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Council discusses public library options

Peter Crnogorac
Northern News Services

Yellowknife (Nov 24/06) - The city's 2007 draft budget has allocated $1.5 million to either renovate the existing public library or build new. Over the next few weeks council will decide on one of those two options.

"We have to get together with the new council and decide do you want a new library or just work on the old one," said Coun. Bob Brooks.

Under the 2007 draft budget, the existing library has funds allocated for renovations. For 2007, $451,000 is set aside with an additional $123,000 for 2008. Also for 2007, $18,000 is set in the draft to expand the public internet access at the existing library in Centre Square Mall. This involves 12 new computer workstations within the library.

The $451,000 is to go towards renovations of the existing library.

Also, the plan is to demolish a raised platform in the children's area.

The 2007 budget draft includes $935,000 for the first phase of Somba K'e Civic Plaza, which includes building of new library.

Councillor Paul Falvo said that council will have to decide which library to dump money into - the existing one, or a new one.

"It's a concern," he said about which library to choose.

"What do we do? Put money into the old one or build a new one. I'm committed to having a good library base in the city."

Council will be discussing all options in the draft budget over the next few weeks. Council will go through the 2007 budget on Dec. 14 and 15 and will vote on the actual budget soon after.