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Police Briefs
Quiet summer for bush parties

Northern News Services

Yellowknife (July 14/06) - Police say they have only responded to two calls about bush parties so far this summer, both of which were unsubstantiated.

"Not that there aren't parties happening, but we don't seem to be getting called," said Const. Colleen Werrell.

Bush parties are gatherings of people in remote areas that generally involve drinking and bonfires.

Popular places to host these parties are the sandpits on Hwy. 3, spots on the Vee Lake Road, at the end of Con Mine Road, the Yellowknife River and places around Jackfish Lake said Werrell.

Pepper spray misfire

Pepper spray had no affect on a 43-year-old man when police responded to a domestic dispute Sunday at 1:30 a.m.

After the spray canister misfired, the man had to be subdued with force and "fought quite a bit," said Const. Colleen Werrell.

The complaint, involving the man and a 34-year-old woman in the Frame Lake area, did not result in any serious injuries to the woman.

The man was eventually charged with assault.

Bikes abound

Police say they've had a lot of luck recovering stolen bicycles of late.

"The number of recovered bikes has increased from last year," said Const. Colleen Werrell.

There were around 50 bikes at the RCMP bike viewing last September, she said, but this June's viewing included about 100 bikes.

Since the viewing, there have been 20 more bikes dropped off at the RCMP station.

Attempted head-butt

A 28-year-old man was charged with assaulting a member of the police after he pushed an officer in the face and attempting a head-butt, July 5.

RCMP and municipal enforcement officers were responding to a noise complaint at Bison Hill Apartments when the incident occurred.

Police report the man was intoxicated at the time.

Chairs as weapons

A 45-year-old man was charged with assault with a weapon after attacking a 30-year-old woman using a chair.

The attack happened at a popular watering hole on 50th Street, July 4.

The victim sustained only minor injuries.