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Village council briefs
Staying informed

Roxanna Thompson
Northern News Services

Yellowknife (Mar 31/06) - Mayor Duncan Canvin said he is dedicated to publishing a monthly newsletter to keep residents of Fort Simpson informed about village council plans.

He distributed his first newsletter to councillors for feedback at Monday's special meeting.

"I think this is a dandy thing to stick out sometime this week," said Coun. Tom Wilson.

Coun. Ann McKee is concerned that people will view the information in the newsletters as promises, not as items that are planned.

"I'm just concerned about public perception," said McKee.

Council agreed that the newsletter should be distributed by mail.

Equal treatment A discussion about how to address a tender for sewage trucking led to a debate on how to provide equal sewage services for the residents of Fort Simpson.

Residents living off the island currently pay the same blended rate for water and sewer, but have to pay to have their sewer pumped.

"Do we want to go down this slippery slope," asked Mayor Duncan Canvin about contracts for sewers.

"The issue before us is people off island are paying for a service they don't get," said Coun. David Wright.

A number of possibilities were discussed. Coun. Bruce Thomas suggested that council consider buying a vacuum truck and hiring someone to run it.

Council agreed to seek out more information on the costs involved before making a decision.

Voting rights

Council is trying to pass a by-law to amend the current rules governing village council votes.

The changes will allow councillors to abstain from voting and not have their decision counted as a vote against a motion. Also, the mayor will not vote unless there is a tie, or a special resolution is required.

Coun. Bob Hanna disagreed with allowing abstentions to be neutral.

"Abstention encourages people to sit on the fence," said Hanna.

Coun. Tom Wilson agreed. He said it could reach a point where only two or three people vote on an issue.

To follow the rules of order, councillors have to be able to abstain, said Coun. Dave Wright.

Coun. Hanna and Wilson voted against the changes. The third reading of the by-law will be put forward at the next meeting.

Recognizing volunteers With National Volunteer Week coming up April 23-29, village council is discussing plans about how to celebrate.

Coun. Tom Wilson noted that in the past a group or an individual had been singled out for recognition.

"There are tons of volunteers in the community and we should celebrate them all," said Coun. Ann McKee.

Mayor Duncan Canvin and Coun. McKee agreed to work together to de