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Paintings still missing from hangar

Jessica Gray
Northern News Services

Yellowknife (Jul 07/06) - There are still no suspects in the ongoing investigation to find stolen art taken from the First Air cargo hangar next to the airport.

In an effort to find the art, First Air put out ads on NorthwesTel Cable's community Channel 6.

It is not clear how many paintings, created by former Northerner and renowned artist Graeme Shaw, were stolen.

They were stolen from the hangar sometime between 10 a.m. and 5 p.m. March 20, said RCMP Const. Colleen Werrell.

"There is nothing new. The case is still under investigation," said Werrell when asked about the case that is now more than three months old.

First Air vice-president of marketing and sales Jim Ballingall would not comment on which paintings were stolen, their value, or whether the company has hired anyone to look into the matter privately. Mike Olson, First Air's director of sales for the Western region, would not comment on the investigation either except to say, "Hopefully we'll get them back."

The police put the value of the paintings between $7,000 and $8,000.

At Birchwood Gallery, Shaw's paintings, done in watercolour or oil, sell for $170 to $8,335.

The gallery would not comment as the investigation is ongoing.