lea said payroll deductions are becoming a popular way of contributing.

"It's a painless way of donating," she said. "It's gone before it's even in your bank account."

Norma Dean, executive director of the NWT Federal Council and a United Way donor, agreed that payroll deduction is an easy way to encourage people to donate.

"It just comes off your paycheque," said Dean. "As little as $1 a week and it still has an impact."

Dean added that contributing regularly to the United Way is an easy way to deal with the constant calls of charities asking for donations.

"When I get cold calls at home, I just tell them, 'I donate to the United Way, that's how I contribute.'"

Having raised $85,000 last year, Lea hopes to match that this year through payroll deductions and bulk contributions from fundraising events. Lea said the advantage of contributing to the United Way is that donors can choose which charities the money goes to.

Donors can also choose to contribute to the Community Investment Fund. Money from this fund goes to community programs such as the SideDoor Youth Centre and the Centre for Northern Families.

Since participants can choose their charities, Lea said most of the money stays in the community, with 99.25 per cent of the funds remaining in Yellowknife.

"Yellowknifers are very generous," said Lea.