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Council briefs
Let’s get ready to ruuumble!

Andrew Raven
Northern News Services

Yellowknife (Mar 31/06) - What promoters are calling the first prize fight in Yellowknife history is “on” after councillors gave final approval Monday for a local boxing commission.

“It’s rock and roll,” said promoter Garry Hubert. “This will be a historical, historical evening.”

The May 20 event will feature 11 bouts, including a championship fight showcasing Jelena Mrdjenovich, the Hay River native with two world women’s title belts. Several local amateurs will be on the undercard.

But councillors had to first form a boxing commission that would sanction the fight - a provision of the Criminal Code of Canada that separates the sport from illegal brawls.

City Hall doles out dough

City council approved $100,000 in funding Monday for various community groups, to the chagrin of some councillors who felt City Hall was overstepping its mandate.

Topping the so-called “Special Grants” list was the Yellowknife International Air Show, which received $15,000. The bi-annual event was followed by St. John’s Ambulance and the Yellowknife Community Wellness Organization - a social welfare group - which each received $11,500.

A committee of councillors and citizens whittled down nearly $300,000 worth of requests to come up with a final list, which was approved by a 5-1 vote Monday evening.

But some members questioned the spending, saying City Hall should not fund social welfare agencies that fall under the umbrella of the territorial government.

“We need to completely re-evaluate the plan,” said Coun. Doug Witty. “This money should be used as seed money to give the community value.”

Other councillors contended that is exactly what the grants do. “For a very little bit of money (these groups) bring a huge amount of volunteer power. This is probably the best value for our money in the entire budget,” said Bob Brooks, who sat on the committee.

Other grant recipients include The Yellowknife Gymnastic Club ($8,000), Folk on the Rocks ($5,000), Funkfest Yk ($5,000) and the Yellowknife Dog Trotters Association ($4,000).