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Post office 'staying put'

Jennifer Geens
Northern News Services

Yellowknife (Jun 21/06) - Yellowknife's downtown post office will not be moving in the foreseeable future.

Canada Post's lease expired in March, but John Caines, Canada Post's manager of national media relations, said a new lease had been signed, though he couldn't say for how long it was.

"The post office is staying put," he said.

Canada Post leases the first floor of the building, which is owned by the federal government. The building has been on a list of properties for disposal for "quite a while" said Anne Pratt with Public Works and Government Services Canada.

When a government building is put on the list, it is first offered to other government departments, and if there are no takers, it is eventually put to a public sale.

The department of Indian and Northern Affairs expressed interest last year in buying the building on behalf of the Akaitcho First Nations, but nothing has been done on that front.

Canada Post is still looking for a new location for the postal outlet that used to be at the Yk Co-op, but has yet to find a business willing to take it on.