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Court condemns 'vigilante'

Jessica Gray
Northern News Services

Yellowknife (Sep 08/06) - A Yellowknife man who along with two friends beat a man in a park for pestering his mother, was sentenced to five months in jail this week.

Conrad Thrasher, 22, said he "just lost it" after the 36-year-old victim twice approached his mother in the downtown Somba K'e park Aug. 28. Territorial court Judge Robert Gorin called the attack an act of 'vigilantism' .

Gorin said the victim didn't deserve to be beaten, even though he may have been asking for trouble.

"Vigilantism has to be condemned, the courts are quite clear about that," said Gorin.

The victim suffered cuts and bruises to his face and arm and had at least one fractured rib from the attack.

Thrasher was handed five months in jail for the assault and a breach of probation.

A third charge of failing to appear in court was also handed out.

Gorin called the beating a "group attack."

Thrasher and two friends went after the man and punched him in the head, said Crown attorney Shannon Smallwood.

When the man fell to the ground, he was kicked a number of times in the head.

None of the others with Thrasher that night were identified.

Thrasher told the court, "I know what I did was wrong, but it hurt me so much, I just went after him."

Gorin said he took into account the early guilty plea and the fact Thrasher's criminal record had no other violence-related offenses.

Thrasher faces another assault charge and will be back in court in territorial court Sept. 19.