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Garage fire destroys snowmobiles

Dez Loreen
Northern News Services

Inuvik (Apr 14/06) - A fire caused by ignited gasoline fumes cost a local man $80,000 in snowmachine racing equipment.

A fire was called in to the Inuvik volunteer fire department at 4:52 p.m. on April 5.

NNSL Photo/graphic

The Inuvik volunteer fire department spent two-and-a-half hours battling a fire on Navy Road Wednesday night. The fire was caused by ignited fuel fumes from snowmobiles. - photo courtesy of Al German

The location of the fire was in a small garage on Navy Road.

It was being used to fix snowmobiles.

Fire chief Al German said once the firefighters arrived at the scene, the blaze was already fully engaged.

"It was burning so hard, I could almost see through the top of the shed," said German.

Three people were in the shed when the gasoline fumes ignited, and all of them escaped in time, said German.

"They said their pants were on fire, but no one was injured."

German said the men were exchanging fuel from one machine to the next when the fire started. Four snowmachines, various electrical tools and equipment were destroyed in the shed, with an estimated cost of $80,000.

The owner of the shed was not at the site when the fire started and could not be reached for comment.