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The bottle baron

Dez Loreen
Northern News Services

Inuvik (Jun 30/06) - Aaron Giesbrecht is one of the few in town who can say he's packed more bottles than the recycling depot.

"It's always busy when you're the only outlet around," said the 26-year-old clerk at the Inuvik Liquor Store.

Long lines of customers and happy faces are common sights to Giesbrecht when he's on the job.

In 2004, he was offered a place to live by his father, who was here working.

"He called me and my brother up and invited us to see where he was from," explained Giesbrecht.

His first job in town was working as a stock boy at Stanton's grocery store.

"It was a great job, I liked it there. I started to pick up shifts at the liquor store to help them out as well," said Giesbrecht.

It was after an employee was let go from the liquor store that Giesbrecht was called up to work full-time.

"I took the offer to work at the liquor store and it's been fun ever since then," he said.

Because Inuvik has the only liquor store in the region, Giesbrecht claims to see a lot, if not all of the booze business.

"We make orders for the outlying communities and ship them what they want. Hotels, bars, they all come through here," said Giesbrecht.

"Everybody in the north gets their booze from here and if not... well then we don't ask."

In the everlasting battle between beer and hard liquors, Giesbrecht says no winner can be declared.

"We get good business for all the drinks we have here, if not, then the drink is taken from the shelf," he said.

A certain import beer is not found on the shelf any more but Giesbrecht explained it wasn't a choice of theirs.

"It wasn't selling too well in the south, so the supplier quit stocking it."

Meeting people is a part of his job that really appeals to him.

"It's great. I see new people all the time. Everyone wants to be my best friend," said Giesbrecht.

Strumming on the guitar is one of his interests and he also enjoys drawing.

"I learned to play guitar at 12-years-old, been doing it since," said Giesbrecht.

"I draw, sculpt, carve. Anything I can get my hands on and be creative with is fun for me."